adjective as in appropriate, acceptable
Strongest matches
advisable, applicable, apt, convenient, correct, fitting, good, good enough, handy, proper, reasonable, relevant, satisfactory, sufficient, suited, useful
Weak matches
apposite, becoming, befitting, commodious, condign, copacetic, cut out for, deserved, due, expedient, felicitous, fit, happy, in character, in keeping, just, kosher, legit, meet, merited, nice, okay, opportune, peachy, pertinent, politic, presentable, requisite, right, righteous, rightful, seemly, swell, up to snuff, user friendly
Example Sentences
If the body’s jaws and teeth aren’t suitable for comparison, pathologists will take a DNA sample from the body’s organs or blood.
"He would need a media strategy to deal with the issue at the outset, or risk being dogged by endless questions about whether he is a suitable role model."
A suitable liver became available from a teenage boy who had a brain tumour.
With no suitable care for them in the community, it meant they remained in beds preventing other sick people from being admitted to hospital wards.
But by November 2024, he had not been given a suitable place and his mother said she had spent about £10,000 on alternative support in that time.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.