Modern & Classical Languages
Hoyt Hall 126
Dept. 3603
1000 E. University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4176
Fax: 307-766-2727
Here are some of the scholarships, funds, and events that your contribution can support:
Kevin S. Larsen Memorial Fund
Awards are for the benefit of the faculty and students of the Department of Modern & Classical Languages, as well as support for symposia, outreach, or other academic expenses.
World Languages Day Fund
Funds cover costs needed to benefit of secondary school students throughout Wyoming during the annual World Languages Day, the State Championship of World Languages for Wyoming.
James R. Burman (BS'75) Memorial Language Scholarship
Available to students of Russian and secondarily to German, Spanish or French (in that order).
Siren Memorial Scholarship
Available to undergraduate and graduate students in French or German, and History (preferably Wyoming residents). There are two awards annually, one in History and one to a student in French or German (German in odd-numbered years; French in even-numbered years).
Robert J and Vivian R Geer Scholarship
Used for scholarship grants to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in English and MCL. The award shall alternate between the two departments on an annual basis. In the event that the distributions become large enough to support two or more awards of at least $1000 each in a given year, then the distributions shall not alternate between the two departments but instead shall be divided equally between English and MCL.
Mueller-Hanson German Scholarship
The endowed scholarship is awarded annually to an outstanding undergraduate German major; selection is by the German section in the department. The scholarship consists of an award -- with size dependent on the interest from the endowment -- toward tuition, spread over two semesters.
Goode Family Excellence Scholarship
Scholarships from the Goode Family Excellence Fund are available to students with a minor in any foreign language and a major in the sciences or business. To be eligible, a student should have a GPA of 3.0 or better and must have completed at least 6 hours in a declared minor in a foreign language. The scholarship will provide the equivalent of in-state tuition for up to the next 6 hours of course work in the minor.
Make a gift online using your credit card through the university’s secure online giving site.
Go to the Foundation.
Select the amount you would like to give.
In the Gift section, click what type of gift it is.
Click under Gift Designation(s) to retrieve the list.
In the pop-up box, choose a designation or "Other Fund Not Listed."
Click Continue.
If "Other Fund Not Listed," enter your designation in the box below.
Continue filling out the form as directed.
By Phone
To give by phone with your credit or debit card, call the University of Wyoming Foundation during normal business hours at (307) 766-6300 or toll-free (888) 831-7795.
By Mail
Please make your check payable to the University of Wyoming Foundation and indicate where you would like the funds to be applied (your designation).
University of Wyoming Foundation
Marian H. Rochelle Gateway Center
222 South 22nd Street
Laramie, Wyoming 82070-5204
By giving a gift to the Department of Modern and Classical Languages at the University of Wyoming, you are supporting our Department's mission to help students connect with different people, cultures, and professions across the globe. Your gift to the Department of Modern and Classical Languages will provide opportunities for UW students to expand their cultural horizons and keep pace with a world that depends on cultural interactions. A gift to MCL is a gift of future success.
Contact the department at (307) 766-4176 or You can also contact the UW Foundation at (307) 766-6300 or
Modern & Classical Languages
Hoyt Hall 126
Dept. 3603
1000 E. University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4176
Fax: 307-766-2727