good behavior
noun as in courtesy
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in etiquette
noun as in mannerliness
Weak matches
- address
- affability
- amenities
- amiability
- attentiveness
- ceremony
- chivalry
- civility
- comity
- complaisance
- consideration
- cordiality
- courteousness
- courtliness
- cultivation
- culture
- deference
- elegance
- familiarity
- favor
- friendliness
- gallantness
- gallantry
- generosity
- geniality
- genteelness
- gentility
- gentleness
- good breeding
- graciousness
- indulgence
- kindness
- polish
- politeness
- politesse
- refinement
- respect
- reverence
- solicitude
- suavity
- sympathy
- tact
- thoughtfulness
- urbanity
noun as in politesse
Strong matches
- address
- affability
- amenities
- amiability
- attentiveness
- ceremony
- chivalry
- civility
- comity
- complaisance
- consideration
- cordiality
- courtliness
- cultivation
- culture
- deference
- elegance
- familiarity
- favor
- friendliness
- gallantry
- generosity
- geniality
- genteelness
- gentility
- gentleness
- graciousness
- indulgence
- kindness
- polish
- politeness
- refinement
- respect
- reverence
- solicitude
- suavity
- sympathy
- tact
- thoughtfulness
- urbanity
noun as in propriety
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in p's and q's
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The lawsuit questions the legality of the ballot measure, which allows prisoners to earn early release through good behavior credits, and alleges that it has given prison officials “unchecked power” to shorten sentences for even violent felons against the intentions of voters who approved it nearly a decade ago.
He also co-starred in Showtime’s “Rust,” the CW’s “Dynasty” and TNT’s “Good Behavior” and “Shots Fired.”
There is also some intriguing early evidence that employees might learn from and emulate a leader's bad behavior more than they replicate their good behavior.
There are no limits to the faith that modeling good behavior will cause Republicans to shape up, apparently.
He was sentenced to 10 years in prison but was released in 2011 based on the time he’d served in county jail and good behavior.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.