Work as an Uber driver
Would you like to work as a rideshare driver or taxi driver?
We are looking for a wide variety of rideshare and taxi drivers. Choose the one that best fits your needs and lifestyle.
For more information about being a rideshare driver at one of Uber’s affiliated taxi companies, go here.
For taxi and hire car companies
If you have questions about Uber Taxi or would like to consult about partnering with Uber, please contact us using the following link.
For individual taxi business owners
Download Uber’s Driver app and create your account.
For any other inquiries, please contact us using the link below.
The Driver app
Easy to use and reliable, the app was built for drivers, with drivers. It shows you everything you need to know to become a driver with Uber.
Drive your way in the app
Drive your way in the app
Frequently asked questions
- How does working at a taxi/limo company using Uber compare with other taxi driver jobs?
Using Uber, you may be able to make more money compared with working for traditional taxi companies, which do not use Uber. Plus, the amount of money you earn does not depend on your previous taxi driving experience.
- What will my riders, who I was matched with through Uber, expect me to do?
Down Small As a taxi driver using Uber, you’ll have plenty of resources to help you understand how to use the app. The app has many convenient features, such as providing riders important information and contacting riders.
- After I’ve taken a trip, how can I find out how much I’ll get paid?
Down Small We make it as easy as possible for you to track your earnings from riders. Whether you’re driving a taxi or delivering, the app offers helpful tools. A monetary amount at the top of your screen will show your earnings. Look for resources in the app to give you more information about seeing your real-time totals and details.
- Is the Uber platform safe?
Down Small Your safety matters to us. Uber has a global Safety team dedicated to doing our part to help prevent incidents. Learn more about the safety features in the app, as well as safeguards such as GPS tracking, Emergency Button, and phone number anonymization, by visiting the link below.
Certain requirements and features vary by country, region, and city.
Opportunities by city