rubber band
noun as in elastic band
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The trio then committed to a measured training routine, which began with Devi using a rubber band or TheraBand instead of a bow, to aim at targets placed at just a 5m distance.
Originated and distilled in the city, its strong taste — with notes of rubber bands, licorice and grapefruit — makes it something of a rite passage among local drinkers.
He bursts through the door, holding a cross made of forks, spoons, and rubber bands like a shield.
In another she found a pencil, along with some paper clips, rubber bands, and a tube of strawberry-scented lip gloss.
“I don’t believe a hamster can shoot a rubber band,” she said sternly.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.