Biomedical Learning and Student Training (BLaST)


Building the Alaska BLaST Program

Our BUILD-funded Biomedical Learning and Student Training (BLaST) program enhances the capacity for undergraduate biomedical research training and increases participation and engagement of students in pursuit of biomedical research careers.

Every facet of the United States scientific research enterprise—from basic laboratory research to clinical and translational research to policy formation–requires superior intellect, creativity and a wide range of skill sets and viewpoints. NIH’s ability to help ensure that the nation remains a global leader in scientific discovery and innovation is dependent upon a pool of highly talented scientists who will help to further biomedical research. 

Research shows that scientists and trainees working together and capitalizing on unique ideas and perspectives can bring innovative approaches, creativity, and individual enterprise to address complex scientific problems. There are many benefits that flow from an NIH-supported scientific workforce, including: fostering scientific innovation, enhancing global competitiveness, contributing to robust learning environments, improving the quality of the researchers, and enhancing public trust.


Five BLaST graduates
Photo provided by Nikola Nikolic
BLaST Scholar graduates at the 2024 UAF Graduation Ceremony, Fairbanks, Alaska, May 2024. Back: Michael Martins, Christian Bolton, Gabriel Miller. Front: Kai Victorino and BLaST RAMP Nikola Nikolic. Congratulations on your graduation!

Current Scientist of the Month

BLaST Scientist of the Month Grace Veenstra


Spring 2025 Undergraduate Research Experience URE Students have been selected. Our URE current student page is updated so you can check out who is conducting cool and awesome research! 



Medicine based on the application of the principles of the natural sciences and especially biology. Biomedicine is also the application of the principles of the natural sciences, especially biology, to clinical medicine or public health.
The customary and traditional harvest, processing, and use of wild resources for food, raw materials, tools, and other purposes have provided for the cultural, spiritual, physical, and economic survival of Alaska Native peoples for over ten thousand years. The Alutiiq, Unangan, Ahtna, Deg Hit’an, Dena'ina, Gwich’in, Han, Holikachuk, Koyukon, Lower Tanana, Tanacross, Upper Tanana, Upper Kuskokwim, Eyak, Haida, Inupiat, Tlingit, Tsimshian, Yupik, and Siberian Yupik nations are the first peoples of Alaska. Upon arrival, over the past couple of centuries, many Euro-Americans have also adopted aspects of these subsistence practices, especially in rural Alaska.
One Health emphasizes that human, animal and environmental health are inextricably linked, and it promotes a strategy for expanding interdisciplinary collaborations and communications to attain optimal health for all. Join us at the One Health Seminars to hear speakers present their research on Mondays from 4-5pm held at the Murie Auditorium - UAF. One Health is also now a separate department, and you can find their information here