adjective as in appropriate
adjective as in favorite
adjective as in missed
Weak matches
adjective as in proper
adjective as in requested
Strongest match
adjective as in urged
adjective as in welcome
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
It desired another chance at 30 years with deep, magical, encompassing love.
For example, he said, the treatment plan for women who have a desired pregnancy but need a termination for medical reasons is now far less clear.
I sat, contemplating my choice — what I could live without to acquire the one thing I most desired.
This ability to “print” the exact molecular structure of the desired odorant does seem like a significant advance in the reproducibility of scent.
“The FCC lacks the statutory authority to impose its desired net-neutrality policies,” the judges wrote, overturning what they called the Federal Communication Commission’s “heavy-handed regulatory regime.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.