not think of
verb as in decline
Example Sentences
He told cheering fans he "could not think of a better place to start" his goodbye, while stating his intention to "win the Royal Rumble" event in February.
"When they rushed me to the hospital, I could not think of anything but my brothers. I cried so much."
When you’re young and healthy, you might not think of the types of additional protections you need as unmarried partners.
But in her interviews, she often appeared uncomfortable and unwilling to go off message, famously saying in a friendly interview on “The View” that she could not think of anything she would have done differently than Biden.
"Since the violent break-in and shouts of 'where’s Nancy?' two years ago, not a day goes by that we do not think of this devastating assault, its trauma — or the possibility of future attacks," the family said.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.