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How and Why You Should Build a Style Sheet
For authors in the humanities and social sciences, creating a style sheet can strengthen your text and offer insight into the values shaping your choices, Tess C. Rankin writes.
A Timetable for Navigating Your Tenure Journey
Ruth Monnier and Mark M. Diacopoulos provide advice to demystify the tenure process, especially at a teaching institution.
Why Grad Schools Should Make the Case for Public Scholarship
Deborah J. Cohan offers seven reasons why grad schools should help students cultivate the ability to write for a larger audience.
Making the Most of Individual Development Plans
They can be used for promoting communication, collaboration and growth within research groups, write Jacob J. Ryder, C. K. Gunsalus, Elizabeth A. Luckman, Jacob A. Brown, Nicholas C. Burbules and Julia Briskin.
The Summer Break That Isn’t
Faculty need to be able to use the time in ways they can return rested and renewed in the fall, but that often doesn’t happen, writes Susannah M. Givens.
A Leadership Position We Aren’t Prepared For
Faculty members who run a lab have a research job and a leadership job, but they are often only trained for one of those, Jen Heemstra writes.
2 Factors Challenging Faculty’s Sense of Inclusion
Pandemic-related caregiving burdens and health concerns have played a particularly large role, write Shuyin Liu, Dessie Clark, Laurel Smith-Doerr and Joya Misra.
COVID’s Lasting Impacts on Faculty Inclusion
Think the pandemic is well behind us? Survey data shows feelings of inclusion have continued dropping as a result of it, write Laurel Smith-Doerr, Joya Misra, Shuyin Liu and Dessie Clark.
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