To be, or cause to be, thoroughly wet or waterlogged
“I woke up often, sweating in the dark, until I wandered to the shower to soak my hair in cold water, then flopped back into my bed.”
To submerge (something) in liquid
“Soak the meat in the marinade to tenderize it and enhance its flavor.”
To penetrate or permeate by saturation
“I see the droplets soak into the stale, brown grass, and I watch it pound the drooping daylilies and roses.”
To absorb a liquid
“This was annoying enough, but after I'd used towels to soak up the water, I heard an ominous dripping noise coming from below.”
To drink alcohol, typically in excess
“At night, they would go to a bar to soak for a while and listen to the singer.”
To overcharge (someone) for something
“One can imagine a situation in which the manager who has asked for maximum profit is told that the solution is to raise all his prices and to soak his customers.”
To hold or engage the attention of
To absorb water or a liquid
To ooze, or pass slowly through pores or other small openings
To make a pledge or promise to do something
To make something, typically meat, more tender
To obtain money or favors by intimidation, violence, or the misuse of authority
Plural for a habitual drinker of alcohol
“Without Martha's watchful eye and scolding tongue, he soon degenerated into the town soak.”
Plural for an act or process of immersing and washing one's body in the water
Plural for an activity in a watery environment, such as swimming
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