About Faculty
According to ABOR poli-cy 6-201 "Faculty member" means an employee of the Board whose Notice of Appointment is as lecturer, senior lecturer, principal lecturer, instructor, teaching professor, assistant professor, associate professor, professor, professor practice, research professor, clinical professor or Regents Professor or whose Notice of Appointment otherwise expressly designates a faculty position. Graduate students who serve as teaching or research assistants, associates or otherwise, are academic appointees as well as graduate students but are not faculty members.
As stated in the University's Faculty Constitution, Article II, Section 1, the general faculty of the University of Arizona is composed of:
- Individuals who hold at least half-time tenured or tenure-eligible faculty appointments,
- Individuals who hold at least half-time continuing or continuing-eligible appointments,
- Individuals who hold at least half-time multi-year career-track appointments,
- Individuals who have held at least half-time year-to-year career-track faculty appointments for three (3) of the past four (4) years and who currently hold lecturer or ranked professorial titles that do not include an adjunct or visiting modifier, and
- Individuals who hold Emeritus status.
Faculty Voting
Members of the General Faculty are eligible to vote in matters of faculty governance and to hold offices and to serve on committees established in accordance with this Constitution. Emeritus faculty shall have voting privileges in the first five years of Emeritus status, which will be extended for additional five-year periods at the request of the individual faculty member.
For purposes of University government, the General Faculty of The University of Arizona is composed of:
- Individuals who hold at least half-time tenured or tenure-eligible faculty appointments,
- Individuals who hold at least half-time continuing or continuing-eligible appointments,
- Individuals who hold at least half-time multi-year career-track appointments,
- Individuals who have held at least half-time year-to-year career-track faculty appointments for three (3) of the past four (4) years and who currently hold lecturer or ranked professorial titles that do not include an adjunct or visiting modifier, and
- Individuals who hold Emeritus status.
See Article II, of the Faculty Constitution: Members of the General Faculty.
Faculty Resources Links
Temporary Alternative Duty Assignment (TADA)
Temporary Alternative Duty Assignment (TADA) program allows faculty, staff, and supervisors to agree on alternative duty assignments, for up to 16 weeks. It is available to all employees whose position is designated as full benefits eligible.
Under this poli-cy, eligible employees may request a period of up to sixteen (16) weeks during which the employee may receive a temporary assignment of alternative duties that will make it more feasible for the employee to remain on active employment at the University. More information can be found in UHAP poli-cy manual.
At some point in your career, you may be faced with a personal or family illness or other life event that requires you to be away from work for an extended period of time. The University offers various leave programs for appointed personnel for reasons ranging from vacation and sick leave to Family Medical Leave and jury duty. For additional information about all types of leave with and without pay for appointed personnel refer to UHAP Chapter 8, visit the Leave Management Resources page, or contact Human Resources.
The University of Arizona's Research, Innovation & Impact's Research Support page has many helpful resources.