steer clear
verb as in spurn
Example Sentences
The main arcs mostly steer clear of this version of exoticizing, even in this subplot, by focusing on a couple of grudging vacation buddies who brought their younger halves to Asia with them, Rick being one.
Access to part of a beach has been closed off after a "fairly major" cliff fall and walkers have been warned to steer clear of the area in case it happens again.
Posting on Facebook, North Norfolk District Council said coastal engineers had visited the site, adding: "Walkers are advised to steer clear as there may be more activity over the weekend."
Until the announcement this week, the taxis had been programmed to steer clear of highways and freeways within the city.
Do not drive unless your journey is unavoidable, and steer clear of flooded or exposed routes such as bridges or high open roads.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.