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Solve the blinking issue on Acer with Windows 10 or 11
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Is your laptop screen suddenly flickering? If your monitor blinks or goes black, this may indicate a problem with your drivers or hardware. Luckily, there are a few easy fixes you can try. Here's how to troubleshoot a flickering Acer screen with expert tips from Computer Services & Data Specialist Ken Colburn.

Why Is My Acer Laptop Screen Glitching?

Your Acer laptop monitor may flicker if you have an outdated driver, a hardware issue, or a malfunctioning application. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to open the Task Manager. If the Task Manager flickers by itself, update your drivers, change the refresh rate, and check your cables.

Section 3 of 3:

Fixing the Flickering

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  1. A higher refresh rate can reduce motion blur and improve visual appearance. However, if your device can't handle the refresh rate, it may cause the screen to flicker.[1] To change it, do the following:
    • Right-click an empty area on the desktop.
    • Click Display settings.
    • Click Advanced display settings.
    • In the top drop-down menu, select Display 1.
    • Click the Refresh rate drop-down menu and select a lower refresh rate.
      • Colburn advises to set the refresh rate at 60 hz for most devices.
  2. If your screen is flickering, your display drivers could be corrupted. You can roll back the driver to a previous version, update it to the newest version, or uninstall it completely.
    • Type "device manager" into the Start menu.
    • Click Device Manager.
    • Click the down-arrow next to Display adapters.
    • Right-click your graphics card.
    • Click Properties.
    • Click the Drivers tab.
    • To roll back, click Roll Back Driver.
    • To update, click Update Driver.
    • To uninstall, click Uninstall device.
  3. This goes for the HDMI or DisplayPort cable on your monitor and the power cable. If they're plugged into the right ports, you may have a faulty cable. In this case, try a new cable.
  4. If you downloaded a new app recently, it may be causing your screen to flicker. You can choose to update it first, but if you're still experiencing issues, you can uninstall it.
    • To update an app, check the Microsoft Store or the app's official website.
    • To uninstall an app, do the following:
      • Type "apps & features" into the Start menu.
      • Click Apps & features.
      • Click the app.
      • Click Uninstall.
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Ken Colburn
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Consumer Electronics Expert
This article was co-authored by Ken Colburn and by wikiHow staff writer, Rain Kengly. Ken Colburn is a Consumer Electronics Expert and the Founder & CEO of Data Doctors Computer Services. With more than 34 years of experience, he specializes in computer checkups and repairs, data recovery, and teaching others about technology. Ken also provides one-minute tech tips through his broadcast, Data Doctors Tech Tips. This article has been viewed 9,893 times.
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Updated: September 21, 2024
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