11th annual youth coat drive wraps up

LEXINGTON, Ky. (ABC36 NEWS NOW) – Believing in Forever Inc. is concluding its 11th annual “A Coat to Keep the Cold Away” youth coat drive, delivering more than 1,000 brand-new coats to children across Eastern Kentucky and beyond.

On Wednesday, the organization distributed coats to communities in Winchester, Hazard, and Morehead, ensuring children in need are prepared to stay warm this winter. Thursday, the final deliveries are taking place in Lexington and surrounding areas.

Organizers say the long hours and hard work are well worth it, as they see the impact these coats have on children. They expressed gratitude to the supporters and donors who made the initiative possible, emphasizing the importance of community in making efforts like this a success.

For more information or to support future initiatives, visit Believing in Forever Inc.’s website here.

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