WBEZ’s Reset with Sasha-Ann Simons is your forum for the Chicago conversation.
We bring context to the latest local news with journalists, experts and newsmakers. And we cover a wide variety of beats from State and City Politics to Arts and Culture to the Environment. Every Tuesday, we talk Health and Wellness. Every Thursday, it’s Food and Music. We’re on the latest news stories throughout the week and on Fridays in our Weekly News Recap.
Reset really is your forum. We love to work your voice and ideas into the show. To leave a suggestion, news tip or feedback, leave us a voicemail at 888-915-9945 or email us at reset@wbez.org.
If you’re a local listener, join us live on the radio weekdays from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. CT on 91.5 FM WBEZ. You can also listen from anywhere live or on delay online and on the WBEZ app.
Not much of a radio listener? We’re working hard to meet folks where they like to read, watch and listen to news, culture and conversation.
You can find Reset on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, X, Facebook and our podcast.
We’ve also got a great daily newsletter that hits your inbox at 10:30 a.m. every weekday. Sign up here!