to remember
verb as in bear in mind
verb as in call to mind
Example Sentences
One thing to remember Lamb said is that the components of the pollutants, including ash, will settle on the ground and can be aerosolized again when disturbed as part of the cleanup efforts.
She said there should be a way for them to remember their children in a positive light.
“I encourage workers to ask themselves, ‘Why is leadership so friendly, out of nowhere?’” she said, and to remember that snacks cannot make up for a lack of living wages and adequate health care.
He has supported efforts to remember the Holocaust - including in 2022 commissioning portraits of seven Holocaust survivors, including Mr Goldberg, in a tribute to the passing generation.
Where it rhymes, inevitability is close at hand, reminding us that, as Santayana observed, we are condemned to repeat the past we fail to remember.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.