adverb as in indolently
Strongest matches
Weak match
Example Sentences
The Imperial Valley is not living through a left-versus-right war, a storyline far too easy and convenient for pundits to resist as they lazily view our region as a political novelty.
The route: Start your day by perambulating lazily around the historic Dory Fleet Market, checking out the crab and seafood offerings.
That gave the Dodgers a one-run lead that increased an inning later after Machado lazily uncorked a wild throw to first that led to another Dodgers run.
By now it’s old hat that Che is going to throw in some jokes that are only funny because they’re so lazily offensive that it’s shocking someone would tell them on TV in 2024.
In the hills of Elysian Heights, among the blond weeds, a quintet of goats graze lazily, munching on seemingly anything in their path.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.