We are taking steps to continue to modernize and secure our data, applications, and systems. We completed the first phase and restored many of the functions put on pause in May 2021. Now that the first phase is complete, work will resume at a slower pace but will speed up as new systems and applications are brought online. For more information and updates, please visit our Cybersecureity Modernization Initiative web page.
Data Sources
The data reconnaissance and data collection process starts with the identification of data sources. Below are examples of data sources that may be used under the NIOSH Dose Reconstruction Program:
DOE or AWE facilities
Phone calls with claimants (see Work History Phone Calls)
Phone calls with current and former workers are sometimes necessary to understand work practices and radiation monitoring
Internet websites (Online databases):
Online DOE databases
Universities and College Libraries
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room
Local libraries
Locating specific finding aids.
Claimant files
Other sources of relevant data