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The best apps today have a common feature set. Every interaction happens instantly, you rarely see loading screens, collaboration is easy and delightful, and the app still works when offline. But building them is a schlep: spin up servers, auth, permissions, endpoints, sockets, then shuffle data, handle optimistic updates, and deal with rollbacks. Instant solves these problems for you by giving yo
Ship fast and manage your data with ease. Connect to Google Sheets.Use Google Sheets as your no-setup data store. Build fast and get a familiar interface for managing the data, with the open source Stein. Kick off projects or build prototypes, fastDon't bother yourself with the underlying bits and infrastructure. Focus on executing your idea. Web, mobile, desktop or IoT - Stein helps everything. C
2024/2に書いた記事です、2024/3/7時点ではもっと改悪されました... この改悪を機にタイトルを「PlanetScaleが改悪されました」→「PlanetScaleが地獄の改悪へ...」へ変更しました Scalerプランが廃止となりました 2024/2/5、PlanetScaleは「Scalerプラン」の廃止を発表しました。なんのことかわからない方向けに伝えるとPlanetScaleの最安値プランが29ドルから39ドルになりました。要は改悪です。 何が変わったのか? もともとHobby、Scaler、Scaler Pro、Enterpriseと4つのプランがありましたが、有料プランで一番低価格なScalerプランが廃止になりました。Scalerプラン廃止に伴い2024/4/12までにScaler Proプランにアップグレードするよう通知されました。 具体的に何が変わったのか? 表
Geolocate an IPUse MaxMind GeoIP databases, web services, or JavaScript client to geolocate an IP address. Updating DatabasesAutomatically keep your MaxMind GeoIP database up to date using the GeoIP Update program. Product DocumentationFind detailed API documentation for our binary databases, data specifications, and information about client APIs and our REST API for our web services. GeoIP2 Produ
We launched Convex Components to make adding features to your app easier! 🎉 Learn more
Announcing self-hosted Deno KV, continuous backups, and replicas When we first announced Deno KV, developers were captivated by the promise of a zero-config, strongly consistent, and globally replicated database crafted for JavaScript. The concept of adding state to servers, functions, and applications using just a single line of code has been well-received. As we expanded Deno KV with features li
Type-safety without compromisesKysely's state-of-the-art, type-safe API provides precise result types and catches errors within queries at compile-time, giving high-performing teams the confidence to ship at greater velocity. Use `kysely-codegen` to make the database the source of types. What you see is what you getKysely is a thin abstraction layer over SQL, crafted by SQL lovers for SQL lovers,
If you feel like you use your browser tabs as a database, why not make it official? This is an in-browser database that uses tab titles for storage. Every time you run an SQL query, it grabs all the data stored in the neighboring tabs' titles, concatenates it, unzips it, and loads it into an in-memory sqlite database. It then runs the command, dumps the db state to a string, zips it up, and spread
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