verb as in understand information
Strongest matches
appreciate, experience, have, learn, notice, perceive, realize, recognize, see
Strong matches
apperceive, apprehend, cognize, comprehend, differentiate, discern, discriminate, distinguish, fathom, grasp, ken, prize, undergo
verb as in be familiar with
Strongest matches
Weak matches
be acquainted with, be friends with, get acquainted, have dealings with
Example Sentences
“What is insured is the structure itself, not the land, you know, and not the value,” Odigie said.
They argued he later changed his mind and that ultimately he knew the decision would end his daughter's life, as did 63-year-old leader Brendan Stevens.
It can reach the point where people don't know when they need to eat or drink.
Doctors had diagnosed her with aplastic anaemia, also known as bone marrow failure, where the body stops producing enough blood cells.
After morning break, Mrs Curtis is putting together a grab bag for an eight-year-old pupil whose mum rang the school earlier to let them know they've had to leave their home in a hurry.
When To Use
What are other ways to say know?
To know something is to be aware of it as a fact or truth: He knows the basic facts of the subject. I know that he agrees with me. To comprehend is to know something thoroughly and to perceive its relationships to certain other ideas, facts, etc. To understand is to be fully aware not only of the meaning of something but also of its implications: I could comprehend all he said, but did not understand that he was joking.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.