The Center for Biogenic Natural Gas Research has been awarded the following grants
and patents.
Grant Awards
Awarded grants total several million dollars in extramural funding.
- Proposal for Clean Coal Technology Research, Clean Coal Task Force, Wyoming ENergy Resources Council, University of Wyoming School
of Energy Resources
- Enhanced Production of Biogenic Natural Gas from Coal, University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources Matching Grant Fund
- Comprehensive Investigation of the Biogeochemical Factors Enhancing Microbially Generated
Methane in Coal Beds, Research Partnership to SEcure Energy for America (RPSEA) Unconventional onshore Program,
Colorado School of Mines, United States Geological Survey, University of Wyoming
- Sustained Biogenic Production of Coal-Bed Methane, University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources Consortium Seed Money Request
- Liquid and Gas Transport in Subbituminous Coals: The Effects of Bubble Nucleation,
Growth, and Competitive Adsorption/Desorption, University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources Graduate Assistantship
- Sustained Biogenic Production of Coal-Bed Methane: Microbial Production of Hydrogen
and Acetate, University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources Graduate Assistantship
- Identification of Proteins in Methane Producing Bacteria: Enhanced Secondary Biogenic
Methane Production in Coalbed Methane Deposits, University of Wyoming Faculty Grant-in-aid Program
The following patent has been awarded.
- Method for Converting Coal to Biogenic Methane. Patent No.: US 7,556,094 B1, Date
of Patent: July 7, 2009