The purpose of the Vassar College Athletics Hall of Fame shall be to honor former student-athletes, employees, and friends of the program for outstanding contributions to Vassar athletics and for making a positive impact on their community, their profession and/or their alma mater. In doing so, honorees should reflect the philosophy and mission statement of Vassar College along with the ideals of sportsmanship. In addition, outstanding teams whose records of achievement have brought honor to the College and its programs shall be honored.
Nominees are being accepted in the following three categories:
- Alums who have participated on an athletic team while pursuing a Vassar College degree and who have completed their college athletic career at least ten (10) years prior to the year of election.
- College employees and/or other individuals who have made a significant contribution to Vassar athletics. College employees shall be eligible five (5) years after the date of their employment by the College has ended.
- Teams who have brought recognition and honor to the College by their significant achievement shall be eligible ten (10) years after the date of their achievement.
The committee shall consist of the following members:
- Director of Athletics and Physical Education (The Director of Athletics and Physical Education shall be the chairperson of the group)
- Deputy Director of Athletics
- Director of Athletic Communications
- Director of Affinity Engagement
- Associate Director of Leadership Gifts and Athletics Initiatives
- A current or former member of the AAVC (Alumnae/i Association of Vassar College) Board
- Faculty Athletics Representative
- Two alum-athletes
- Three members of the current coaching staff, one from men's sports, one from women's sports, and one that represents a combined men's and women's program.
To submit a nomination for the inaugural induction class, please complete the nomination form below that corresponds with the category for which you are nominating an individual:
Student-Athlete Alum (Use this form to nominate a Student-Athlete Alum)
College Employee/Other Individual (Use this form to nominate a former college employee/other individual who has made a significant contribution to the College)
Team (Use this form to nominate a team for outstanding performance in a single season)
*Please include as much supporting information as possible with your nomination in order to enhance your candidate's chances. Any supporting letters and media clippings can be emailed to athleticcomms@vassar.edu or mailed to the Athletic Communications Office (Vassar College - 124 Raymond Ave., Box 750, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604)*