Example Sentences
The causes of the difference of our species have been the subject of as great a discrepance in opinion.
With such a discrepance of opinion, we cannot be surprised at this anxiety to impugn the doctrine of those practitioners who maintain, that contagion is not to be dreaded, and that severe sanitary precautions are therefore vexatious and oppressive.
A group of strata having the same general lithological characters throughout may be marked by a great discrepance between the fossils above and below a certain line.
Nay, God knows it is not so, and this will not explain the apparent discrepance.
The same sort of discrepance which exists between Columna and Merula’s arrangement of the Annals, appears in the collocation of the Tragic Fragments adopted by Columna, and that which has been preferred by Delrio, in his Syntagma Tragœdiæ Latinæ.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.