adjective as in fruitful
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Tory shadow finance minister Peter Fox also called for a "root and branch review so that taxpayers' money is well-spent and efficiently allocated".
“I think it is great that she did the interview with Fox, and I think that it was amazing that you were the interviewer. I think that was an incredible 30 minutes well-spent by both of you,” Perino said, before calling Harris’ answers, such as they could be with someone prattling over her, “thin.”
Siskel and Ebert’s repartee on the latest movies helped consumers decide whether plunking down their hard-earned dollars at their neighborhood box office would be money well-spent.
He said the question must be asked if the time it has taken to get to this point has been well-spent for all parties involved.
“It also needs some metrics and accountability to make sure the money is well-spent.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.