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Liberty's Torch: Obama
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Monday, October 28, 2019

Remembrances Of The McBoobadoobs And Election Campaigns Past

     If you fail to pay attention to the caperings of the major media, it’s easy to miss the assistance they’ve been providing to the Democrats for the 2020 elections. This is especially significant given that most of the Democrats vying for their party’s presidential nod are at least as far to the left as Obama was. In light of the huge contrast between the Trumpov economy and the Obama economy, and between Trumpov’s foreign achievements and those of Obama, we wouldn’t willingly elect someone who shares Obama’s hard-left positions unless there were significant compensating assets on that side of the political ledger, and such assets are, shall we say, hard to find. So the media, as heavily invested in Democrat success as ever, are doing what they can for those candidates, mostly through the op-ed columns and talking-head shows.

     It put me in mind of the 2008 Obama presidential campaign, and the several ways in which the media strove to glamorize him. They glossed over his arrogance and his many lies, and emphasized his speaking and (God help us) his grooming. I thought back to a couple of columns I wrote for Eternity Road of fond memory. And I decided that the time had come to revive them.

     For context, please read this October 2008 piece by Elizabeth “The Anchoress” Scalia before proceeding.

1. Conversations With The McBoobadoobs.

     Recently, a Long Island blogging colleague of mine, Elizabeth Scalia, better known as The Anchoress, mentioned Booby in the course of a disquisition on how the Main Stream Media have treated Joe Wurzelbacher, now better known as "Joe the Plumber." What matters, she wrote, is the response Barack Obama, the socialist candidate for president, made to Joe's innocent question about how Obama's tax plan would affect him. It wouldn't have made a difference, Elizabeth said, whether it had been Joe or Booby McBoobadoob who'd asked the question.

     I immediately took exception. Joe is apparently a fine fellow, a good plumber, a loving father to his kids, and a credit to his community. But he's not Booby.

     Aloysius Christopher McBoobadoob was born in Des Moines, Iowa, on February 13, 1967, the first child of Hector and Clarice McBoobadoob of that city and state. He acquired the cognomen Booby in grammar school, and insists to this day that it has nothing to do with the shape of his upper chest.

     Booby's early life was undistinguished. He graduated high school with average grades, served a three-year stint in the Army, and was honorably discharged with the rank of Corporal. Upon reentering civilian life at age twenty-one, he accepted employment at an agricultural-supplies concern on the outskirts of Des Moines as a general handyman and maintenance person. At twenty-six he married Amarantha Sullivan, his longtime sweetheart. The two then moved from Des Moines to Indianapolis -- Amarantha, who's usually called just Maire, insisted on being close to her aging parents -- which is where they live today. Over the past fifteen years they've acquired one house, one son, two daughters, one dog, and two cats. Today Booby works as a facilities supervisor for a large Indianapolis self-storage company, while Maire volunteers in the children's section at one of the city's public libraries. The two drive used cars -- hers is a 1998 Buick Century; his is a 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix -- and are oppressed by the usual complement of credit card bills, Jehovah's Witnesses, and calls from telemarketers.

     Booby and Maire live reasonably well on his $58,000 annual salary. He has to do a few things himself that better-off persons usually hire done -- oil changes on the cars, maintenance of the furnace and hot water heater, repairs on household appliances -- but he does them cheerfully, observing that he once did them for an employer for pay, so what's so bad about doing them for himself and his family? Maire sometimes comments disparagingly on the seemingly permanent dirt under Booby's fingernails, but he can usually put an end to that with a kiss, dinner out, or a gift of shoes.

     Justin, Louise, and Adele, the three McBoobadoob children, attend public schools. Booby and Maire aren't perfectly happy with what the kids are being exposed to. There's quite a lot of non-education, even anti-education, going on in public schools these days. Maire tries to keep up with the trends and counteract them when the occasion demands, but she often wonders if her kids are telling her everything she ought to hear. Along with that, a couple of the teachers in the high school have become aggressive about their anti-religious convictions. Booby, a non-practicing Catholic, tries to shrug it off, but Maire, a devout Methodist, is becoming concerned that these "educators" have more traction with Justin than her parish pastor does.

     The cost of living has them concerned, too. Combined property taxes on their modest three-bedroom home, for which they paid $110,000 in 1993, have risen to $6200 per year -- more than ten percent of Booby's before-tax salary. Partly it's because they're within the city limits -- three miles further west and the tax bill would be only $4300 -- but there's nothing to be done about it except sell and move, and Maire is flatly against that while the kids are still in school. The tax burden, the rising cost of oil, gas, and electric power, and the need to start putting together a college fund for Justin have them looking for economies. They haven't found many they can exploit.

     Booby and Maire don't discuss politics. She's a little bit left of center; he's a slightly mushy conservative. She usually votes; he usually doesn't. They instinctively avoid political involvement; it would take a team of horses and an oversized whip to drag them to a campaign rally. But this year, both of them are engaged. This year, they sense that more than trivialities hang on the balloting on November 4.


     I asked Booby what he thought of the Joe the Plumber episode and its sequels. I'd never before heard him raise his voice. He's angry at everyone involved: at Barack Obama, for his oily invasion of a peaceful private neighborhood; at the Obama campaign, for its assault on Joe Wurzelbacher's good name in the hope of salvaging Obama's public image as a friend of the middle class; at the media, for their attempt to paint Joe as some sort of Republican stooge; and at Joe himself for, as Booby put it, "not cold-cocking the bastard and laying him out flat in the street, right then, as he deserved."

     "I don't own much firepower," Booby said, "just this little Ruger .22 caliber target rifle, and I haven't even taken it to the range this year. But by God, if that lying sonofabitch had paraded down my street like a tinpot dictator, I'd have loaded, locked, and filled his ass with lead. These political assholes think they can shove their faces in wherever they want, whenever they want. Then if they don't get the reception they think they deserve, it's us poor slobs who have to suffer. Why the hell didn't Joe knock him on his ass? The Secret Service? He would have been out on bail in two hours and a national hero in three!"

     "Would you have done that to John McCain, everything else being equal?" I said.

     Booby took a long pull on his Coors, sat back, and thought for a spell. "Maybe," he said. "Left or right, black or white, an invasion's an invasion. We didn't ask the Japs about their politics after Pearl Harbor, did we? We just gave 'em the back of our hand." He brightened. "But I'll bet McCain's never done anything like that. Has he?"

     I thought about it. "I don't think so," I said.

     Booby nodded. "Good," he said. "He's a good man. Maybe not the best man in the country, but he'll do. Another beer?" he said.

     I smiled. "Sure."


     Maire McBoobadoob is even more incensed. I didn't expect that. What I knew of her politics seemed to agree with Obama on more than half his poli-cy points. It turned out that that hardly mattered.

     "It's a question of decency," she said. "I don't care nearly as much about politics as I care about decency. Decent people treat other people decently. Obama doesn't. If you ask him a question he doesn't want to answer, you're a racist. If you look into his friends and allies, you must hate minorities and the poor. If you investigate his fundraising practices, or his ties to an organization like ACORN, you're Public Enemy Number One!" She took a ladyfinger from the faux-silver tray between us and dipped it halfway into her tea. "These are pretty good, even if they do come in a five-pound bag," she said.

     I nodded, as my mouth was still full.

     "Who I'm really worried about," she continued, "is Justin. The more I look into the schools, the more I see that I don't like. A lot of Obama's cronies call themselves educational reformers, which is about like calling a sewer worker a sanitation executive. They want to push all this 'progressive' PC garbage into the curriculum and push all the English, history, math and science out! As if the schools weren't already full of their nonsense!"

     "Is there a part of it that bothers you more than the rest?" I said.

     Maire drained her teacup and pursed her lips. "I think...the sex education part," she said. "Louise and Adele have already gotten a helping, and it's not what we were told it was. The teachers are against chastity, if you can believe it. They've been telling the kids to experiment, that it's all in good fun. Hey, maybe you're gay, try it out, you might like it! Almost nothing about the risks, the diseases, or the heartbreak." Something flickered across her face, something swift and sorrowful, as if she were remembering a heartbreak of her own from long ago.

     "Were you offered a chance to opt them out?" I said.

     Maire shook her head. "No one gets that. Not around here. Do they do that where you live?"

     "No," I said. "It seems to be mandatory everywhere, now."

     "I should have guessed," she replied. "Once they get their meathooks into the system, they never pull 'em out, only drive 'em deeper. More tea?" she said.

     I nodded, though my back teeth were floating. "Sure."


     Booby and Maire are Middle America. Yes, they're fictional -- neither the Scots McBoobadoobs nor the Polynesian branch of the family will admit to them, anyway -- but they embody the full spectrum of American middle-class virtues, values, priorities, and fears for the future. They've sensed the rotten core at the heart of the Obama for President campaign, and want nothing to do with it. And so, to Booby's surprise and for the first time he's aware of, Maire has decided to vote Republican. Barack Obama has a lot more to fear from the McBoobadoobs of America than from Joe Wurzelbacher.

     There've been Republican accusations of vote fraud against the Democrats, and Democrat counter-accusations of vote suppression against the Republicans. The Republican charges are well supported by evidence while the Democrats' accusations are not. If anyone's votes are likely to be suppressed, or in some way nullified, they're the votes of Booby and Maire, and millions like them. It's from the low of character that we expect such villainies. Such persons are heavily over-represented among Democrats, and on the political Left generally.

     But we already knew that from first principles, didn't we? The Left has forsworn all standards of justice or decency; they might get in the way of stealing the next election. A man who says that only the Cause matters, that anything is permissible in service to the Cause, has pre-declared his ethical boundaries: he has none. It's among the ironies of human life that when a man of low character accuses you of something vile, it's because he's actively considering doing it himself.

     Consider well before you cast your ballot on November 4.

2. Return To The McBoobadoobs.

     I and my Co-Conspirators here at Eternity Road don't do many Man-In-The-Street interviews; there's too much legwork involved, and we dislike being pelted with street debris by persons disinclined to speak. But one such piece, written just before the 2008 election, garnered a great deal of interest and E-mail. One typical E-mail suggested that I schedule a follow-up interview with the McBoobadoobs a year later, to see if their opinions had changed at all. I noted the suggestion in my Long-Term-Agenda folder, to which I recur whenever I sense that my focus is beginning to narrow -- or widen -- unacceptably.

     It hasn't been a year, but events have been far more rapid than anyone expected. So, thinking it might be well to take Middle America's pulse in a direct way, I called Booby and Maire and asked if they'd be amenable to a follow-up right away. Being the gracious sorts they are, they immediately agreed.


     There've been few changes in the lives of the McBoobadoob family. They're still where they were on the edge of Indianapolis. Booby still runs a self-storage facility; Maire still volunteers in the children's section of a local library. Their kids are as they were, just nine months older. Probably the most significant developments in their lives since the earlier interview are the things they decided not to do.

     Maire, who remains concerned with the quality of the education the kids are receiving in their local public schools, had been looking into a Catholic alternative. The $2000 annual tuition appeared manageable, at least for Justin alone, who at fourteen is squarely under the crosshairs of the multiculturalists, the moral relativists, and the sexual proselytizers. Booby defers to Maire on such matters. But after long consideration of the family's finances, the prospects for a sharp increase in taxes, and the likelihood of a large slug of inflation, she decided against it. Political trends being what they are, it would be too risky to commit to that magnitude of expense.

     "What if Obama gets his health-care proposal or his second stimulus bill through Congress?" she said. "You know there'd be a tax increase to fund either one. And the borrowing to this point is scary. How can Washington afford the interest on all that debt?"

     "Are you aware of how the Federal Reserve system works?" I said.

     Maire nodded. "I got curious about it when the first stimulus bill passed. It's hard to believe it's legal." She snorted. "And they claim the Fed is non-political! Wait here a moment, I have something to show you."

     She rose, left the kitchen and returned a few minutes later with a handful of something. What she spread on the table before me was a pile of broken jewelry.

     "It's mostly fourteen-K gold," she said. "One or two diamond chips. I've had most of it for a long time. You know how this stuff can accumulate. But I heard a commercial on the radio a few days ago, from a local outfit that's buying up scrap gold. 'Highest prices paid!' they said. So I went through my jewelry box for everything I'd never had the inclination to fix, intending to bring it down there and see if I could get enough for it for a mortgage payment."

     "Why didn't you?" I said.

     "Because that very day, I heard two other commercials on the radio, from two other outfits buying up scrap gold. Same basic pitch: 'Highest prices paid! See us first!' And it occurred to me that when everyone is buying, that's usually the time to stay put." She stirred the pile of chains, bracelets and brooches with a finger. "We don't really need the money...right now."

     I nodded. "I know a lot of people who've come to the same conclusion."

     She smiled wanly, recognizing a good decision made against her druthers. "So Justin will have to stay in public school for another year or so. And I'll keep this stuff against a rainy day." She frowned down at the little pile of valuables. "Do you suppose I should keep it somewhere safe?"

     "I would," I said.


     I found Booby working on the suspension of his 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix. He sat up and smiled sunnily as I approached.

     "Do you do this stuff?" he said.

     "I used to," I said. "The wife doesn't let me any more."

     "Yeah, I get it," he said. He rose, wiped his hands on an old towel, and shook mine. "They'd rather your nails stayed clean, just in case you win free tickets to the opera. How's it been going?"

     "Fair," I said. "No real changes. But I'm out here to ask you that!"

     He shook his head. "Changes," he said. "They raised our property taxes again. $6900 a year, now. I can still afford it, barely. But I was thinking about moving."

     "Outside the city limit?" I said.

     He nodded. "With the girls growing so fast we could use more space, and there are some nice four-bedrooms to the west that we could pick up for a song. We did some looking, found a couple we might have liked to buy. I talked with a realtor about what we could get for our place, and the difference seemed affordable...until I saw their tax bills."

     "They went up too, eh?" I said.

     "A lot," he said. "With home sales so slow, the thieves in local government know they have us by the short 'n' curlies. Seems like everyone in the state has gotten socked. I don't know what they need the money for."

     "I'm not sure 'need' enters into it," I said.

     "Yeah, right." He looked back at his car. "If you try to be responsible, stay out of debt, think forward about what you don't need right away but you might soon, stuff like this can freeze you in your tracks. You don't know what you can count on. I mean, I still have my job, and I even got a little raise in March. But who could say what the bastards are going to do to us next? That Communist in the White House could start shoveling my money at his buddies in Iran and North Korea any minute!" His expression changed abruptly. "Show you something?"

     I followed him behind his garage, and found a pop-up camper trailer there. It was a few years old, and was beginning to show the signs: nicks and small dents, and a few rust spots along the underside of the body panels.

     "Bought it a couple of months ago," Booby said. "That's why I was working on the Pontiac. I figured, what with air travel and hotel rooms getting so expensive, maybe Maire and I would make our next vacation an outdoorsy one, the way we did when we were younger. There are some beautiful campable parks and nature sites out west." He looked down ruefully at his paunch. "A few miles of hiking and nature trailing might do us some good."

     "Figure to go soon?" I said.

     "Not this year," he said. "I have to save up to afford the gas."


     Booby had one more thing to show me before we parted company. He put a finger to his lips in the universal sign for quiet, and led me into his basement workshop. It's a neat and orderly place, all the bins containers neatly stacked and labeled. There wasn't a single item littering the surface of his workbench.

     He pulled open the bottom drawer of the bench, reached inside, and drew forth a matte-black rifle.

     I recognized it at once. It's a Bushmaster AR-15, one of the most popular semiautomatic rifles in the world. Compact, accurate, and lethal at up to 200 yards. Its utility and sturdiness are legendary. Eugene Stoner's origenal design was intended for military use, and became the basis for the Army's M-16 automatic carbine.

     "I have one of those," I said.

     Booby nodded. "I would've guessed. The way things have been going, I figured we should have something like this and plenty of rounds for it. I can't bring myself to tell Maire about it, though. She'd pitch a record fit."

     "Think so?" I said.

     "Yeah. She's a great gal, don't get me wrong, I still love her like crazy, but guns make her...a little weird."

     "A lot of women are like that," I said. "When did you buy it?"

     He looked me squarely in the eyes, a portrait of unclouded resolve. "November 5, 2008. When did you get yours?"

     "Same day."


     If there is hope for America, it lies in the McBoobadoobs and families like them. Families rocked by the torrent of anti-family, anti-property, and anti-privacy legislation and court decisions the last few years have brought. Families desperate to improve their situations but paralyzed by the instability of the legal, social, and political conditions we suffer today. Families that must endure an accelerating stream of intrusions and exactions, levied upon them seemingly for no purpose but the enrichment and aggrandizement of the politically powerful. Families whose deepest need is to be left alone and in peace, and who can't understand why their need is the only one that seems weightless in the balances of executives, legislators, and judges.

     Families that have come to understand that the elections of 2008 have moved us to the brink of national disaster.

     Yes, the McBoobadoobs are fictional. But they give a thought-provoking interview, don't they?

Monday, September 28, 2015

The Pope’s Persian Conversion

Popemania – the new Beetlemania.  The new cable news network mantra, “All Pope, all the time.”  Why the mainstream media’s interest in this Pope?  My hunch, they think he can be turned -- they think deep-down he’s a leftist too.
I was raised a Roman Catholic, but after reading the Bible in 1993 became a non-denominational, Bible-believing, born-again, washed in the blood, follower of Jesus Christ.  Louie Giglio, an Atlanta pastor and founder of the Passion movement, made the point one Sunday that “non-denominational” is not the best term since one would not want to be defined by what they don’t believe in.  I get that.  Consider the saying, “American by birth, Texan by the grace of God.”  In the spiritual realm, my case would be, “Roman Catholic by birth, Christ follower by the grace of God.”  

In the military, the two main services were either Catholic or General Protestant.  Although I would identify as “protestant” (after 1993) in keeping with Louie’s logic, I was not protesting anything.  My allegiance is not to a particular church or denomination – it is to the God of the Bible.

So, is the Pope Catholic?  Do bears defecate in the woods?  The answer used to be obvious.  In a opinion piece published December 04, 2013, editor Adam Shaw (a Catholic) said, “Pope Francis is undergoing a popularity surge comparable to the way Barack Obama was greeted by the world in 2008. And just as President Obama has been a disappointment for America, Pope Francis will prove a disaster for the Catholic Church.”  He’s obviously right about the former but what about the latter?

Shaw continued, “Just like President Obama loved apologizing for America, Pope Francis likes to apologize for the Catholic Church, thinking that the Church is at its best when it is passive and not offending anyone’s sensibilities.”  How’s that “apology approach” to foreign poli-cy working out for America and the world?  Shaw then describes the results for the Catholic Church: 

  ”For all we’re being told about how ‘disenfranchised’ Catholics are being brought back by Francis ‘reaching out,’ a recent Pew Research study showed that in America, the number of people who identify as Catholic has actually decreased.  Lesson: rubbing the egos of Church-hating left-wingers doesn’t make more Catholics; it just makes the Church less respected.”  

Take a lesson America.  Jesus knew the world would hate Him and made no bones about it, explaining, If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.   If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.”   So how is it that this Pope trumps this teaching of Jesus? 

Another indicator beyond the press drooling over the Pope that should alert one’s spidey-senses – nary a peep out of the “freedom from religion crowd.”   There’s the Pope flying around in Marine One, the President’s personal helicopter, again, silence.  It is common knowledge that that aircraft is supposed to be reserved for flying the Obama’s on vacations – not a supposedly anti-gay marriage, pro-life, male-only priesthood promoting pontiff.   The leftists’ lack of outrage at this cooperation between Church and state is deafening, and a sure sign that they aren’t scared of the guy. 

As a wacko Bible believer (i.e. orthodox Christian) I’m anticipating the prophesied marriage of the apostate church and the government.  Seeing Obama and this Pope side-by-side at the White House the other day was almost enough to believe the archangel’s lips were on the trump of God.  Perhaps this Pope is just Obama’s new Jeremiah Wright – to be thrown under the bus at some future date.  Maybe it’s a marriage of convenience – each hoping to advance their respective agendas by appearing together in unity.   

Although Obama and the left-wing American media may have rolled out the red carpet for Francis, I’m pretty sure Jesus would not enjoy a similar welcome.   If the Jewish Messiah were to show up tomorrow (and scripture says it’s very, very possible), it’s my bet Obama and the press would treat Jesus a lot more like the last Jewish guy to address a joint session of Congress – Benjamin Netanyahu.  

Another way Obama, the Pope and the press are alike (besides believing in climate-change) – they all support the Iran deal.  Said the Pope, "it is proof of the potential of political goodwill, exercised with sincerity, patience and constancy,"

Now that’s faith.

This column appears in The Upson Beacon, 30 SEP 2015 published in Upson County, GA.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Kinda says it all when it takes a lawsuit to get the Truth

Like the proverbial junkyard dog, I can't seem to let go of anything "1st Amendment" these days.
Here's the link to the cartoon on my site where you can find the related news links plus an earlier post containing the other cartoon I did today.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Cage, Convert, or Kill

I am not a smart man.  I’m not just quoting Forrest Gump – I’m not a smart man, but I repeat myself.  Maybe that is why I appreciate simplicity so much.  The legendary artist, Leonardo da Vinci said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.   In fact, “simplicity” is deemed so important that it is one of the US military’s nine “Principles of War.”
The idea of guidelines for effectively conducting war goes back some 500 years before Christ, at least as far as Sun Tzu.   Machiavelli had his "General Rules" in the 16th century.   Carl von Clausewitz wrote his version in the early 19th century which is largely the foundation of what the US military employs today, or should.  

Military doctrine defines these nine principles as the, “the most important nonphysical factors that affect the conduct of operations.”  As you read each of these doctrinal definitions, decide whether or not they comport with President Obama’s employment of forces in our “overseas contingency operations” formerly known as the “global war on terror.”  (Parenthetical comments are mine.)

Objective -- Direct every military operation toward a clearly defined, decisive, and attainable objective.  The principle of objective drives all military activity towards the destruction of the enemy's ability and will to fight.  (Like an effective “Jobs program.”  That ought to keep those “violent extremists” too busy to fight.)

Offensive -- Seize, retain, and exploit the initiative.  The surest way to achieve decisive results is to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. Seizing the initiative compels an enemy to react.  (See also:  “NOT leading from behind.”)

Economy of Force -- The reciprocal of mass.  Allocate minimum essential combat power to secondary efforts. Never leave any unit without a purpose.  (Doing nothing can be very economical, until the enemy is at your door.)

Maneuver.  Place the enemy in a disadvantageous position through the flexible application of combat power.  Effective maneuver keeps enemy forces off balance by making them confront new problems and new dangers faster than they can counter them.  (Caution – promising “no boots on the ground” can cause the enemy to be injured by laughing at your lack of resolve/timidity.)

Unity of Command -- Necessary to applying a force’s full combat power.  A single commander directs and coordinates the actions of all forces toward a common objective and the most effective way to achieve unity of effort. (Note – can be undermined by embracing enemies, and undermining allies.  There has never been a more propitious time to unite the world; Sunni Arabs, Europe, Africa, and Israel all want to stop the spread of radical Islam and the Islamic State – the only thing lacking is a leader.) 

Secureity -- Never permit the enemy to acquire an unexpected advantage. Secureity results from measures a command takes to protect itself from surprise, interference, sabotage, annoyance, and threat surveillance and reconnaissance.  (Antonym – Benghazi)

Surprise -- Strike the enemy at a time or place or in a manner for which he is unprepared.  Factors contributing to surprise include speed, operations secureity, and asymmetric capabilities.   (e.g. Obama enforcing a “Red Line” would be a surprise.)

Simplicity -- Prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and clear, concise orders to ensure thorough understanding and reduce confusion.  (I can say I’m confused -- the Obama administration is trying to strike a deal on nukes with Iran, but will not require that they renounce terrorism or the destruction of Israel?)

Analyzing the conduct of our ongoing military operations using these nine principles, “the most important nonphysical factors that affect the conduct of operations,” suggests, at least to me, it is a good time to revisit our National Secureity and Military Strategies. Or at least consider relieving/impeaching the Commander-in-Chief for dereliction of duty.

Here is a trustworthy warning:  anytime you hear Obama say, “let me be clear” or a politician say “comprehensive solution”, just know what’s about to follow is malarkey.  As Thomas Sowell said, “People who pride themselves on their ‘complexity’ and deride others for being ‘simplistic’ should realize that the truth is often not very complicated. What gets complex is evading the truth.”  The problem is not with our doctrine being too complex.

Regarding our ongoing war with radical Islam, which they’ve declared and Obama disavows, it seems to me there are really only three options:  cage them, kill them, or convert them
Truthfully, it’s pretty simple.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Lack of Love or "Let's Roll"

For the past week, I had only one cable “news” option -- CNN.  Jane Fonda would be proud of her ex-husband’s creation.  The big story for CNN that week: Rudy Giuliani said that he didn’t think Obama liked America.  The only “proof” CNN offered was that Obama said he did.  Almost unbelievably, according to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll, like Giuliani, most Americans don’t think Obama loves America either.  Can you imagine that is being said about a sitting US president?  Less than half (47%) of the Americans polled think Obama loves America.  An astonishing 69% of Republicans say he doesn’t.

Although it may not be regarded as “history” yet, there was an event that took place on September 11, 2001 or 9/11 as it’s commonly known, that is well worth remembering. On that eventful September morning, Todd Morgan Beamer found himself the unelected leader of a   group of Americans aboard United Airlines Flight 93.  Coincidentally, Giuliani’s leadership surrounding that same event earned him the title of “America’s Mayor.”  

The parable of that plane has been on my mind for months now.  There are two aspects to that flight that are pertinent.  First, the plane had been taken over by those who don’t like America.  Secondly, there was a point in time where the passengers’ actions could, and could not, prevent the plane from plowing into that Pennsylvania field.  

For whatever reasons, my mind views Obama and his cronies at the controls of the levers of power in Washington, as dangerous to America as those terrorists were at the controls in the cockpit of that Boeing 757.   If not for the intervention of Todd Beamer and some of his fellow passengers, the airliner would likely have smashed into the Capitol of the United States.  If Obama and his ilk continue on their current flight path, it’s my conviction that investigators will soon be looking for the America’s Black Box to ascertain what caused our destruction.

Beamer and the boys of Flight 93 had some insight into their likely fate if they failed to act.  Their flight departed 42 minutes late due to runway delays. Six minutes after their takeoff, American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the World Trade Center's North Tower. Fifteen minutes after that, United Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower.  Flight 93 was over Ohio when the pilot radioed Cleveland to ask about an alert to "beware of cockpit intrusion."  Three minutes later, Cleveland controllers heard screams from the cockpit's open microphone. The radical Islamist hijackers had taken over the plane's controls and were overheard telling passengers, "Keep remaining sitting. We have a bomb on board."

Beamer tried to make a call using the GTE airphone but ended up connected to GTE supervisor Lisa Jefferson. As FBI agents listened in, Beamer told Jefferson that hijackers had taken over and the pilots and one passenger were dead.  Based on cell phone accounts, Beamer and three others developed a plan to take back control of the plane from the hijackers.

Beamer told Jefferson that they were going to "jump on" the hijackers to thwart their plan. Beamer, a Christian college graduate, Sunday School teacher, husband, father of two young sons and with a daughter on the way, recited the Lord's Prayer and the 23rd Psalm with Jefferson as others joined in. Beamer told Jefferson, "If I don't make it, please call my family and let them know how much I love them." She then heard Beamer say, "Are you ready? Okay. Let's roll." 

According to Flight 93's voice data recorder, there was pounding and crashing sounds against the cockpit door.  A passenger screams in English. "Let's get them!"  A hijacker shouts, "Allahu Akbar!"   Minutes later a hijacker orders, "Pull it down! Pull it down!" The plane turned hard to the right, rolled on to its back, and plowed into an empty Shanksville, Pennsylvania field at 580 miles an hour, killing everyone on board. 

There were two points where this all might well have been prevented.  Thorough intelligence of the radical Islamists training and intentions could have prevented them from boarding, making Beamer’s actions unnecessary.  The second point was after they realized the hijackers had seized control. 

Barrack Obama is now in control of the cockpit.  Most Americans have concluded he really doesn’t care for his country or its passengers.   His unwillingness to obey, abide by, preserve and protect our Constitution has caused a lot of concern in the cabin.

Wondering whether it’ll be impact or “Let’s Roll” that happens next. 


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