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Enshittification, also known as crapification and platform decay, is a pattern in which online products and services decline in quality. Initially, vendors create high-quality offerings to attract users, then they degrade those offerings to better serve business customers, and finally degrade their services to users and business customers to maximize profits for shareholders. Writer Cory Doctorow
Natalie Anne Merchant (born October 26, 1963) is an American singer-songwriter.[2] She joined the band 10,000 Maniacs in 1981 and was lead vocalist and primary lyricist for the group. She remained with the group for their first seven albums before leaving to begin her solo career in 1993. She has since released nine studio albums as a solo artist. Natalie Merchant was born October 26, 1963, in Jam
Appearance on Twemoji, used on Twitter, Discord, Roblox, the Nintendo Switch, and more Face with Tears of Joy (😂) is an emoji depicting a face crying with laughter. It is part of the Emoticons block of Unicode, and was added to the Unicode Standard in 2010 in Unicode 6.0, the first Unicode release intended to release emoji characters. One of the most popular emoji, Face with Tears of Joy was proc
Édouard Drumont, né le 3 mai 1844 à Paris et mort le 3 février 1917 dans la même ville, est un journaliste, écrivain, polémiste et homme politique français d'extrême droite. Fondateur du journal La Libre Parole, antidreyfusard, nationaliste et antisémite, il participe à la fondation de la Ligue nationale anti-sémitique de France. Député d'Alger de 1898 à 1902, il est l'une des principales figures
第1週:統計データを用いた分析事例を知り、 統計リテラシーを学ぶ ・大人がデータサイエンスを学ぶべき理由 ・統計データからわかること① ・統計データからわかること② ・統計データからわかること③ ・統計リテラシーの重要性 ・統計を利用する際の注意点 第2週:データ分析に必要な統計学の基礎を学ぶ ・データの種類 ・代表値~平均・中央・最頻値 ・ヒストグラムと相対度数 ・四分位・パーセンタイル・箱ひげ図 ・分散・標準偏差 ・相関関係 ・回帰分析 ・標本分布 ・信頼区間 第3週:データの見方と適切なグラフの選び方を学ぶ ・統計表の見方 ・比率の見方①-クロスセクションデータ- ・比率の見方②-使い方と注意点- ・時系列データの見方① ・時系列データの見方② ・グラフの選び方① ・グラフの選び方② ・グラフを作る時・読む時の注意点 第4週:誰もが使える公的統計データの取得方法と 使い方を学ぶ ・公
Map of independent Tartary (in yellow) and Chinese Tartary (in violet), in 1806. Tartary (Latin: Tartaria; French: Tartarie; German: Tartarei; Russian: Тартария, romanized: Tartariya) or Tatary (Russian: Татария, romanized: Tatariya) was a blanket term used in Western European literature and cartography for a vast part of Asia bounded by the Caspian Sea, the Ural Mountains, the Pacific Ocean, and
Bank Gothic is a rectilinear geometric sans-serif typeface designed by Morris Fuller Benton for American Type Founders and released in 1930.[1] The design has become popular from the late twentieth century to suggest a science-fiction, military, corporate, or sports aesthetic.[2][3][4][5] Bank Gothic is an exploration of geometric forms, and is contemporary with the rectilinear slab serif typeface
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