noun as in amusement, pleasure
Strong matches
ball, bash, blast, celebration, cheer, clambake, delight, dissipation, distraction, diversion, enjoyment, feast, frolic, fun, gaiety, game, grins, laughs, merriment, merrymaking, party, pastime, picnic, play, recreation, relaxation, relief, revelry, satisfaction, shindig, sport, spree, surprise, treat
Weak matches
big-time, blowout, divertissement, fun and games, good time, high time, leisure activity, lots of laughs, regalement, wingding
Example Sentences
Mark Turner, an entertainment industry tech consultant, made several trips back to the house to watch over it and gather belongings.
But the total carnage has galvanized some members of the entertainment industry to step in to aid those who tragically lost their homes to the natural disaster.
The person claimed to represent a major Thai entertainment company, according to Thai police.
Now, as raging fires have halted film and TV production in Southern California and many in the industry have lost homes, she’s terrified that the entertainment business will be set back yet again.
What were the parallels that you saw with your experience in the entertainment industry?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.