adjective as in bombed
adjective as in boozed
adjective as in boozy
adjective as in crapulent
adjective as in crapulous
adjective as in crocked
Example Sentences
The Capitol was vandalized and trashed and rioters beat police over the head with American flags.
She encounters elves fixing the trashed house, models playing Twister in high heels, Jesus opening a fridge to check for food and a woman destroying a Christmas tree with garden shears.
Unsurprisingly, the birds trashed the room, leaving tour manager John Courage to remove them posthaste.
Whatever the extent of contacts, Moscow is bound to prefer Georgian Dream, who have within a short period trashed Georgia’s links with the EU and US, to a passionately pro-Western opposition.
Finally, engineering Trump’s Senate acquittal after the House impeached him for inciting an insurrection that trashed the Capitol McConnell professes to revere.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.