publisher colophon

Index of Passages



1:18 81

1:20 29

1:24 29

1:26 25

1:29 28

1:30 92

2:7 25, 29, 32

2:16 19, 21, 81, 110

2:17 43, 68

3:19 133

3:23 133

4:13 70

5:1 58

5:2 27

6:2 20, 107

6:3 26

6:5 46

6:9 70

6:13 20, 107

8:21-22 21

9:4 28

9:12 86

10:5 52

11:2 115

12:9 95

14:10 20, 41, 117

14:18 92

14:19 91

15:6 42

15:14 103

17:1 61

18:1 69

18:17 86

18:19 58, 64

19:32 114

21:23 41

21:33 58

22:1 20, 46

26:5 94

26:25 43

28:11 123

28:12 66

29:27 108

30:14 83

33:20 121

34:13 114

43:32 22

46:1 41, 124

46:15 62, 66


1:1 59

3:12 74

3:13 33, 87

3:16 55, 121

3:18 55

4:3 47

5:3 36

6:2 63, 67, 69

6:21 87

8:14 23

8:15 36, 47

8:22 22

12:21 20, 108

13:8 121

13:16 20, 47, 49, 71, 116

14:21 125

15:2 100, 121

15:25 109

15:26 39, 85, 106

20:1 38

20:2 44, 45, 72, 103

20:8 99, 117

20:12 53, 134

20:20 74

20:23 19, 23, 104, 120

21:19 84, 85, 86

21:22 55

22:19 81, 82

22:20 75

23:21 122

23:25 82

25:1 89

25:3 123

29:1 22

29:46 12, 22, 119

30:13 123

31:2 124

31:17 21, 27

32:13 28

32:19 112

33:15 124

34:6 22

35:1 124


1:4 105

2:2 105

1:9 22, 59, 105

4:2 59

11:13 86

13:47 69, 90

14:46 59

16:8 56, 83

17:11 31

18:4 109, 132

18:5 96

18:19 113

18:25 90

18:29 67, 132

19:1 100

19:2 3, 18, 112

19:16 85

19:17 114

19:18 85

19:19 23, 80, 115

19:23 113

19:26 79

19:30 72

20:17 113

21:9 72

23:17 77

25:23 119

26:1 114, 124

26:2 124

26:3 22

26:6 92, 132

26:11 86, 89

26:12 126

26:15 23, 110

26:42 97


1:45 22, 68

5:20 69

6:11 101

7:79 120

9:14 118

11:16 81

14:14 122

16:30 73

17:11 29

19:1 8

23:19 106

30:1 116

30:3 42, 123

33:53 95


1:17 111

4:3 115

4:9 34, 52, 103

4:13 110

4:15 82

4:19 81, 94

4:20 82

4:39 43

5:15 9, 117

6:4 36, 101

6:10 96

6:18 112

6:20 73, 116

8:10 22, 90, 91

11:10 92

11:13 70, 102

11:17-18 94

11:22 18, 20, 41

12:20 92

12:23-25 28

13:2 20, 39, 71, 73, 121

16:20 91

18:9 80

19:19 112

20:9 69

21:4 120

21:10 96

22:2 85

22:6 20, 48, 118

22:7 48, 134

24:9 90

27:26 18, 43, 100

31:14 67

31:15 81

32:8 80, 93

32:9 93

32:26 47

32:39 72

33:5 39

2 Kings

18:4 72


2:17 129

11:1-9 92

49:3 13

60:21 92


23:29 23


9:3 93


19:2 37

19:8 37

25:14 67

72:16 91

89:18 121

128:2 134

140:8 129


3:35 105


1:1 20, 58

11:6 35

22:1 65

22:2 26

29:4 67, 68

32:2 57

33:30 131

33:33 57

35:7 22

35:11 109

36:2 32

36:7 32

38:1 65

38:21 27

42:5 23


3:19 26

4:1 75

6:2 17

12:13 118


9:20-21 96

1 Chronicles

1:12 39




2.1 18, 101

5.3 19


1.1 48


6.10 79


4.9 38

4.10 23, 39, 79, 85


4.2 95

8.8 48


1.1 96


5.2 84

Rosh Hashanah

1.6 103

3.8 72


4.4 85


8.7 84


1.10 134

4.14 94

Baba Kama

5.7 18

6.6 84


10.1 43, 92

Avodah Zarah

4.7 82, 85


1.5 54

5.6-7 56


2.1 49

2.2 21

3.15 46

4.1 134


12.5 48


5.1 48


Kippurim 4.5 48

Sotah 8.6 40

Avodah Zarah 4.5 93

8.4 19

Semahot (ed. Zlotnick)

7.8 96

Mekhilta (ed. Horovitz-Rabin)

Be-shalah 128 100

Yitro 219 45

Va-yak’hel 345 124

Sifra (ed. Weiss)

Metsora 73a 90

Aharei Mot 86a 20, 120

Sifre: Bemidbar (ed. Horovitz)

no. 153 42, 123

Sifre: Devarim (ed. Finkelstein)

no. 41 18, 102

no. 43 94

no. 49 18

no. 211 96

Avot de-Rabbi Nathan (ed. Schechter)

A, 55a 26

Babylonian Talmud (Bavli)


7a 22, 125

9b 33

10a 122

17a 127

20b-21a 91

26a 84

36a 44

38a-b 91


10a 84

14a 132

21b 84

32a 68

55a-b 68

87a 22, 105, 112

88a 36

97a 124

118b 77

133b 22

152b 131

156a 80, 93

156b 79


54a 37

64b 22, 68

81b 53

105b 17

Rosh Hashanah

16a 54

28a 101


28b 94

67b 20, 120

84a 72

85b 96


25a 49

28a 56


4b 103

16a 28

36b 84


2a 102

10a 100

16a 26

20b 68


2a 97

18a 121, 122

Mo’ed Qatan

25a 28

28a 67


14a 22

14b 116


24a 18

47a 48

49b 122

64a-b 72


110b 93

111b 91


44b 91


49b 54


21b-22a 96

30a 103

31a 94

31b 131

39b 48, 134

Baba Kama

16b 43

23b 84

30a 84

46a 84

80b-81a 109

81b 85

84a 85

85a 84, 85, 86

87a 36

Baba Metsia

47b 53

59b 56

114a 22

118b 84

Baba Batra

8b 84

10a 105

12a 55

15a-b 58

17a 133

22b 85

60b 100


6a 84

34a 23, 120

46a 112

56a-b 19

56b 80, 81, 94, 108

58b 21

59a 96

63b 82

73a 85

74a 96

82a 112

88a 56

90b 127

97a 129


29b 106


9a 111

23a-24a 45

Avodah Zarah

2b-3a 111

35a 54

35b 54

36a 54


16b 92

17a 96

105a 84

142a 48, 127, 134

Palestinian Talmud (Yemshalmi)


1.5/3c 48

2.3/4c 94

2.9/5d 100

6.1/9d 91

6.1/10a 91


l.l/15d 48

2.6/17a. 17


5.2/63a 84


l.l/70a 97

4.1/74d 17


15.2/14d 129


9.1/4lb 22, 100


1.7/61b 48, 134

1.10/61d 48


3.5/48c 17

Bereshit Rabbah (ed. Theodor-Albeck)

1.1 37

15.7 91

43.7 91

44.1 20

57.4 58

68.9 123

78.3 122

79.8 121

95.3 94

Shemot Rabbah

3.6 33

3.11 55

5.1 55

33.1 123

Vayiqra Rabbah (ed. Margulies)

7.3 105

36.7 97

Bemidbar Rabbah

13.15 23, 120

19.1 20

Devarim Rabbah

1.18 21

Shir ha-Shirim Rabbah

1.16 94

1.29 110

Ruth Rabbah

6.6 115

Midrash Leqah Tov (ed. Buber)

Vayetse 72b-73a 18

Aharei Mot 50b 45

Huqqat 119b 20

Tanhuma (printed ed.)

Be-shalah 10 42

Tanhuma (ed. Buber)

Vayigash 104b-05a 127

Midrash Aggadah (ed. Buber)

Ve-’ethanan 125 134

Midrash ha-Gadol

Bereshit (ed. Margaliot)

110 133


Sefer ha-Mitsvot

Intro., sec. 1 107

Intro., sec. 2 54

Intro., sec. 14 108

pos. no. 1 44, 99, 104

pos. no. 5 18, 102

pos. no. 10 36

pos. no. 153 104

neg. no. 1 104, 121

Commentary on the Mishnah

Shemonah Peraqim

Intro. 38, 83

ch. 4 100

ch. 5 18

ch. 6 19


Intro. 129

Mishneh Torah

Yesodei ha-Torah

1.6 104

2.8 37

3.9 37

4.13 19

7.5 20

7.7 104

8.1-3 104

8.2-3 73

9.5 73


1.4-6 100

3.3 21

Talmud Torah

1.11-12 20

Avodah Zarah

1.9 79

4.6 82

11.8-9 78

11.16 23


3.4 19

5.4 79

8.1 ff. 127

8.8 22, 126, 129

Sefer Torah

10.1 23


11.2 91

Qiddush ha-Hodesh

1.6 104

5.2-3 104

11.1-43 104

17.2-4 83, 104

Ma’akhalot Asurot

17.29-31 21


14.16 72

8.10 85

Shemittah ve-Yovel

13.13 40


8.8 120

Tum’at Tsara’at

16.10 90

Nizqei Mammon

5.5 109

14.13 85

Hovel u-Maziq

1.5 85


1.14 85


18.6 104

24. 4, 10 112


18.3 104


1.1 ff. 17, 53

2.4 73

2.7 54


14.1 85


8.10-11 111

8.11 19

9.1 94

11 (uncensored) 40

Ma’amar Tehiyyat ha-Metim

ch. 2 127

ch. 8 126

Moreh Nevukhim

Intro. 20, 38

1.2 32

1.27 41, 124

1.36 21

1.71 83

2.5 37

2.5-6 26, 32

2.25 40, 126

2.31 21

2.33 19, 73, 104

2.40 19

3.13 32

3.17 32

3.23 85

3.26 20

3.27 19

3.29 21

3.37 21

3.40 120

3.43 20

3.46 22, 58, 105

3.48 19, 21

3.54 19, 85, 100

Saadiah Gaon

Sefer ha-Nivhar ba-Emunot ve-De’ot

Intro., 6 110

1.2 21

1.4 21

1.5 34

3.1 34, 110

3.3 110

3.10 22

9.2 19

Book of Theodicy (tr. L. E. Goodman)

128 35

292 35

Bahya ibn Paqudah, Hovot ha-Levavot

Sha’ar ha-Bitahon, ch. 4 42

Sha’ar ha-Ma’aseh, ch. 1 ff. 18

Judah Halevi, Kuzari

Intro. 35, 108

1.4 57

1.25 34, 73

1.48 104

1.65 57

1.67 22

1.95 40

2.15 ff. 90

2.61-62 90

2.66 83

4.13 57

5.14 57

5.20 22

Ibn Gabirol, Keter Malkhut

sec. 8 82

Hasdai ibn Crescas, Or ha-Shem

Intro. 45

2.5.3-5 46

Joseph Albo, Sefer ha-’Iqqarim

1.7 19

1.8 108

1.14 45


Bereshit 1:36a 21

Toldot 1:138a 122

Vayetse 1:156b, 158b 39

Yitro 2:87a 22

Vayiqra 3:9b 22, 105

Aharei Mot 3:73a 21

Naso 3:148a 42

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Index of Names and Subjects
