noun as in biography
noun as in memoir
noun as in profile
Example Sentences
I am fortunate to be living la dolce vita here in Italy — which happens to include a genuine concern for the well being of its citizens.
Vita is halted by industry roadblocks and her film is constantly beset by personal difficulties, while Anker’s candid screenplay layers fiction and fact to transform the movie into an empowering artistic manifesto.
In her high-rise Kyiv apartment, Vita Vigul, an entrepreneur, showed how she and her husband had prepared for winter: rechargeable LED lighting strips, a propane-fueled hot plate, a a small pellet stove in case the city’s central heating system, the largest in Europe, stops functioning.
Vila Vita Parc— For a truly magical day on the water, consider booking a yacht trip at the coastal resort Vila Vita Parc.
The Exotikon Super Shock Show will include a performance by world-class magician Rob Zabrecky, spooky-themed live music by Ghouly Gal and Jimmy Psycho and the Infernal Order of the Black Flame, and burlesque performances featuring Emma Vauxdevil and Vita Devoid.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.