keep at bay
verb as in fight back/fight off
verb as in rebuff
Strongest matches
verb as in repel
Strong matches
Example Sentences
And as those behind it move aside, how will al-Sharaa keep at bay any other criminals waiting in the wings to replace them?
Having an extra-thick uterine lining, as is the case in humans, helps the female body keep at bay the tentacle-like villi of the invasive human placenta should pregnancy occur.
It’s been delivering blowout profits to keep at bay criticism that investors have become overzealous about the prospects for AI.
Modern-day cockroaches are tough to keep at bay because they evolve quickly to resist pesticides, according to study author Qian Tang, a postdoctoral researcher studying insects at Harvard University.
These vaults know what parts of your face get more of your budget, what ailments you keep at bay, and essentially, they are the keepers of the secret recipes that transform the damp, undignified mess that leaks out of your bed each morning into the version you present to the world.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.