The condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling visibly in separate drops
“The procession reached the Jubilee Field just as a brief shower of rain fell.”
Plural for an act or instance of bathing in water
“He felt as if dirt had been ground into every nook, cranny and pore of his body, and he was desperate for a shower.”
Plural for a mass of things falling, moving or happening at the same time
“On the 14th of this month, there was a squall of wind from southward, attended with a shower of hailstones of an uncommon size.”
Plural for a lively, noisy party involving dancing and drinking
Plural for a room, building, or cubicle containing a toilet or toilets
Plural for a flow of water over the edge of a cliff
Plural for a fierce or destructive attack
Plural for a sudden violent gust of wind or localized storm, especially one bringing rain, snow, or sleet
Plural for a large number or crowd of people, animals or things
Plural for liquid that is blown or driven through the air in the form of tiny drops
Plural for a group of people in the same place or with something in common
Plural for an indistinct or billowing mass, especially of smoke or dust
Plural for the action of discharging a liquid, gas, or other substance
To sprinkle with or as if with a shower
“A light curtain of rain begins to shower down from the sky, but nothing short of a hurricane will stop Ned and his father.”
To bathe using, or under, a shower (of water)
“I decide to shower myself to get the smell of muck and soil off me.”
To inundate or deluge with great amounts of something
“Customers would then proceed to shower the department with complaints and grievances.”
To bestow something in generous or extravagant quantities on
“The functions were not rituals to merely shower gifts on the birthday boy.”
To cover with drops or spots of something
To wash or bathe oneself, or someone else, while immersed in a bath
To hit repeatedly with small missiles or gunshot
To provide someone with something in a continuous, generous or insistent way
To throw or launch something in a given direction
To willingly contribute or give something to someone
To make, or cause to be, blur or dim
Related Words and Phrases