Climate Indices: Monthly Atmospheric and Ocean Time Series
Please reference time series use in publications! Time series that are regularly updated have a * after their name.Name | Description |
PNA* |
Pacific North American Index:From NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) |
East Pacific/North Pacific Oscillation:From NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC).
This index replaces the old EP index which is no longer maintained by CPC.
WP* |
Western Pacific Index:From NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) |
EA/WR | Eastern Atlantic/Western Russia: From NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) |
NAO* |
North Atlantic Oscillation:From NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) |
NAO (Jones) |
North Atlantic Oscillation:From CRUHurrell, J.W., 1995: Decadal trends in the North Atlantic Oscillation and
relationships to regional temperature and precipitation. Science 269, 676-679.
Jones, P.D., Jónsson, T. and Wheeler, D., 1997: Extension to the North Atlantic Oscillation using early instrumental pressure observations from Gibraltar and South-West Iceland. Int. J. Climatol. 17, 1433-1450. |
SOI* |
Southern Oscillation Index:From NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) |
Niño 3* |
Eastern Tropical Pacific SST(5N-5S,150W-90W): From NOAA Climate Prediction Center(CPC)
CPC uses the NOAA ERSST V5 anomalies. Now uses
Mean values also available.
longer version |
Bivariate ENSO Timeseries
Calculated from combining a standardized SOI and a standardized Niño3.4 SST timeseries. Uses the
dataset (HadISST1.1) is now used to calculate Niño 3.4 timeseries. Most recent data is based on the
NOAA OI V2 SST dataset. PSL
TNA* |
Tropical Northern Atlantic Index
Anomaly of the average of the monthly SST from 5.5N to 23.5N and
15W to 57.5W. HadISST and NOAA OI 1x1 datasets are used to create index. Climatology is 1971-2000.
TSA* |
Tropical Southern Atlantic Index
Anomaly of the average of the monthly SST from Eq-20S and 10E-30W.
HadISST and NOAA OI 1x1 datasets are used to create index. Climatology is 1971-2000.
Western Hemisphere Warm Pool
Monthly anomaly of the ocean surface area warmer than 28.5° C in the Atlantic and eastern North Pacific.
Based on HadISST and NOAA OI SST (for latest value).
Climatology is 1971-2000.
Oceanic Niño Index:From NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Three month running mean of NOAA ERSST.V5 SST anomalies in the Niño 3.4
region (5N-5S, 120-170W), based on changing base period which onsist of multiple centered 30-year base
These 30-year base periods will be used to calculate the anomalies for successive 5-year periods in the
historical record.
MEI V2 |
Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI V2)Time series is bimonthly so the Jan
value represents the Dec-Jan value and is centered between the months. Details and current values are PSL's MEI webpage.
Niño 1+2* |
Extreme Eastern Tropical Pacific SST(0-10S, 90W-80W): From CPC
CPC uses the
NOAA ERSST V5 anomalies. Now uses
Mean values also available.
Niño 4* |
Central Tropical Pacific SST(5N-5S) (160E-150W): From CPC
uses the NOAA ERSST V5
anomalies. Now uses
Mean values also available.
Niño 3.4* |
East Central Tropical Pacific SST(5N-5S)(170-120W): From CPCCPC uses the NOAA ERSST V5
anomalies. Now uses
Mean values also available.
Pacific Decadal OscillationPDO is the
leading PC of monthly SST anomalies in the North Pacific Ocean.
UPDATED: Using data from 1948 to 2002. Details and more information are available. |
Tripole Index for the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation
Details and more information are available.
Northern Oscillation IndexNOI is an index of climate variability based
on the difference in SLP anomalies at the North Pacific High and near Darwin Australia. Schwing, F.B., T.
and P.M. Green. 2002. The Northern Oscillation Index (NOI): a new climate
index for the northeast Pacific. Progress in Oceanography 53: 115-139.
The time series and more
information are available.
NP |
North Pacific PatternNP is the
area-weighted sea level pressure over the region 30N-65N,
160E-140W. Time
series source
Trenberth and Hurrell (1994): Climate Dynamics 9:303-319. |
TNI (Trans-Niño Index) |
Indices of El Niño EvolutionCalculated at PSL. For longer timeseries, go to
Kevin E. Trenberth and
David P. Stepaniak: J. Climate, 14, 1697-1701.
Trend |
A Linear Time Series (1,2,3,...)
NOT the linear trend
of the variable
Hurricane Activity |
Monthly Totals Atlantic Hurricanes and Named Tropical Storms
(Updated to 2016) Each month has the total number of hurricanes or named tropical storms in that month
in the
Atlantic region. These are provided by Phil Klotabach at CSU.
AO |
Arctic OscillationFrom CPC
Note: values are now from CPC as they update their data
through the present
The loading pattern of AO (AAO) is defined as the first leading mode from the EOF analysis of monthly mean height anomalies at 1000-hPa (NH) or 700-hPa (SH). Note that year-round monthly mean anomaly data has been used to obtain the loading patterns. Since the AO and AAO have the largest variability during the cold sesaon (variance of AO/AAO), the loading patterns primarily capture characteristics of the cold season patterns.
Daily and monthly AO (AAO) indices are constructed by projecting the daily and monthly mean 1000-hPa (700-hPa)
height anomalies onto the leading EOF mode. Both time series are normalized by the standard deviation of the
monthly index (1979-2000 base period). Since the loading pattern of AO (AAO) is obtained using the monthly
mean height anomaly dataset, the index corresponding to each loading pattern becomes one when it is normalized
by the standard deviation of the monthly index.Values and
Antarctic Oscillation Values
references Data from NOAA CPC
Pacific Warmpool Region |
Pacific Warmpool Area Average
Definition: area averaged SST: 60E-170E, 15S-15N
Dataset: NOAA ERSSTV5 1948-present
Climatology: 1981-2020 Also available: Long version (1854-present).
Martin P. Hoerling, Jon Eischeid, and Judith Perlwitz, 2010: Regional Precipitation Trends: Distinguishing
Natural Variability from Anthropogenic Forcing. J. Climate, Vol. 23, 2131-2145.
Tropical Pacific SST EOF |
1st EOF of SST(20N-20S, 120E-60W)
GISST 1948-1949
Reconstructed Reynolds 1950-1981 OI 1982-present
Martin P. Hoerling, Arun Kumar, and Taiyi Xu, 2001: Robustness of the nonlinear
climate response to ENSO's extreme phases. Journal of Climate, Vol.14, No.6,
Atlantic Tripole SST EOF |
1st EOF of SST(10N-70N, 0-80W)
GISST 1948-1949
Reconstructed Reynolds 1950-1981r OI 1982-present
Deser, Clara, Michael S. Timlin, 1997: Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction on Weekly Timescales in the North
Atlantic and Pacific. Journal of Climate: Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.393-408.
Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation Long Version |
AMO, unsmoothed
Note: this index is newly computed from a new dataset. Please use it and note that it supersedes the old
indices. The data is calculated
from the Kalplan SST. See the AMO webpage for more details.
Enfield, D.B., A. M. Mestas-Nunez and P.J. Trimble, 2001: The Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and it's
relation to rainfall and river flows in the continental U.S.. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 28,
Atlantic Meridional Mode |
Note: this index is computed from a new dataset. See the AMM webpage for more details.
2004 Chiang, J. C. H., and D. J. Vimont: Analogous meridional modes of atmosphere-ocean variability in the
tropical Pacific and tropical Atlantic. J. Climate,17(21), 4143-4158.
North Tropical Atlantic Index (NTA) |
NTA:North Tropical Atlantic SST Index(Source dataset changed: old version available).The timeseries of SST anomalies averaged
over 60W to 20W, 6N to 18N and 20W to 10W, 6N to 10N map. Data is obtained from the ERSST V3b dataset. Anomalies
were calculated relative to the 1981-2010 climatology, smoothed by three months running mean procedure and
projected onto 20 leading EOFs. Month of data is the center of the 3 months that are smoothed. More
information and the indexes forecasted values are available.
Penland, C., and L. Matrosova, 1998: "Prediction of tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures using Linear
Inverse Modeling," J. Climate, March, 483-496 pp.
Caribbean Index (CAR) |
CAR:Caribbean SST IndexThe timeseries of SST anomalies averaged over the the Caribbean. Data is obtained from the NOAA ERSST V3b
dataset. Anomalies were calculated relative to the 1981-2010 climatology, smoothed by three months running
mean procedure and projected onto 20 leading EOFs. More information and the indexes forecasted values are available.
Penland, C., and L. Matrosova, 1998: "Prediction of tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures using Linear
Inverse Modeling," J. Climate, March, 483-496 pp.
Atlantic multidecadal Oscillation Long Version |
AMO, smoothed
Note: this index is newly computed from a new dataset. Please use it and note that it supersedes the old
indices. The data is calculated
from the Kalplan SST. See the AMO webpage for more details.
Enfield, D.B., A. M. Mestas-Nunez and P.J. Trimble, 2001: The Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and it's
relation to rainfall and river flows in the continental U.S.. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 28,
QBO* |
Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
Calculated at PSL (from the zonal average of the 30mb zonal wind at the equator as computed from the NCEP/NCAR
Globally Integrated Angular Momentum* |
Globally Integrated Angular Momentum
Data is not being updated after Feb 2014. It is not known when or if it will be
updated (due
to resource issues)..Note that time series is scaled by 1e25. Values
3-month running means except for the last month which is a 2-month average.
Weickmann, K.M., W.A. Robinson and M.C. Penland, 2000: Stochastic and
oscillatory forcing of global atmospheric angular momentum. J. Geophys. Res.,
105, D12, 15543-15557.
ENSO Precipitation Index |
ENSO Precipitation Index Please
cite "ENSO Indices Based on Patterns
of Satellite-Derived Precipitation" Curtis and Adler in J. of Climate, 13,2786 (2000). Time series
that uses rainfall data in the
Tropical Pacific to describe ENSO events.
Central Indian Precipitation (core monsoon region) |
Central Indian Precipitation Please cite the Indian Institute of
Tropical Meteorology.
Sahel Rainfall |
Sahel Standardized Rainfall(20-8N, 20W-10E) From
The averaging region is based on the rotated principal component analysis of average June through September
African rainfall presented
in Janowiak (1988, J. Climate, 1, 240-255). Stations within 20-8N, 20W-10E are obtained from the National
Center for Atmospheric
Research World Monthly Surface Station Climatology (WMSSC), and 14 retained which had complete or almost
complete records for
1950-93. See link for stations.
SW Monsoon Region rainfall |
Area Averaged Precipitation for Arizona and New Mexico
Calculated using NCDC's climate division dataset. Monthly precipitation values for each of the climate
divisions in Arizona and New
Mexico are are averaged to produce a single monthly value. Reference:
personal communication, Catherine Smith. Also,
NCDC, 1994, Time Bias Corrected Divisional Temperature-Precipitation-Drought Index. Documentation for dataset TD-9640. Available from DBMB, NCDC, NOAA, Federal Building, 37 Battery Park Ave. Asheville, NC 28801-2733. 12pp. |
Northeast Brazil Rainfall Anomaly |
Northeast Brazil Rainfall Anomaly
From Mitchell: The northeast Brazil rainfall index is calculated from data for Fortaleza (3.7S, 38.5W) and
(5.3S, 39.3W) Brazil obtained from the NCAR World Monthly Surface Station Climatology. Climatological mean is
for 1950-79.
Solar Flux (10.7cm)* |
Solar Flux(10.7cm)
To cite, "The 10.7cm Solar Flux Data are provided as a service by the National Research Council of Canada". They would appreciate a preprint or at least a reference if you use the data URL is |
Global Mean Land/Ocean Temperature Index | Global Mean Land/Ocean Temperature
Values change over time!
Data values are from NASA/GISS. Please read and refer to this web page plus the main web page describing various temperature indices at the main NASA/GISTEMP webpage. Note, the index is an anomaly index. They have comments in the datafile and the writeup on obtaining an absolute global mean temperatures. Please reference the papers:
Time Series Format
The format for all time series is:
year1 yearN year1 janval febval marval aprval mayval junval julval augval sepval octval novval decval year2 janval febval marval aprval mayval junval julval augval sepval octval novval decval ... yearN janval febval marval aprval mayval junval julval augval sepval octval novval decval missing_value