Internal Resources
The MENTOR Institute leadership team has conducted training for the following programs:
- Faculty Development Communities for Promotion (FDCP) program
- Steps in the Scholar Journey program
- Presidential Postdoc Fellow program
- HeadsUP New Heads program
- University-wide Mentoring Workshop 2019
- College of Medicine LIFT Faculty program
- Strategic Priority Faculty Initiative Mentors program
If you are interested in individualized mentoring training for your program, please contact Tara Chandler at for more information.
Based on current best practices for mentoring, the following internal resources are highly recommended by the MENTOR Institute for any mentoring initiatives beginning or underway in your program or department.
The Community Mentoring Agreement and 1-1 Mentoring Agreement, for peer mentoring groups or between two scholars respectively, work as a communication tool to plan goals, determine roles and responsibilities, align expectations, and solve issues throughout the mentoring relationship.
- Document
- Document
The Mentoring Universe document acts as a roadmap to determine what mentoring partnerships you already have and what gaps need to be filled in order to meet your career and academic goals.
- Document
The Ten Tips for Mentoring Partnerships document summarizes the best practices for any mentoring partnership or community.
For more information on the documents above as well as additional mentoring best practices, please refer to the following Mentoring Toolkit.
- Document
External Resources
The following nationally recognized organizations provide a variety of resources and information regarding best practices for mentoring in higher education.
- The Science of Mentorship Podcast by The National Academy of Sciences.
- National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity
- The National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) is a nationally recognized, independent organization that provides online career development and mentoring resources for faculty, postdocs, and graduate students. Because the University of Arizona is an Institutional Member, all of our faculty, postdocs, and graduate students are granted free membership. For directions on how to access your free membership, click here.
- The Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER)
- National Research Mentoring Network (NMRN)
- Much Ado about Mentoring webinar series through the University of New Mexico Mentoring Institute
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Fleming, M., House, S., Hanson, V. S., Yu, L., Garbutt, J., McGee, R., Kroenke, K., Abedin, Z., & Rubio, D. M. (2013). The mentoring competency assessment: Validation of a new instrument to evaluate skills of research mentors. Academic Medicine, 88(7), 1002-1008. The Mentoring Competency Assessment: Validation of a New Instrument to Evaluate Skills of Research Mentors - PMC (
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Naffziger, M., Richardson-Stovall, J., Williams, S., & McGee, R. (2012, May). Beyond mentoring: Academic career “coaching” as a supplement to the traditional training of biomedical PhD students [Scientific Careers Research & Development Group]. Understanding Interventions Conference, Northwestern University.
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Long, Z., Buzzanell, P. M., Kokini, K, Wilson, R. F., Batra, J. C., & Anderson, L. B. (2018). Mentoring women and minority faculty in engineering: A multidimensional mentoring network approach. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 24(2), 121-145. MENTORING WOMEN AND MINORITY FACULTY IN ENGINEERING: A MULTIDIMENSIONAL MENTORING NETWORK APPROACH - Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, Volume 24, 2018, Issue 2 - Begell House Digital Library
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Ehrich, L., Hansford, B., Ehrich, J. F. (2011). Mentoring across the professions: Some issues and challenges. In J. Millwater & D. Beutal (Eds.), Practical Experiences in Professional Education: A Transdisciplinary Approach (pp. 93-113). Brisbane: Post Pressed. "Mentoring across the professions: some issues and challenges" by Lisa Ehrich, Brian Hansford et al. (
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Graham, M. J., Frederick, J., Byars-Winston, A., Hunter, A., & Handelsman, J. (2013). Increasing persistence of college students in STEM. Science, 341, 1455-1456. DOI: 10.1126/science.1240487 Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students | PNAS
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