noun as in doggy bag
Weak matches
noun as in leavings
noun as in oddment
Strongest match
Strong matches
noun as in odds and ends
Weak matches
- assortment
- bits
- bits and pieces
- debris
- etcetera
- hodgepodge
- jumble
- knickknacks
- leavings
- litter
- medley
- mélange
- melee
- miscellaneous paraphernalia
- miscellany
- mishmash
- mixed bag
- motley
- notions
- novelties
- oddments
- olio
- particles
- patchwork
- potpourri
- rags
- refuse
- remainder
- remains
- remnants
- rest
- rubbish
- rummage
- scraps
- sundries
- sundry items
- this and that
noun as in remains
noun as in remnant
noun as in residue
noun as in rest
noun as in sundries
Strong matches
Example Sentences
What’s more, those synthetic fertilizers take a lot of fossil fuels to manufacture, and the leftovers run off into waterways, ultimately causing problems like algal blooms that deplete and kill aquatic life far afield.
I found success by planning just three dinners a week and leaving the rest flexible for leftovers or low-effort meals.
Yet for me, leftovers have never been a source of shame.
She also suggests encouraging guests to bring reusable containers for leftovers.
My middle child’s preschool puts reusable containers out at the end of each day and parents are encouraged to take leftovers from lunchtime home with them and return the containers the following morning.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.