adjective as in nearby
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adjective as in easy to use
Example Sentences
Studies have found the Welsh accent to be the most trustworthy and while that didn't help Welsh native Elen who was banished second, it certainly came in handy for Charlotte.
This handy online timer tool inspired by said technique will automatically mete out your work sprints and build in breaks.
And here’s another expert take that might come in handy while listening to Trump’s inaugural address Monday, should he resort to talk of “American carnage” as he did four years ago.
And yet, the response has been one of compassion, generosity and resilience, she said — all of which will come in handy in the days to come.
It will also come in handy in Chandrayaan-4 - India's next mission to the Moon which will aim to collect and bring back lunar soil samples, she adds.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.