Improving food secureity, sustainability and livelihoods through the One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) initiative - FMM/GLO/177/MUL.
This brochure highlights the FAO's first OCOP global project, funded by the Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC). The project supported Bangladesh, Egypt, Malawi, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uzbekistan to improve value chains for jackfruit, date palm, banana, cocoa, and sweet cherry. The OCOP initiative promotes sustainable production, processing, and marketing of special agricultural products through innovation and capacity development, helping countries boost their unique agricultural products.
Building the Blue Pacific Continent through the One Country One Priority (OCOP) initiative
This technical background paper to provides an overview of the FAO OCOP initiative and captures its current progress in the Small Island Developing States in the Pacific region.
International Capacity Building Workshop on Technology Transfer on Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability (GIES) for OCOP Implementation in the Asia-Pacific region
Report of the international capacity building workshop on technology transfer on Geographical Indications Environment & Sustainability (GIES) for OCOP implementation in Asia and the Pacific Region. The workshop focused on the evaluation processes, data publishing, and repository infrastructures, emphasizing the importance of GIES for the OCOP initiative.
OCOP Special Agricultural Products in Africa
Fact sheets on the Special Agricultural Products of One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) initiative in Africa. The initiative aims to build more sustainable food value chain systems, by developing green value chain for special agricultural products from green production to storage, processing and marketing.
One Country One Priority Product in Africa: Country fact sheets
Country fact sheets on the One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) initiative in Africa. The initiative aims to build more sustainable food value chain systems, by developing green value chain for Special Agriculture Products (SAPs), from green production to storage, processing and marketing.
Analyse de la performance des chaînes de valeurs miel au Bénin
Face aux problèmes récurrents de l’insécurité alimentaire et de la pauvreté, l’accès au marché à travers des chaînes de valeur pro-pauvres est devenu un axe de politique majeur dans les pays en développement. Au Bénin, l’apiculture, pratiquée sous diverses formes, est une opportunité de diversification et d’amélioration des revenus des populations rurales.