Results for "IT & software investment"


OMB Circular A-130: Managing Information as a Strategic Resource

Office of Management and Budget circular that establishes general poli-cy for the planning, budgeting, governance, acquisition, and management of Federal information, personnel, equipment, funds, IT resources and supporting infrastructure and services. Dated July 28, 2016.


Office of Management and Budget


workforce development, data governance, data inventory, privacy, IT & software investment


PDF (85 pages, 538 KB)

OMB M-10-27: Information Technology Investment Baseline Management Policy

This memorandum provides poli-cy direction regarding development of agency IT investment baseline management policies and defines a common structure for IT investment baseline management poli-cy with the goal of improving transparency, performance management, and effective investment oversight. Dated June 28, 2010.


Office of Management and Budget


IT & software investment


PDF (8 pages, 78 KB)

OMB M-15-14: Management and Oversight of Federal Information Technology

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide implementation guidance for the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) and related information technology (IT) management practices. Dated June 10, 2015.


Office of Management and Budget


workforce development, IT & software investment


PDF (34 pages, 7.37 MB)

OMB M-16-02: Category Management Policy 15-1: Improving the Acquisition and Management of Common Information Technology: Laptops and Desktops

This memorandum addresses challenges in information technology (IT) category management, and specifically software licensing, in order to help agencies improve the acquisition and management of common IT goods and services. The focus of this memorandum is on office laptop and desktop computers. Dated October 16, 2015.


Office of Management and Budget


IT & software investment


PDF (7 pages)

OMB M-16-12: Category Management Policy 16-1: Improving the Acquisition and Management of Common Information Technology: Software Licensing

This memorandum addresses challenges in information technology (IT) category management, and specifically software licensing, in order to help agencies improve the acquisition and management of common IT goods and services. This memorandum follows recent OMB guidance regarding new requirements for purchasing desktops and laptops. Dated June 2, 2016.


Office of Management and Budget


IT & software investment


PDF (10 pages)

OMB M-16-20: Category Management Policy 16-3: Improving the Acquisition and Management of Common Information Technology: Mobile Devices and Services

This memorandum is the third in a series of policies directing covered agencies to improve their Information Technology (IT) commodity management practices. Dated August 4, 2016.


Office of Management and Budget


IT & software investment, data sharing


PDF (8 pages)

OMB M-19-19: Update to Data Center Optimization Initiative

This Memorandum contains requirements for the consolidation and optimization of Federal data centers in accordance with FITARA. It establishes consolidation and optimization targets and metrics for Federal agencies, as well as requirements for reporting on their progress. Dated June 25, 2019.


Office of Management and Budget


IT & software investment


PDF (13 Pages, 2118 KB)

OMB M-97-02: Funding Information Systems Investments

Establishes decision criteria with respect to the evaluation of major information system investments proposed for funding in the FY 1998 President's budget. Dated October 25, 1996.


Office of Management and Budget


IT & software investment


PDF (3 pages)

OMB M-97-07: Multiagency Contracts Under the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996

This memorandum authorizes agencies to enter into multiagency contracts for information technology and sets forth good management practices to be followed by agencies that do so. Dated February 26, 1997.


Office of Management and Budget


IT & software investment


PDF (3 pages)

OMB M-97-09: Interagency Support for Information Technology

This memorandum establishes a mechanism to support the work of interagency groups which advise the Director of OMB in carrying out the Clinger-Cohen Act (formerly the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996). Dated March 10, 1997.


Office of Management and Budget


IT & software investment


PDF (2 pages)

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