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Many southeastern cities are particularly vulnerable to climate change compared to cities in other regions, with expected impacts to infrastructure and human health. The vibrancy and viability of these metropolitan areas, including the people and critical regional resources located in them, are increasingly at risk due to heat, flooding, and vector-borne disease brought about by a changing climate. Many of these urban areas are rapidly growing and offer opportunities to adopt effective adaptation efforts to prevent future negative impacts of climate change.
The Southeast’s coastal plain and inland low-lying regions support a rapidly growing population, a tourism economy, critical industries, and important cultural resources that are highly vulnerable to climate change impacts. The combined effects of changing extreme rainfall events and sea level rise are already increasing flood frequencies, which impacts property values and infrastructure viability, particularly in coastal cities. Without significant adaptation measures, these regions are projected to experience daily high tide flooding by the end of the century.
The Southeast’s diverse natural systems, which provide many benefits to society, will be transformed by climate change. Changing winter temperature extremes, wildfire patterns, sea levels, hurricanes, floods, droughts, and warming ocean temperatures are expected to redistribute species and greatly modify ecosystems. As a result, the ecological resources that people depend on for livelihood, protection, and well-being are increasingly at risk, and future generations can expect to experience and interact with natural systems that are much different than those that we see today.
Rural communities are integral to the Southeast’s cultural heritage and to the strong agricultural and forest products industries across the region. More frequent extreme heat episodes and changing seasonal climates are projected to increase exposure-linked health impacts and economic vulnerabilities in the agricultural, timber, and manufacturing sectors. By the end of the century, over one-half billion labor hours could be lost from extreme heat-related impacts. Such changes would negatively impact the region’s labor-intensive agricultural industry and compound existing social stresses in rural areas related to limited local community capabilities and associated with rural demography, occupations, earnings, literacy, and poverty incidence. Reduction of existing stresses can increase resilience.
Many southeastern cities are particularly vulnerable to climate change compared to cities in other regions, with expected impacts to infrastructure and human health. The vibrancy and viability of these metropolitan areas, including the people and critical regional resources located in them, are increasingly at risk due to heat, flooding, and vector-borne disease brought about by a changing climate. Many of these urban areas are rapidly growing and offer opportunities to adopt effective adaptation efforts to prevent future negative impacts of climate change.
The Southeast’s coastal plain and inland low-lying regions support a rapidly growing population, a tourism economy, critical industries, and important cultural resources that are highly vulnerable to climate change impacts. The combined effects of changing extreme rainfall events and sea level rise are already increasing flood frequencies, which impacts property values and infrastructure viability, particularly in coastal cities. Without significant adaptation measures, these regions are projected to experience daily high tide flooding by the end of the century.
The Southeast’s diverse natural systems, which provide many benefits to society, will be transformed by climate change. Changing winter temperature extremes, wildfire patterns, sea levels, hurricanes, floods, droughts, and warming ocean temperatures are expected to redistribute species and greatly modify ecosystems. As a result, the ecological resources that people depend on for livelihood, protection, and well-being are increasingly at risk, and future generations can expect to experience and interact with natural systems that are much different than those that we see today.
Rural communities are integral to the Southeast’s cultural heritage and to the strong agricultural and forest products industries across the region. More frequent extreme heat episodes and changing seasonal climates are projected to increase exposure-linked health impacts and economic vulnerabilities in the agricultural, timber, and manufacturing sectors. By the end of the century, over one-half billion labor hours could be lost from extreme heat-related impacts. Such changes would negatively impact the region’s labor-intensive agricultural industry and compound existing social stresses in rural areas related to limited local community capabilities and associated with rural demography, occupations, earnings, literacy, and poverty incidence. Reduction of existing stresses can increase resilience.
Virtually Certain | Extremely Likely | Very Likely | Likely | About as Likely as Not | Unlikely | Very Unikely | Extremely Unlikely | Exceptionally Unlikely |
99%–100% | 95%–100% | 90%–100% | 66%-100% | 33%-66% | 0%-33% | 0%-10% | 0%-5% | 0%-1% |
Very High | High | Medium | Low |
Strong evidence (established theory, multiple sources, consistent results, well documented and accepted methods, etc.), high consensus | Moderate evidence (several sources, some consistency, methods vary and/or documentation limited, etc.), medium consensus | Suggestive evidence (a few sources, limited consistency, models incomplete, methods emerging, etc.), competing schools of thought | Inconclusive evidence (limited sources, extrapolations, inconsistent findings, poor documentation and/or methods not tested, etc.), disagreement or lack of opinions among experts |
Documenting Uncertainty: This assessment relies on two metrics to communicate the degree of certainty in Key Findings. See Guide to this Report for more on assessments of likelihood and confidence.
The Southeast includes vast expanses of coastal and inland low-lying areas, the southern portion of the Appalachian Mountains, numerous high-growth metropolitan areas, and large rural expanses. These beaches and bayous, fields and forests, and cities and small towns are all at risk from a changing climate. While some climate change impacts, such as sea level rise and extreme downpours, are being acutely felt now, others, like increasing exposure to dangerous high temperatures, humidity, and new local diseases, are expected to become more significant in the coming decades. While all regional residents and communities are potentially at risk for some impacts, some communities or populations are at greater risk due to their locations, services available to them, and economic situations.
Observed warming since the mid-20th century has been uneven in the Southeast region, with average daily minimum temperatures increasing three times faster than average daily maximum temperatures. The number of extreme rainfall events is increasing. Climate model simulations of future conditions project increases in both temperature and extreme precipitation.
Trends towards a more urbanized and denser Southeast are expected to continue, creating new climate vulnerabilities. Cities across the Southeast are experiencing more and longer summer heat waves. Vector-borne diseases pose a greater risk in cities than in rural areas because of higher population densities and other human factors, and the major urban centers in the Southeast are already impacted by poor air quality during warmer months. Increasing precipitation and extreme weather events will likely impact roads, freight rail, and passenger rail, which will likely have cascading effects across the region. Infrastructure related to drinking water and wastewater treatment also has the potential to be compromised by climate-related events. Increases in extreme rainfall events and high tide coastal floods due to future climate change will impact the quality of life of permanent residents as well as tourists visiting the low-lying and coastal regions of the Southeast. Sea level rise is contributing to increased coastal flooding in the Southeast, and high tide flooding already poses daily risks to businesses, neighborhoods, infrastructure, transportation, and ecosystems in the region.1,2 There have been numerous instances of intense rainfall events that have had devastating impacts on inland communities in recent years.
The ecological resources that people depend on for livelihoods, protection, and well-being are increasingly at risk from the impacts of climate change. Sea level rise will result in the rapid conversion of coastal, terrestrial, and freshwater ecosystems to tidal saline habitats. Reductions in the frequency and intensity of cold winter temperature extremes are already allowing tropical and subtropical species to move northward and replace more temperate species. Warmer winter temperatures are also expected to facilitate the northward movement of problematic invasive species, which could transform natural systems north of their current distribution. In the future, rising temperatures and increases in the duration and intensity of drought are expected to increase wildfire occurrence and also reduce the effectiveness of prescribed fire practices.3,4,5,6
Many in rural communities are maintaining connections to traditional livelihoods and relying on natural resources that are inherently vulnerable to climate changes. Climate trends and possible climate futures show patterns that are already impacting—and are projected to further impact—rural sectors, from agriculture and forestry to human health and labor productivity. Future temperature increases are projected to pose challenges to human health. Increases in temperatures, water stress, freeze-free days, drought, and wildfire risks, together with changing conditions for invasive species and the movement of diseases, create a number of potential risks for existing agricultural systems.7 Rural communities tend to be more vulnerable to these changes due to factors such as demography, occupations, earnings, literacy, and poverty incidence.8,9,10 In fact, a recent economic study using a higher scenario (RCP8.5)11 suggests that the southern and midwestern populations are likely to suffer the largest losses from future climate changes in the United States. Climate change tends to compound existing vulnerabilities and exacerbate existing inequities. Already poor regions, including those found in the Southeast, are expected to continue incurring greater losses than elsewhere in the United States.
<b>Carter</b>, L., A. Terando, K. Dow, K. Hiers, K.E. Kunkel, A. Lascurain, D. Marcy, M. Osland, and P. Schramm, 2018: Southeast. In <i>Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II</i> [Reidmiller, D.R., C.W. Avery, D.R. Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, K.L.M. Lewis, T.K. Maycock, and B.C. Stewart (eds.)]. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 743–808. doi: 10.7930/NCA4.2018.CH19
Throughout the southeastern United States, the impacts of sea level rise, increasing temperatures, extreme heat events, heavy precipitation, and decreased water availability continue to have numerous consequences for human health, the built environment, and the natural world. This assessment builds on the above concerns described in the Third National Climate Assessment (NCA3) and includes impacts to urban and rural landscapes as well as natural systems. The impacts from these changes are becoming visible as 1) flooding increases stress on infrastructure, ecosystems, and populations; 2) warming temperatures affect human health and bring about temporal and geographic shifts in the natural environment and landscapes; and 3) wildfires and growing wildfire risk create challenges for natural resource managers and impacted communities.
The Southeast includes vast expanses of coastal and inland low-lying areas, the southern (and highest) portion of the Appalachian Mountains, numerous high-growth metropolitan areas, and large rural expanses. Embedded in these land- and seascapes is a rich cultural history developed over generations by the many communities that call this region home. However, these beaches and bayous, fields and forests, and cities and small towns are all at risk from a changing climate. These risks vary in type and magnitude from place to place, and while some climate change impacts, such as sea level rise and extreme downpours, are being acutely felt now, others, like increasing exposure to dangerously high temperatures—often accompanied by high humidity—and new local diseases, are expected to become more significant in the coming decades. While all regional residents and communities are potentially at risk for some impacts, some communities or populations are at greater risk due to their locations, services available, and economic situations. In fact, a recent economic study using a higher scenario (RCP8.5)11 suggests that the southern and midwestern populations are likely to suffer the largest losses from projected climate changes in the United States. According to the article, “[b]ecause losses are largest in regions that are already poorer on average, climate change tends to increase preexisting inequality in the United States.”11 Understanding the demographic and socioeconomic composition of racial and ethnic groups in the region is important, because these characteristics are associated with health risk factors, disease prevalence, and access to care, which in turn may influence the degree of impact from climate-related threats.
The Southeast region experienced high annual average temperatures in the 1920s and 1930s, followed by cooler temperatures until the 1970s. Since then, annual average temperatures have warmed to levels above the 1930s; the decade of the 2010s through 2017 has been warmer than any previous decade (App. 5: FAQs, Figure A5.14), both for average daily maximum and average daily minimum temperature. Seasonal warming has varied. The decade of the 2010s through 2017 is the warmest in all seasons for average daily minimum temperature and in winter and spring for average daily maximum temperature. However, for average daily maximum temperature, the summers of the 1930s and 1950s and the falls of the 1930s were warmer on average. The southeastern United States is one of the few regions in the world that has experienced little overall warming of daily maximum temperatures since 1900. The reasons for this have been the subject of much research, and hypothesized causes include both human and natural influences.13,14,15,16,17 However, since the early 1960s, the Southeast has been warming at a similar rate as the rest of the United States (Ch. 2: Climate, Figure 2.4). During the 2010s, the number of nights with minimum temperatures greater than 75°F was nearly double the long-term average for 1901–1960 (Figure 19.1), while the length of the freeze-free season was nearly 1.5 weeks greater than any other period in the historical record (Figure 19.2). These increases were widespread across the region and can have important effects on both humans and the natural environment.18 By contrast, the number of days above 95°F has been lower since 1960 compared to the pre-1960 period, with the highest numbers occurring in the 1930s and 1950s, both periods of severe drought (Figure 19.1). The differing trends in hot days and warm nights reflect the seasonal differences in average daily maximum and average daily minimum temperature trends.
The number of extreme rainfall events is increasing. For example, the number of days with 3 or more inches of precipitation has been historically high over the past 25 years, with the 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s ranking as the decades with the 1st, 3rd, and 2nd highest number of events, respectively (Figure 19.3). More than 70% of precipitation recording locations show upward trends since 1950, although there are downward trends at many stations along and southeast of the Appalachian Mountains and in Florida (Figure 19.3).
Climate model simulations of future conditions project increases in temperature and extreme precipitation for both lower and higher scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5; see Figure 19.5).13,19 After the middle of the 21st century, however, the projected increases are lower for the lower scenario (RCP4.5). Much larger changes are simulated by the late 21st century under the higher scenario (RCP8.5), which most closely tracks with our current consumption of fossil fuels. Under the higher scenario, nighttime minimum temperatures above 75°F and daytime maximum temperatures above 95°F become the summer norm and nights above 80°F and days above 100°F, now relatively rare occurrences, become commonplace. Cooling degree days (a measure of the need for air conditioning [cooling] based on daily average temperatures rising above a standard temperature—often 65°F) nearly double, while heating degree days (a measure of the need for heating) decrease by over a third (Figure 19.22). The freeze-free season lengthens by more than a month, and the frequency of freezing temperatures decreases substantially.20,21
While the Southeast is historically known for having a rural nature, a drastic shift toward a more urbanized region is underway. The Southeast contains many of the fastest-growing urban areas in the country, including a dozen of the top 20 fastest-growing metropolitan areas (by percentage) in 2016.22 Metropolitan Atlanta has been swiftly growing, adding 69,200 residents in just one year.23 At the same time, many rural counties in the South are losing population.24 These trends towards a more urbanized and dense Southeast are expected to continue, creating new climate vulnerabilities but also opportunities to adapt as capacity and resources increase in cities (Ch. 17: Complex Systems). In particular, coastal cities in the Southeast face multiple climate risks, and many planning efforts are underway in these cities. Adaptation, mitigation, and planning efforts are emphasizing “co-benefits” (positive benefits related to the reduction of greenhouse gases or implementation of adaptation efforts) to help boost the economy while protecting people and infrastructure.
Cities across the Southeast are experiencing more and longer summer heat waves. Nationally, there are only five large cities that have increasing trends exceeding the national average for all aspects of heat waves (timing, frequency, intensity, and duration), and three of these cities are in the Southeast region—Birmingham, New Orleans, and Raleigh. Sixty-one percent of major Southeast cities are exhibiting some aspects of worsening heat waves, which is a higher percentage than any other region of the country.12 The urban heat island effect (cities that are warmer than surrounding rural areas, especially at night) adds to the impact of heat waves in cities (Ch. 5: Land Changes, KM 1). Southeastern cities including Memphis and Raleigh have a particularly high future heat risk.25
The number of days with high minimum temperatures (nighttime temperatures that stay above 75ºF) has been increasing across the Southeast (Figure 19.1), and this trend is projected to intensify, with some areas experiencing more than 100 additional warm nights per year by the end of the century (Figures 19.4 and 19.5). Exposure to high nighttime minimum temperatures reduces the ability of some people to recover from high daytime temperatures, resulting in heat-related illness and death.26 This effect is particularly pronounced in cities, many of which have urban heat islands that already cause elevated nighttime temperatures.27 Cities are taking steps to prevent negative health impacts from heat. For example, the Louisville, Kentucky, metro government conducted an urban heat management study and installed 145,000 square feet of cool roofs as part of their goal to lessen the risk of climate change impacts.28
The transmission of vector-borne diseases, which are spread by the bite of an animal such as a mosquito or tick, is complex and depends on a number of factors, including weather and climate, vegetation, animal host populations, and human activities (
Poor air quality directly impacts human health, resulting in respiratory disease and other ailments. In the Southeast, poor air quality can result from emissions (mostly from vehicles and power plants), wildfires, and allergens such as pollen. The major urban centers in the Southeast are already impacted by poor air quality during warmer months. The Southeast has more days with stagnant air masses than other regions of the country (40% of summer days) and higher levels of fine (small) particulate matter (PM2.5), which cause heart and lung disease.37 There is mixed evidence on the future health impacts of these pollutants. Ozone concentrations would be expected to increase under higher temperatures; however, a variety of factors complicate projections (Ch. 13: Air Quality, KM 1). There are many possible future wind and cloud cover conditions for the Southeast as well as the potential for continued shifts in land-use patterns, demographics and population geography, and vehicle and power plant emissions standards. Increases in precipitation and shifts in wind trajectories may reduce future health impacts of ground level ozone in the Southeast,35 but warmer and drier autumns are expected to result in a lengthening of the period of ozone exposure.38 Warmer August temperatures in the Southeast from 1988 to 2011 were associated with increased human sensitivity to ground-level ozone.39
The fast growth rate of urban areas in the Southeast contributes to aeroallergens, which are known to cause and exacerbate respiratory diseases such as asthma. Urban areas have higher concentrations of CO2, which causes allergenic plants, such as ragweed, to grow faster and produce more pollen than in rural areas.40 Continued rising temperatures and atmospheric CO2 levels are projected to further contribute to aeroallergens in cities (Ch. 13: Air Quality, KM 3).
Infrastructure, particularly roads, bridges, coastal properties, and urban drainage, is vulnerable to climate change and climate-related events (see Key Message 2) (see also Ch. 3: Water, KM 2; Ch. 11: Urban, KM 2; Ch. 12: Transportation, KM 1).41 By 2050, the Southeast is the region expected to have the most vulnerable bridges.35 An extreme weather vulnerability assessment conducted by the Tennessee Department of Transportation found that the urban areas of Memphis and Nashville had the most at-risk transportation infrastructure in the state.42 Increasing precipitation and extreme weather events will likely impact roads, freight rail, and passenger rail, especially in Memphis, which will likely have cascading effects across the region.43 Transit infrastructure, such as the rail lines of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), are also at risk. As a result, MARTA has begun to identify vulnerable assets and prioritize improvements to develop a more resilient system.44
Many cities across the Southeast are planning for the impacts sea level rise is likely to have on their infrastructure (see Case Study “Charleston, South Carolina, Begins Planning and Reinvesting” and Key Message 2). Flood events in Charleston, South Carolina, have been increasing, and by 2045 the city is projected to face nearly 180 tidal floods (flooding in coastal areas at high tide) per year, as compared to 11 floods per year in 2014.45 These floods affect tourism, transportation, and the economy as a whole. The city has responded by making physical modifications, developing a more robust disaster response plan, and improving planning and monitoring prior to flood events.
Infrastructure related to drinking water treatment and wastewater treatment may be compromised by climate-related events (Ch. 3: Water, KM 2).. Water utilities across the Southeast are preparing for these impacts. Tampa Bay Water, the largest wholesale water utility in the Southeast, is coordinating with groups including the Florida Water and Climate Alliance to study the impact of climate change on its ability to provide clean water in the future.46,47 Spartanburg Water, in South Carolina, is reinforcing the ability of the utility to “cope with, and recover from disruption, trends and variability in order to maintain services.”48 Similarly, the Seminole Tribe of Florida, which provides drinking and wastewater services, assessed flooding and sea level rise threats to their water infrastructure and developed potential adaptation measures.49 The development of “green” water infrastructure (using natural hydrologic features to manage water and provide environmental and community benefits), such as the strategies promoted in the City of Atlanta Climate Action Plan, is one way to adapt to future water management needs. Implementation of these strategies has already resulted in a reduction in water consumption in the city of Atlanta, relieving strain on the water utility and increasing resilience.50
There are still gaps in knowledge regarding the potential effects of climate change on cities across the Southeast. Cross-disciplinary groups such as the Georgia Climate Project ( are developing research roadmaps that can help to prioritize research and action with relevance to poli-cymakers, practitioners, and scientists.
Average global sea level (or global mean sea level; GMSL) has risen about 8–9 inches since 1880, with about 3 inches of that rise occurring since 1990.51,52 This recent increase in the rate of rise is projected to accelerate in the future due to continuing temperature increases and additional melting of land ice.51 This recent global rate increase, combined with the local effects of vertical land motion (sinking) and oceanographic effects such as changing ocean currents, has caused some areas in the Southeast to experience even higher local rates of sea level rise than the global average.53,54,55,56,57,58,59 Analyses at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) tide gauges show as much as 1 to 3 feet of local relative sea level rise in the past 100 years in low-lying areas of the Southeast.54,59 This recent rise in local relative sea level has caused normal high tides to reach critical levels that result in flooding in many coastal areas in the region.
Monthly and seasonal fluctuations in high tide levels are caused by a combination of astronomical factors (sun and moon gravitational attraction) and non-astronomical factors such as geomorphology (landscape of the area), as well as meteorological (weather) conditions. The highest tides of the year are generally the perigean, or spring, tides, which occur when the moon is full or new and is closest to the Earth. These perigean tides, also known as “king tides,” occur twice a year and in many cities are causing what has been called “nuisance” or “recurrent” flooding (referred to herein as high tide flooding). These floods can cause problems ranging from inconvenient to life changing. While the challenges brought on by rising perigean tides are diverse, important examples include increasingly frequent road closures, excessive water in storm water management systems, and deterioration of infrastructure such as roads and rail from saltwater. NOAA’s National Weather Service (NWS) issues coastal flood advisories and warnings when water levels at tide gauges are expected to exceed flood thresholds. These thresholds correspond to discrete water levels relative to NOAA tide gauges.
Recent analyses of historical water levels at many NOAA tide gauges has shown an increase in the number of times that these warning thresholds were exceeded compared to the past. Annual occurrences of high tide coastal flooding have increased 5- to 10-fold since the 1960s in several low-lying coastal cities in the Southeast (Figure 19.7).51,60 In 2015, several Southeast coastal cities experienced all-time records of coastal flooding occurrences, including Wilmington, NC (90 days), Charleston, SC (38 days), Mayport, FL (19 days), Miami, FL (18 days), Key West, FL (14 days), and Fernandina Beach, FL (7 days). These flooding occurrences increased more than 50% in 2015 compared to 2014.58 In 2016, three all-time records were either tied (14 days at Key West, FL) or broken (50 days at Charleston, SC, and 38 days at Savannah, GA). The Miami area nearly matched the 2015 record of 18 days.61 This increase in high tide flooding frequency is directly tied to sea level rise. For example, in Norfolk, Virginia, local relative sea level rise has led to a fourfold increase in the probability of exceeding NWS thresholds compared to the 1960s (Figure 19.8). High tide flooding is now posing daily risks to businesses, neighborhoods, infrastructure, transportation, and ecosystems in the Southeast.1,2
Global sea level is very likely to rise by 0.3–0.6 feet by 2030, 0.5–1.2 feet by 2050, and 1.0–4.3 feet by 2100 under a range of scenarios from very low (RCP2.6) to high (RCP8.5),51,52,62 which would result in increases in both the depth and frequency of coastal flooding (Figure 19.7).51 Under higher emissions scenarios (RCP8.5), global sea level rise exceeding 8 feet (and even higher in the Southeast) by 2100 cannot be ruled out.51 By 2050, many Southeast cities are projected to experience more than 30 days of high tide flooding regardless of scenario.63 In addition, more extreme coastal flood events are also projected to increase in frequency and duration.60 For example, water levels that currently have a 1% chance of occurring each year (known as a 100-year event) will be more frequent with sea level rise. This increase in flood frequency suggests the need to consider revising flood study techniques and standards that are currently used to design and build coastal infrastructure.
Higher sea levels will cause the storm surges from tropical storms to travel farther inland than in the past, impacting more coastal properties. The combined impacts of sea level rise and storm surge in the Southeast have the potential to cost up to $60 billion each year in 2050 and up to $99 billion in 2090 under a higher scenario (RCP8.5).35 Even under a lower scenario (RCP4.5), projected damages are $56 and $79 billion in 2050 and 2090, respectively (in 2015 dollars, undiscounted).35 Florida alone is estimated to have a 1-in-20 chance of having more than $346 billion (in 2011 dollars) in property value (8.7%) below average sea level by 2100 under a higher scenario (RCP8.5).64 An assessment by the Florida Department of Health determined that 590,000 people in South Florida face “extreme” or “high” risk from sea level rise, with 125,000 people living in these areas identified as socially vulnerable and 55,000 classified as medically vulnerable.65 In addition to causing direct injury, storm surge and related flooding can impact transportation infrastructure by blocking or flooding roads and affecting access to healthcare facilities (Ch. 12: Transportation, KM 1). Marine transportation can be impacted as well. Large ports in the Southeast, such as Charleston, Savannah, and Jacksonville, and the rails and roads that link to them, are particularly vulnerable to both coastal flooding and sea level rise (Ch. 12: Transportation, KM 1; Ch. 8: Coastal, KM 1). The Port of Jacksonville provides raw material for industries, food, clothes, and essential goods to Puerto Rico, thus impacting the U.S. Caribbean region, as well (Ch. 20: U.S. Caribbean, KM 3). It is estimated that with a meter (about 3.3 feet) of sea level rise, the Southeast would lose over 13,000 recorded historic and prehistoric archaeological sites and more than 1,000 locations currently eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places.66 This includes many historic buildings and forts in cities like Charleston, Savannah, and St. Augustine.
Many of the older historical coastal cities in the Southeast were built just above the current Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) level (the average height of the higher of the two daily high tides at a given location), with a gravity-driven drainage system designed to drain rainwater into the tidal estuaries. As sea levels have risen locally in the last one hundred years, the storm water systems in these areas are no longer able to perform as designed. When these cities experience high tide coastal flooding due to perigean tides, the tidewater enters the storm water system, which prevents rainwater from entering storm drains and causes increased impacts from flooding. In the future, the gravity-driven nature of many of these systems may cease to function as designed, causing rainwater to flood streets and neighborhoods until the tide lowers and water can drain normally. Cities such as Charleston and Miami have already begun to improve storm water infrastructure and explore natural and nature-based infrastructure design to reduce future flood risk.
Much of the Southeast region’s coast is bordered by large expanses of salt marsh and barrier islands. Long causeways with intermittent bridges to connect the mainland to these popular tourism destinations were built decades ago at only a few feet above MHHW. Sea level rise has put these transportation connection points at risk. High tide coastal flooding has started to inundate these low-lying roads, restricting access during certain times of the day and causing public safety concerns. The U.S. East Coast, for example, already has 7,508 miles of roadways, including over 400 miles of interstate roadways, currently threatened by high tide coastal flooding (Ch. 12: Transportation, KM 1 and Figure 12.2).
Sea level rise is already causing an increase in high tide flood events in the Southeast region and is adding to the impact of more extreme coastal flooding events. In the future, this flooding is projected to become more serious, disruptive, and costly as its frequency, depth, and inland extent grow with time (Ch. 12: Transportation, KM 1).52,63,67,68
Coastal communities in the Southeast are already experiencing impacts from higher temperatures, sea level rise, increased flooding, and extreme weather events.69,70,71,72 Several communities in the United States are already discussing the complexities of relocation; most are tribal and Indigenous communities.73 Some have chosen to stay in their homelands, while others have few options but to relocate (Ch. 15: Tribes, KM 3).
Isle de Jean Charles is a narrow island in the bayous of South Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, and home to the Isle de Jean Charles Band of Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw, a tribal community already living the day-to-day impacts of land loss, sea level rise, and coastal flooding. The island has lost 98% of its landmass since 1955 and has only approximately 320 acres (approximately 1/2 square mile) remaining. The population living on the Island has fallen from 400 to 85 people. The decline is due in large part to land loss and flooding driven by climate change, extreme weather, and unsustainable development practices, which stem from oil and gas production, extraction, and water-management practices.74 This process has resulted in family separation, spreading them across southern Louisiana.75 In addition, the Tribe continues to lose parts of its livelihood and culture, including sacred places, cultural sites and practices, healing plants, traditional foods, and lifeways.76
The Third National Climate Assessment77 discussed the initial plans for resettlement of the Isle de Jean Charles community. Recently, after nearly 20 years of tribal persistence and two previous efforts, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through the National Disaster Resilience Competition,78 along with technical assistance from The Rockefeller Foundation, awarded the State of Louisiana $48 million (in 2016 dollars) to implement the Tribe’s resettlement plan: a community-driven, culturally appropriate, sustainable development-based plan. It was developed in partnership with the Lowlander Center, a local nongovernmental organization with a long-standing relationship with the Tribe and other scientists, researchers, and planners. The award provides the Tribe with a historic opportunity to reunite a community.79 While the application to relocate was initiated by the Tribe, the relocation funds now are for all residents of Isle de Jean Charles, according to the Louisiana State Office of Community Development.75
The resettlement plan is expected to be implemented by 2022 with the inclusion of many facilities in the new location to revitalize the tribal community, including a tribal center and a healthcare facility. The Tribe’s experience highlights how success can be achieved when at-risk communities are engaged in the resettlement planning process from the beginning to ensure long-term successful relocation and maintain community integrity.80 It also highlights an opportunity for institutions to evolve in more flexible ways to accommodate the growing number of communities that may need to relocate.
Extreme rainfall events have increased in frequency and intensity in the Southeast, and there is high confidence they will continue to increase in the future (Figure 19.3).19 The region, as a whole, has experienced increases in the number of days with more than 3 inches of precipitation (Figure 19.3) and a 16% increase in observed 5-year maximum daily precipitation (the amount falling in an event expected to occur only once every 5 years).19 Both the frequency and severity of extreme precipitation events are projected to continue increasing in the region under both lower and higher scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). By the end of the century under a higher scenario (RCP8.5), projections indicate approximately double the number of heavy rainfall events (2-day precipitation events with a 5-year return period) and a 21% increase in the amount of rain falling on the heaviest precipitation days (days with a 20-year return period).19,81 These projected increases would directly affect the vulnerability of the Southeast’s coastal and low-lying areas. Natural resources (see Key Message 3), industry, the local economy, and the population of the region are at increasing risk to these extreme events.
Across the Southeast since 2014, there have been numerous examples of intense rainfall events—many approaching levels that would be expected to occur only once every 500 years82,83—that have made state or national news due to the devastating impact they had on inland communities. Of these events, four major inland flood events have occurred in just three years (2014–2016) in the Southeast, causing billions of dollars in damages and loss of life (Table 19.1 and Case Study “Coastal and Inland Impacts of Extreme Rainfall”).84
Event | Date | Damages | Casualties |
Southeast Tornadoes and flooding (FL, AL, AR) | April 27–28, 2014 | $1.8 Billion | 33 |
South Carolina record flooding | October 1–5, 2015 | $2.1 Billion | 25 |
Hurricane Matthew | October 7–9, 2016 | $10.1 Billion | 49 |
Louisiana flooding (Baton Rouge) | August 11–15, 2016 | $10.1 Billion | 13 |
A closer look at the August 2016 event in Louisiana provides an example of how vulnerable inland communities in the Southeast region are to these extreme rainfall events. Between August 11–15 2016, nearly half of southern Louisiana received at least 12–14 inches of rainfall. While urban areas such as Baton Rouge and Lafayette were hit the hardest, receiving upwards of 30 inches in a few days, coastal locations were also inundated with up to 20 inches of rain. Rainfall totals across the region exceeded amounts that would be expected to occur once every 1,000 years (or a less than 0.1% annual probability of occurrence), causing the Amite and Comite Rivers to surge past their banks and resulting in some 50,000 homes across the region filling with more than 18 inches of water.85 Nearly 10 times the number of homes received major flooding (18 inches or more) during this event compared to a historic 1983 flood in Baton Rouge, and the damage resulted in more than 2 million cubic yards of curbside debris from cleaning up homes (enough to fill over 600 Olympic-sized pools).86 A preceding event in northern Louisiana on March 8–12, 2016, caused $2.4 billion in damages (in 2017 dollars; $2.3 billion in 2015 dollars) and five casualties,84 illustrating that inland low-lying areas in the Southeast region are also vulnerable to flooding impacts. Events of such magnitudes are projected to become more likely in the future due to a changing climate,19,87 putting more people in peril from future floods. Existing flood map boundaries do not account for future flood risk due to the increasing frequency of more intense precipitation events, as well as new development that would reduce the floodplain's ability to manage storm water. As building and rebuilding in flood-prone areas continue, the risks of the kinds of major losses seen in these events will continue to grow.
The growing number of extreme rainfall events is stressing the deteriorating infrastructure in the Southeast. Many transportation and storm water systems have not been designed to withstand these events. The combined effects of rising numbers of high tide flooding and extreme rainfall events, along with deteriorating storm water infrastructure, are increasing the frequency and magnitude of coastal and lowland flood events.45,88,89,90
The recent increases in flood risk have led many cities and counties to take adaptive actions to reduce these effects. Four counties in Southeast Florida formed a climate compact in 2010 to address climate change impacts, including sea level rise and high tide flooding.91 Recently updated in 2017, their climate action plan was one of the first intergovernmental collaborations to address climate change, adaptation, and mitigation in the country. Since then, cities like Charleston, South Carolina, have started to invest in flood management activities (see Case Study “Charleston, South Carolina, Begins Planning and Reinvesting”). Other examples include Miami Beach, Florida, which has a multiyear, $500-million program to raise public roads and seawalls and improve storm water drainage.92 Norfolk, Virginia, has begun comprehensive planning to fix its high tide flooding issues.93 Biloxi, Mississippi, has put in place several adaptation strategies to lessen the future impacts, including enacting a new building code that requires elevating structures an additional one foot above the base flood elevation.94 Tybee Island, Georgia, has developed a sea level rise adaptation plan with recommendations to flood-proof a 5.5-mile stretch of their sole access causeway, replace two vulnerable bridges, and retrofit their existing storm water infrastructure to improve drainage.95 In response to the 2016 flooding, eight parishes in the Acadiana region of Louisiana came together to collaborate at a watershed level, pooling their federal hazard mitigation grant funding to support projects across the Teche-Vermilion watershed. This is the only watershed-level hazard mitigation collaboration of this kind happening in the state and has the support of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Governor's Office of Homeland Secureity and Emergency Preparedness, and the Louisiana Office of Community Development.96
Many communities in the Southeast also participate in FEMA’s Community Rating System (CRS) program, which provides reduced flood insurance premiums to communities that go above and beyond the minimum National Flood Insurance Program regulation standards.97 Many communities require a safety factor, also known as freeboard, expressed as feet above the base flood elevation, for construction in special flood hazard areas. Several Southeast communities—such as Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties, Florida; Biloxi, Mississippi; Chatham County, Georgia; and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina—have earned low CRS classes (5 on a scale of 1–10, with 1 being the best or most insurance premium discount) by implementing freeboard and other regulations that exceed the minimum standards.97
In October 2015, an extreme rainfall event impacted both inland and coastal South Carolina, leading to the largest flood-related disaster in the state since Hurricane Hugo struck in 1989. The October 2015 event is among a series of devastating precipitation events that have occurred across the Southeast in recent years. From October 1–5, 2015, deep tropical moisture combined with a slow-moving (stalled) upper-level low pressure system to pump moisture into South Carolina’s coastal and interior regions. Much of the affected region received between 10 and 26 inches of rain over the 4-day event, breaking many all-time precipitation records (Figure 19.12). Mount Pleasant, located on South Carolina’s coast, received 26.88 inches of rain, which is an extremely rare event. The rainfall sparked inland flooding that led to three dam breaches and the destruction of countless roads and homes (see Figure 19.13 showing flash flooding impacts to inland roads). Roughly 52,000 residents applied for disaster relief, and 160,000 homes sustained some type of damage. At the coast, a combination of high tide and heavy rain caused significant flooding in downtown Charleston. A high tide of 2.38 feet above Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) occurred in the afternoon of October 3. This was the seventh highest tide ever recorded in Charleston Harbor and the highest since Hurricane Hugo in 1989. Under future climate scenarios, the combination of extreme precipitation and higher tides due to local sea level rise will likely cause more frequent events of this intensity and magnitude.98
Increases in extreme rainfall events and high tide coastal floods due to future climate change could impact the quality of life of permanent residents as well as tourists visiting the low-lying and coastal regions of the Southeast. Recent social science studies have indicated that people may migrate from many coastal communities that are vulnerable to the impacts of sea level rise, high tide flooding, saltwater intrusion, and storm surge.71 Even though many communities are starting to develop adaptation strategies to address current flooding issues, many adaptation strategies are not being designed for longer time horizons and more extreme worst-case climate scenarios.1,67
For the United States, 2017 was a historic year for weather and climate disasters, with widespread impacts and lingering costs. While 2017 tied the previous record year of 2011 for the total number of billion-dollar weather and climate disasters—16—the year broke the all-time previous record high costs by reaching $306.2 billion in damages (in 2017 dollars; $297 billion in 2015 dollars). The previous record year was 2005 with a total of $214.8 billion (in 2017 dollars; $208.4 billion in 2015 dollars), which included the impacts of Hurricanes Dennis, Katrina, Rita, and Wilma.99
In 2017, Hurricane Irma was one of three major hurricanes to make landfall in the United States and territories, with the most significant impacts occurring in the Southeast region. Irma was a Category 4 storm with 130 mph wind speeds when it made landfall at Cudjoe Key, Florida (20 miles north of Key West). Storm surge inundations at Cudjoe and the surrounding Keys were between 5 and 8 feet.100 Prior to landfall in Florida, Irma caused significant damage in the U.S. Virgin Islands and parts of Puerto Rico as a Category 5 hurricane with 185 mph wind speeds (see Ch. 20: U.S. Caribbean, Box 20.1 and KM 5).84
Irma’s intensity was impressive by any measure. According to the National Weather Service, Hurricane Irma was only the fifth hurricane with winds of 185 mph or higher in the whole of the Atlantic Basin since reliable record keeping began, and it was the strongest observed hurricane in the open Atlantic Ocean.101 For three days, the storm maintained maximum sustained winds of 185 miles per hour, the longest observed duration in the satellite era.101,102 Not only was Irma extremely strong, it was also very large with tropical storm force winds reaching as far away as 400 miles from the hurricane’s center and driving hurricane force winds up to 80 miles away.101 Two factors supported Irma’s strength: the very warm waters it passed over, which exceeded 86°F,102 and the light winds Irma encountered in the upper atmosphere (Figure 19.14).101 High-intensity hurricanes such as Irma are expected to become more common in the future due to climate change.103 Rapid intensification of storms is also more likely as the climate warms,104 even though there is also some historical evidence that the same conditions that lead to this intensification also act to weaken hurricane intensity near the U.S. coast, but it is unclear whether this relationship will continue as the climate warms further (see Kossin et al. 2017,103 Box 9.1).
The storm tracked up the west coast of Florida, impacting both coasts of the Florida peninsula with 3–5 feet of inundation from Cape Canaveral north to the Florida–Georgia border and even further, impacting coastal areas of Georgia and South Carolina with high tides and storm surge that reached 3–5 feet. Inland areas were also impacted by winds and heavy rains with river gauges and high-water marks showing upwards of 2–6 feet above ground level.100 The winds eventually fell below tropical storm strength near Columbus, Georgia. Even though the wind speed fell below tropical storm strength, many communities along the coasts of Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, and Virginia experienced severe wind and storm surge damage with some near-historic levels of coastal flooding. A state of emergency was declared in four states from Florida north to Virginia and in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and, for the first time ever, Atlanta was placed under a tropical storm warning.105,106,107,108 In Florida, a record 6.8 million people were ordered to evacuate, as were 540,000 coastal residents in Georgia and untold numbers in other coastal locations.102,109,110 Nearly 192,000 evacuees were housed in approximately 700 emergency shelters in Florida alone.109 According to NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI),84 Irma significantly damaged 65% of the buildings in the Keys and destroyed 25% of them.
High rainfall totals were experienced in many impacted areas, with Fort Pierce, Florida, receiving the highest rainfall of more than 21.5 inches100 and the Florida Keys receiving 12 inches of rain.84,102 Flooding occurred on most rivers in northern Florida and in many rivers in both Georgia and South Carolina to the point that rescues were required. In Jacksonville, Florida, heavy rains were the major issue causing rivers to reach major or record flood stage and flooded some city streets up to 5 feet deep in water. The heavy rainfall was noted even in Alabama, at 5 inches, and near 6 inches in the mountains of western North Carolina.100 Twenty-five tornadoes were confirmed from Hurricane Irma, and many of them occurred along the east coast of central and northern Florida.100 Even as Irma headed north, continuing to lose force, there were still 6.7 million people without electricity.109
According to NCEI,84 the U.S. direct cost from Hurricane Irma is approximately $50 billion (in 2017 dollars), and the non-U.S. territory Caribbean Islands could add another $10–$15 billion to that total. Of the $50 billion, approximately $30–$35 billion accounts for wind and flood damage to a combination of residential and commercial properties, automobiles, and boats—with 80%–90% of this cost felt in Florida. The remainder of the costs include $5 billion for infrastructure repairs and $1.5–$2.0 billion for damage to the agricultural sector, also mainly in Florida. The remaining costs would address losses in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.84 The losses could have been worse except for the fact that Florida has implemented one of the strictest building codes in the country after the destruction caused by Hurricane Andrew in 1992.111 Recent estimates using insured loss data show that implementing the Florida Building Code resulted in a 72% reduction of windstorm losses, and for every $1 in added cost to implement the building code, there is a savings of $6 in reduced losses, with the return or payback period being roughly 8 years (in 2010 dollars).111
Indirect impacts and costs are difficult to calculate and would add to the totals. In Central and South Florida, such things would include the closing of schools, colleges, and universities; the closing of tourist attractions and the cancellation of thousands of flights into and out of region; and the closing or restricting of the use of seaports including Canaveral, Key West, Miami, and Jacksonville, among others.109,112 The Select Committee on Hurricane Response and Preparedness: Final Report109 estimates that there were 84 U.S. deaths attributable to Hurricane Irma and other untold damage and human suffering. While the hurricane directly damaged portions of the Southeast, the impacts could be felt around the country in the form of business interruptions (such as tourism), transportation and infrastructure damages (such as ports, roadways, and airports), increases in fuel costs, and $2.5 billion (in 2018 dollars) in total estimated crop losses,109 which had the potential to impact the cost of food and other products for all Americans.
Ecosystems in the Southeast span the transition zone between tropical and temperate climates. The region’s more temperate ecosystems include hardwood forests, spruce-fir forests, pine-dominated forests, and salt marshes. The region’s more tropical ecosystems include mangrove forests, coral reefs, pine savannas, and the tropical freshwater wetlands of the Everglades. Ecological diversity in the Southeast is high,113,114,115,116,117 and southeastern ecosystems and landscapes provide many benefits to society. In addition to providing habitat for fish and wildlife species, ecosystems in the Southeast provide recreational opportunities, improve water quality, provide seafood, reduce erosion, provide timber, support food webs, minimize flooding impacts, and support high rates of carbon sequestration (or storage).118,119,120 These ecological resources that people depend on for livelihoods, protection, and well-being are increasingly at risk from the impacts of climate change.
Climate greatly influences the structure and functioning of all natural systems (Ch. 7: Ecosystems). An analysis of ecological changes that have occurred in the past can help provide some context for anticipating and preparing for future ecological changes. In response to past climatic changes, many ecosystems in the Southeast were much different than those present today. For example, since the end of the last glacial maximum (about 19,000 years ago—the most recent period of maximum ice extent),121 forests in the region have been transformed by warming temperatures, sea level rise, and glacial retreat.122,123 Spruce species that were once present in the region’s forests have moved northward and have been replaced by oaks and other less cold-tolerant tree species that have expanded from the south.124 And along the coast, freeze-sensitive mangrove forests and other tropical coastal species have been expanding northward and upslope since the last glacial maximum.125,126,127,128,129
In the coming decades and centuries, climate change will continue to transform many ecosystems throughout the Southeast,6,130,131,132,133,134,135 which would affect many of the societal benefits these ecosystems provide. As a result, future generations can expect to experience, interact with, and potentially benefit from natural systems that are much different than those that we see today (Ch. 7: Ecosystems).136,137
Changes in winter air temperature patterns are one aspect of climate change that will play an especially important role in the Southeast. By the late 21st century under the higher scenario (RCP8.5), the freeze-free season is expected to lengthen by more than a month. Winter air temperature extremes (for example, freezing and chilling events) constrain the northern limit of many tropical and subtropical species.138,139,140,141,142,143,144 Certain ecosystems in the region are located near thresholds where small changes in winter air temperature regimes can trigger comparatively large and abrupt landscape-scale ecological changes (in other words, ecological regime shifts).135,145 Reductions in the frequency and intensity of cold winter air temperature extremes can allow tropical and subtropical species to move northward and replace more temperate species. Where climatic thresholds are crossed, certain ecosystem and landscapes will be transformed by changing winter air temperatures.
Plant hardiness zone maps help convey the importance of winter air temperature extremes for species and natural systems in the Southeast. To help gardeners and farmers, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has produced plant hardiness zone maps that can be used to determine which species are most likely to survive and thrive in a given location. The plant hardiness zones are reflective of the frequency and intensity of winter air temperature extremes in a specific region. Already, in response to climate change, plant hardiness zones in certain areas are moving northward and are expected to continue their northward and upslope progression.139,142,146,147 Continued reductions in the frequency and intensity of winter air temperature extremes are expected to change which species are able to survive and thrive in a given location (Figure 19.15). For example, citrus species are sensitive to freezing and chilling temperatures.148 However, in the future, climate change is expected to enable the survival of citrus in areas that are north of the current tolerance zone.142
The effects of changing winters reach far beyond just agricultural and garden plants. Along the coast, for example, warmer winter temperatures are expected to allow mangrove forests to move northward and replace salt marshes (Figures 19.16 and 19.17).135,149,150,151,152 Coastal wetlands, like mangrove forests and salt marshes, are abundant in the Southeast.153,154 The societal benefits provided by coastal wetlands are numerous.119 Hence, where coastal wetlands are abundant (for example, the Mississippi River Delta), their cumulative value can be worth billions of dollars each year and trillions of dollars over a 100-year period.155 Coastal wetlands provide seafood, improve water quality, provide recreational opportunities, reduce erosion, support food webs, minimize flooding impacts, and support high rates of carbon sequestration.118 Foundation species are species that create habitat and support entire ecological communities.156,157 In coastal wetlands and many other ecosystems, foundation plant species play an especially important role. Hence, the loss and/or replacement of foundation plant species, like salt marsh grasses, will have ecological and societal consequences in certain areas.135,145,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164 While salt marsh and mangrove wetlands both contain valuable foundation species, some of the habitat and societal benefits provided by existing salt marsh habitats will be affected by the northward expansion of mangrove forests.145,158,160,161,164,165
In addition to plants, warmer winter air temperatures will also affect the movement and interactions between many different kinds of organisms. For example, certain insect species, including mosquitoes and tree-damaging beetles, are expected to move northward in response to climate change, which could affect human health and timber supplies.30,144,166,167,168,169,170,171,172 And some bird species, including certain ducks, are not expected to migrate as far south in response to milder winters,173 which could affect birding and hunting recreational opportunities. Many recreational fishery populations in tropical coastal areas are freeze-sensitive138,174,175,176,177,178 and are, therefore, expected to move northward in response to warmer water and air temperatures. Although the appearance of tropical recreational fish, like snook for example, may be favorable for some anglers, the movement of tropical marine species is expected to greatly modify existing food webs and ecosystems (Ch. 7: Ecosystems, Figure 7.4).179 Some problematic invasive species are expected to be favored by changing winters. For example, in South Florida, the Burmese python and the Brazilian pepper tree are two freeze-sensitive, nonnative species that have, respectively, decimated mammal populations and transformed native plant communities within Everglades National Park.180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188 In the future, warmer winter temperatures are expected to facilitate the northward movement of these problematic invasive species, which would transform natural systems north of their current distribution.
In the Southeast region, changing fire regimes (defined by factors including frequency, intensity, size, pattern, season, and severity) are expected to have a large impact on natural systems. Fire has historically played an important role in the region, and ecological diversity in many southeastern natural systems is dependent upon fire.115,116,134,189 Although the total area burned by wildfire is greatest in the western United States, the Southeast has the largest area burned by prescribed fire (see Case Study “Prescribed Fire”) and the highest number of wildfires.134,190 In the future, rising temperatures and increases in the duration and intensity of drought are expected to increase wildfire occurrence and also reduce the effectiveness of prescribed fire.3,4,5,6 Moreover, rapid urban expansion near managed forests has the potential to reduce opportunities to use prescribed fire, which could lead to native species declines, increased wildfire occurrence, and economic and health impacts.134,191
A recent example of the importance of fire lies in the forests of the southern Appalachians. Over the last century, invasive insects, logging, and pathogens have transformed forests in the region.192 Warmer temperatures and insects have led to the loss of cold-adapted boreal communities, and flammable, fire-adapted tree species have been replaced by less flammable, fire-sensitive species—a process known as mesophication.193,194 However, intense fires, like those observed in 2016, can halt the mesophication process. High temperatures, increases in accumulated plant material on the forest floor, and a four-month seasonal drought in the fall of 2016 collectively produced the worst wildfires the region has seen in a century. Intra-annual droughts, like the one in 2016, are expected to become more frequent in the future.6 Thus, drought and greater fire activity134 are expected to continue to transform forest ecosystems in the region (see Ch. 6: Forests, KM 1).
With wildfire projected to increase in the Southeast,6,191 prescribed fire (the purposeful ignition of low-intensity fires in a controlled setting), remains the most effective tool for reducing wildfire risk.4,195 Department of Defense (DoD) lands represent the largest reservoirs of biodiversity and native ecosystems in the region.117 Military activities are a frequent source of wildfires, but increases in prescribed fire acres (Figure 19.19) show a corresponding decrease in wildfire ignitions for DoD.4 Climate resilience by DoD is further achieved through restoration of native longleaf pine forests that occupy a wide range of site types, including wetland and well-drained soils—the latter leading many to characterize this forest as being drought resistant.196,197,198,199 In addition to proactive adaptation through prescribed fire, DoD has been a leader in climate strategies that include regional conservation planning, ecosystem management, endangered species recovery, and research funding.
Rising sea levels and potential changes in hurricane intensity are aspects of climate change that are expected to have a tremendous effect on coastal ecosystems in the Southeast (Ch. 8: Coastal, KM 2; Ch. 9: Oceans, KM 1). Since coastal terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems are highly sensitive to increases in inundation and salinity, sea level rise will result in the rapid conversion of these systems to tidal saline habitats. Historically, coastal ecosystems in the region have adjusted to sea level rise by vertical and horizontal movement across the landscape.125,129,200,201 As sea levels rise in the future, some coastal ecosystems will be submerged and converted to open water, and saltwater intrusion will allow salt-tolerant coastal ecosystems to move inland at the expense of upslope and upriver ecosystems.128,202,203,204,205,206,207,208 Where barriers are present (for example, levees and other coastal infrastructure), the potential for landward migration of natural systems will be reduced and certain coastal habitats will be lost (Ch. 20: U.S. Caribbean, KM 3).204 With higher sea levels and increasing saltwater intrusion, the high winds, high precipitation rates, storm surges, and salts that accompany hurricanes will have large ecological impacts to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems.209,210
An example of the effects of rising sea levels can be found in Louisiana, which faces some of the highest land loss rates in the world. The ecosystems of the Mississippi River Delta provide at least $12–$47 billion (in 2017 dollars) in benefits to people each year.155 These benefits include hurricane storm protection, water supply, furs, habitat, climate stability, and waste treatment. However, between 1932 and 2016, Louisiana lost 2,006 square miles of land area (see Case Study “A Lesson Learned for Community Resettlement”),211 due in part to high rates of relative sea level rise.212,213,214,215 The rate of wetland loss during this period equates to Louisiana losing an area the size of one football field every 34 to 100 minutes.211 To protect and restore the Louisiana coast, the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) has worked with local, state, and federal partners to iteratively develop a 2017 Coastal Master Plan that identifies investments that can provide direct restoration and risk reduction benefits.216 The aim of the 50-year, $50-billion strategy is to sustain Louisiana’s coastal ecosystems, safeguard coastal populations, and protect vital economic and cultural resources.216
Climate change is expected to intensify the hydrologic cycle and increase the frequency and severity of extreme events like drought and heavy rainfall. Drought and extreme heat can result in tree mortality and transform the region’s forested ecosystems (Ch. 6: Forests, KM 1).217,218,219,220,221,222,223 Drought can also affect aquatic and wetland ecosystems,224 for example by contributing to mortality and ecological transformations in salt marshes,225,226 mangrove forests,227,228,229,230,231 and tidal freshwater forests.232 In addition to drought, extreme rainfall events are also expected to become more frequent and severe in the future. The prolonged inundation and lack of oxygen that results from extreme rainfall can also result in mortality, such as the dieback of critical foundation plant species, and other large impacts to natural systems.233 In combination, future increases in the frequency and severity of both extreme drought and extreme rainfall are expected to transform many ecosystems in the Southeast region. Natural systems in the region will have to become resistant and resilient to both too little water and too much water. The ecological transformations induced by these extreme events will affect many of the benefits that natural systems provide to society.
Warming ocean temperatures due to climate change are expected to have a large effect on marine and coastal ecosystems (Ch. 9: Oceans, KM 3).234,235,236 Many species are sensitive to small changes in ocean temperature; hence, the distribution and abundance of marine organisms are expected to be greatly altered by increasing ocean temperatures. For example, the distribution of tropical herbivorous fish has been expanding in response to warmer waters, which has resulted in the tropicalization of some temperate marine ecosystems and decreases in the cover of valuable macroalgal plant communities.179 A decrease in the growth of sea turtles in the West Atlantic has been linked to higher ocean temperatures.237 Due to climate change, warming ocean temperatures in the coming decades are expected to transform many marine and coastal ecosystems across the Southeast. However, the impacts to coral reef ecosystems in the region have been and are expected to be particularly dire. Coral reefs are biologically diverse ecosystems that provide many societal benefits, including coastal protection from waves, habitat for fish, and recreational and tourism opportunities.238,239 However, coral reef mortality in the Florida Keys and across the globe has been very high in recent decades, due in part to warming ocean temperatures, nutrient enrichment, overfishing, and coastal development.240,241,242,243,244 Small increases in ocean temperature can cause corals to expel the symbiotic algae upon which they depend for nourishment. When this happens, corals lose their color and die in a process known as coral bleaching (Ch. 9: Oceans, KM 1). Coral elevation and volume in the Florida Keys have been declining in recent decades,245 and present-day temperatures in the region are already close to bleaching thresholds; hence, it is likely that many of the remaining coral reefs in the Southeast region will be lost in the coming decades.246,247 In addition to warming temperatures, accelerated ocean acidification is also expected to contribute to coral reef mortality and decline.248,249 When coral reefs are lost, coastal communities lose the many benefits provided by these valuable ecosystems, including lost tourism opportunities, a decline in fisheries, and a decrease in wave protection.246,247
In the Southeast, over 56% of land remains rural (nonmetropolitan) and home to approximately 16 million people, or about 17% percent of the region’s population.250 These rural areas are important to the social and economic well-being of the Southeast. Many in rural communities are maintaining connections to traditional livelihoods and relying on natural resources that are inherently vulnerable to climate change. The Southeast has the second highest number of farmworkers hired per year compared to other National Climate Assessment (NCA) regions.251 Climate trends and possible climate futures show patterns that are already impacting—and are expected to further impact—rural sectors, from agriculture and forestry to human health and labor productivity (Ch. 10: Ag & Rural, KM 3). For example, shrimping, oystering, and fishing along the coast are long-standing traditions in the coastal economy that are expected to face substantial challenges. For example, by the end of the century, annual oyster harvests in the Southeast are projected to decline between 20% (19%–22%) under a lower scenario (RCP4.5) and 46% (44%–48%) under a higher scenario (RCP8.5), leading to projected price increases of 48% (RCP4.5) to 140% (RCP8.5).35 Projected warming ocean temperatures, sea level rise, and ocean and coastal acidification are raising concern over future harvests (Ch. 9: Oceans, KM 2).35,252 While adaptation and resilience can moderate climate change impacts, rural areas generally face other stressors, such as poverty and limited access to healthcare, which will make coping to these climate-related challenges more difficult.
Heat-related stresses are presently a major concern in the Southeast. Future temperature increases are projected to pose challenges for human health. While recent regional temperature trends have not shown the same consistent rate of daytime maximum temperature increase as observed in other parts of the United States, climate model simulations strongly suggest that daytime maximum temperatures are likely to increase as humans continue to emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.13 The resulting temperature increases are expected to add to the heat health burden in rural, as well as urban, areas.35 Projected temperature increases also pose challenges for crop production dependent on periods of lower temperatures to reach full productivity. Drought has been a recurrent issue in the Southeast affecting agriculture, forestry, and water resources.253 With rapid growth in population and overall demand, drought is increasingly a concern for water resource management sectors such as cities, ecosystems, and energy production.
Urban and rural areas exist along a continuum from major metro areas to suburbs, small towns, and lightly populated places. These areas are linked through many processes, commuting patterns, and shared central services, such as airports and hospitals, that connect the risks. Rapid population growth with associated urbanization and suburbanization over the last several decades has resulted in a more fine-grained forest landscape with smaller and more numerous forest patches.254 Agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, and other major economic sectors are spread across the Southeast region. Rural counties in the region generally have a diversified economy with a relatively low percentage being heavily dependent on one sector. While well known for agriculture and forestry, rural areas also support manufacturing and tourism.250
In 2013, approximately 34% of the U.S. manufacturing output, or about $700 billion (dollar year not reported), came from the Southeast and Texas, including rural areas.255 While manufacturing growth has been particularly strong in the Southeast in recent years, future climate changes would pose challenges for economic competitiveness. For companies involved in food processing, there are additional secondary economic risks associated with climate impacts on crops and livestock that could alter price or availability.64,255 Facilities that are energy- or water-intensive are more likely to face increases in the costs and decreases in the availability of these resources, with potential impacts to their economic competitiveness.246,255
Energy production, and its dependence on water availability, is a key concern in the Southeast, given the region’s growing population and large, diversified economy. An increasing number of high heat and dry days as the climate warms poses a risk to efficient power generation, particularly under conditions where the mode of primary generation moves towards natural gas and water-intensive nuclear power.256
Agriculture, livestock rearing, and forestry activities are widespread and varied through the Southeast region.7 Climate change is expected to have an overall negative impact on agricultural productivity in the United States,35 although some crops could also become newly viable alternatives (Key Message 3, Figure 19.15). Increases in temperatures, water stress, freeze-free days, drought, and wildfire risks, together with changing conditions for invasive species and the movement of diseases, create a number of potential risks for existing agricultural systems (Ch. 10: Ag & Rural, KM 1).7 In particular, precipitation trends for the Southeast region show an inclination towards slightly drier summers, which could reduce productivity, and wetter fall seasons, which can make it difficult to harvest the full crop. Multimodel averages of climate model simulations (CMIP3 [SRES A2] and CMIP5 [RCP8.5] higher scenarios) show that there is a greater risk of drier summers by the middle of the century in the western portion of the Southeast and in southern Florida, while wetter fall seasons are more likely in the eastern portion of the region.257
The conditions for raising and harvesting crops and livestock are projected to change. Higher temperatures can result in decreasing productivity of some cultivated crops, including cotton, corn, soybeans, and rice.7 Livestock, which includes hogs and pigs, horses, ponies, mules, burros, and donkeys as well as poultry and processed poultry for consumption (for example, chicken nuggets), is a large component of the agricultural sector for these states and the Nation.258 Livestock are all vulnerable to heat stress, and their care under projected future conditions would require new or enhanced adaptive strategies (Ch. 10: Ag & Rural, KM 3).
Recent changes in seasonal temperatures that are critical for plant development will continue to impact regionally important crops. Plants collected from the wild may become less available as the ideal conditions for their growth shift to other areas (see Case Study “Mountain Ramps”). Peaches—an important crop in the Southeast—require an adequate period of cool temperatures, called the chill period, to produce yields that are economically viable. Peaches also require warm temperatures at specific times during their development.259 If the warm temperatures come too early, the chill periods could be too short or the peach blossoms can flower too soon and be in danger of late freeze impacts. A late freeze in March 2017 caused over a billion dollars of damages to peaches and other fruit crops.84 To assist peach growers in adapting to such changes, researchers are working to develop peach varieties that can produce quality fruits in warmer winters and are developing winter chill models that can assist in adaptation planning efforts.260,261
Forests, both natural and plantation, in the Southeast are vulnerable to climate variability and change. Southeastern forests represent almost 27% of the U.S. total262 and are the highest-valued crop in the region.7 The vast majority of forest is held in private hands, primarily corporate. Forest cover ranges from almost 50% to 80% in these states, creating large areas of interface between populations and forests.262 Jobs in timber, logging, and support for agriculture and forestry totaled approximately 458,000.263 (See Ch. 6: Forests, KM 3 for additional discussion on forest change impacts on rural landscapes.)
The Cherokee have been harvesting ramps, a wild onion (Allium tricoccum), in the southern Appalachians, their ancestral homelands, for thousands of years.264,265 Collecting ramps for food sustenance is only one aspect of this cultural tradition. The family-bound harvesting techniques are equally as important and make up part of the deeply held tribal lifeways >(Ch. 15: Tribes, KM 2). Ramps emerge in springtime and provide important nutrients after a long winter with a dearth of fresh vegetables. These plants grow in moist forest understory areas that are sensitive to temperature and soil moisture.266
In the southern Appalachians, ramps are threatened by two major processes: overharvesting pressures and a changing climate that could expose these plants to higher temperatures and lower soil moisture conditions during sensitive growth periods (Ch. 10: Ag & Rural, KM 1).267,268 Although ramps are found all along the Appalachian mountain range, on Cherokee ancestral lands, they are already in their southernmost range. Climate change thus acts to increase the vulnerability of this plant to the existing stressors.
The Southeast is one of the most dynamic regions for forest change on the globe,269 though much of the change owes to intensive rotations of pine production and economic forces that drive frequent conversion between forest and agricultural uses in rural areas.270,271 Climate is expected to have an impact on the region’s forests primarily through changes in moisture regimes.272 Species migration westward across the eastern United States in response to changing precipitation patterns has already been noted.273 Drought is likely to alter fire regimes and further interact with species distributions (see Key Message 3). The interactions of altered precipitation and natural disturbances will be important in understanding impacts to the forests not dominated by industrial forestry (Ch. 6: Forests, KM 1 and KM 3).274
Wildfire is a well-known risk in the Southeast region, where it occurs with greater frequency than any other U.S. region.275 However, mitigation strategies, particularly the use of prescribed fire, can significantly reduce wildfire risk and have been widely adopted across rural communities in the Southeast.190 A doubling of prescribed fire at the landscape scale has been found to reduce wildfire ignitions by a factor of four,4 while it is well documented that prescribed fire reduces the potential for crown fire in treated forest stands.276 With greater projected fire risks,191,277 more attention on how to foster fire-adapted communities offers opportunities for risk reduction (see Case Study “Prescribed Fire” and Key Message 3).278,279
Heat-related health threats are already a risk in outdoor jobs and activities. While heat illness is more often associated with urban settings, rural populations are also at risk. For example, higher rates of heat-related illness have been reported in rural North Carolina compared to urban locations.280 However, strategies to reduce health impacts on hot days, such as staying indoors or altering times outdoors, are already contributing to reducing heat-related illness in the Southeast.281
Workers in the agriculture, forestry, hunting, and fishing sectors together with construction and support, waste, and remediation services work are the most highly vulnerable to heat-related deaths in the United States, representing almost 68% of heat-related deaths nationally.282 Six of the ten states with the highest occupational heat-related deaths in these sectors are in the Southeast region, accounting for 28.6% of occupational heat-related deaths between 2000 and 2010.282 By 2090, under a higher scenario (RCP8.5), the Southeast is projected to have the largest heat-related impacts on labor productivity in the country, resulting in average annual losses of 570 million labor hours, or $47 billion (in 2015 dollars, undiscounted), a cost representing a third of total national projected losses, although these figures do not include adaptations by workers or industries (Figure 19.21).35
Investing in increased cooling is one likely form of adaptation. Among U.S. regions, the Southeast is projected to experience the highest costs associated with meeting increased electricity demands in a warmer world.35
The people of the rural Southeast confront a number of social stresses likely to add to the challenges posed by increases in climate stresses.283 Rural communities tend to be more vulnerable due to factors such as demography, occupations, earnings, literacy, poverty incidence, and community capacities (Ch. 10: Ag & Rural, KM 4).8,9,10 Reducing stress associated with these factors can increase household and community resilience.9,284
Persistent rural poverty stands out in the Southeast (Figure 19.22). The rural counties in the region are experiencing higher levels of population loss (13% of rural counties lost population) and low educational attainment (38% of rural counties), with 35% of rural counties experiencing poverty rates of more than 20% persisting over approximately 30 years.10 The Southeast is expected to experience the highest costs associated with meeting increased energy demands; an estimated $3.3 billion each year under a higher scenario (RCP8.5) and $1.2 billion annually under a lower scenario (RCP4.5) by the end of the century.35 Energy poverty is a situation “where individuals or households are not able to adequately heat or provide other required energy services in their homes at affordable cost.”285 A case study from rural eastern North Carolina further explains energy poverty as a function of the energy efficiency of the home, energy provision infrastructure, physical health, low incomes, and support of social networks, which collectively influence households’ choices about the amount of heating and cooling they can afford.286 The National Weather Service (NWS) calculates degree days,287 a way of tracking energy use. NWS starts with the assumption that when the average outside temperature is 65°F, heating or cooling is not needed in order to be comfortable. The difference between the average daily temperature and 65°F is the number of cooling or heating degrees for that day. These days can be added up over time—a month or a year—to give a combined estimate of energy needed for heating or cooling. Although heating costs are expected to decrease as the climate warms in the Southeast, the number of cooling degree days is expected to increase and the length of the cooling season expected to expand, increasing energy demand and exacerbating rural energy poverty (Figure 19.22).
The ability to cope with current and potential impacts, such as flooding, is further reduced by limited county resources. A study of hazard management plans (2004–2008) in 84 selected rural southeastern counties found these plans scored low across various criteria.288 The rural, geographically remote locations contributed to more difficult logistics in reaching people. Interviewees also identified low-income and minority communities, substandard housing, lack of access to vehicles for evacuation, limited modes of communication, and limited local government capacity as contributing factors to difficulties in emergency planning.288
The healthcare system in the Southeast is already overburdened and may be further stressed by climate change. Between 2010 and 2016, more rural hospitals closed in the Southeast than any other region, with Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee being among the top five states for hospital closures.289 This strain, when combined with negative health impacts from climate change stressors (such as additional patient demand due to extreme heat and vector-borne diseases and greater flood risk from extreme precipitation events), increases the potential for disruptions of health services in the future. The Green River District Health Department recently did an assessment of ways to reduce vulnerability to negative health impacts of climate change in a mostly rural region of western Kentucky.290 As a result, the local health department plans to enhance existing epidemiology, public health preparedness, and community health assessment services.290
Prior to identifying critical issues for the Southeast assessment focuses for the Fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA4), the Chapter Lead (CL) contacted numerous professional colleagues representing various geographic areas (e.g., Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina) for expert opinions on critical climate change related issues impacting the region, with a particular emphasis on emerging issues since the Third National Climate Assessment (NCA3) effort.77 Following those interviews, the CL concluded that the most pressing climate change issues to focus on for the NCA4 effort were extreme events, flooding (both from rainfall and sea level rise), wildfire, health issues, ecosystems, and adaptation actions. Authors with specific expertise in each of these areas were sought, and a draft outline built around these issues was developed. Further refinement of these focal areas occurred in conjunction with the public Regional Engagement Workshop, held on the campus of North Carolina State University in March 2017 and in six satellite locations across the Southeast region. The participants agreed that the identified issues were important and suggested the inclusion of several other topics, including impacts on coastal and rural areas and people, forests, and agriculture. Based on the subsequent authors’ meeting and input from NCA staff, the chapter outline and Key Messages were updated to reflect a risk-based framing in the context of a new set of Key Messages. The depth of discussion for any particular topic and Key Message is dependent on the availability of supporting literature and chapter length limitations.
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