relied on
adjective as in natural
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Example Sentences
On the night of the fire, Shurney was helping to care for her mother, who had suffered a stroke and relied on several medical devices to feed her and assist with her breathing.
Big Tech companies, which had previously moderated Trump or content he favored, now faced a president who could potentially push for regulations, increased taxes, or the cancelation of government contracts they relied on.
Because of the company’s size and market dominance, Tesla could actually benefit from decreased competition from manufacturers who relied on the credit to increase sales.
Instead, they relied on an older system that sent messages to a smaller number of landlines and cellphone numbers voluntarily submitted by residents.
“Neolithic societies relied on the sun for the successful growth of their crops and thus for the continued prosperity of the families dependent upon each harvest,” the authors write.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.