Cloud Native Built on cloud native technologies. Taking advantage of proven stability and performance. Simple Concurrency & Distribution Asynchronous and Distributed by design. High-level abstractions like Actors and Virtual Grains.
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Erlang Land を読んでErlangを学んだ。 Erlangの並列処理を学ぶことでアクターモデルの理解ができた! 概念的に理解できてなかったScalaのActorライブラリも読み書きができるようになりました。 Erlangの並列版フィボナッチをScalaで書いてみました。 import scala.actors._ class FibActor(var name:String) extends Actor { def act = { receive { case i:Int => println(name + ": " + fib(i)) } } def fib(n:Int):Int = { n match { case 0 => 1 case 1 => 1 case _ => fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) } } } object ActorTest { def
Orleans builds on the developer productivity of .NET and brings it to the world of distributed applications, such as cloud services. Orleans scales from a single on-premises server to globally distributed, highly-available applications in the cloud. Orleans takes familiar concepts like objects, interfaces, async/await, and try/catch and extends them to multi-server environments. As such, it helps
Actor model for golang. This project aims to implement actor model from erlang to Go. It attempts to add a concept of Pid which is universal identifier for actors. Actor supports Call which is a syncronous method call. Cast which is asyncronous method call ignoring all errors. Actors can communicate with other actors using Call and Cast. Remote actors are treated same as local actors. This project
Very simple distributed Task queue that allow the scheduling of job functions to be executed on local or remote workers. Can be seen as a Proof of Concept leveraging ZMQ sockets and cloudpickle serialization capabilities as well as a very basic actor system to handle different loads of work from connecting clients. Originally it was meant to be just a brokerless job queue, recently I dove deeper o
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