- 食べ物の持ち込みはできません。ペットボトル、園内のパン屋、キッチンカーで購入のものにつきましては、この限りではございません
- ゴミは各自お持ち帰り下さい
- 緊急時は係員の誘導にしたがって下さい
- バラにはトゲがあるので気を付けて下さい
- バラが傷みますので、花壇の中へは入らぬようにお願いいたします
- 三脚、脚立、イーゼルなどを花壇の中へは置かないようにお願いいたします
※春バラシーズンはご利用いただけない時間帯があります。詳しくはこちらをご覧下さい - レジャーシート、テントの設営はできません
- ベビーカー、日傘、コインロッカーの貸し出しはございません
- 再入園は出来ません
春フェア開催期間中 10:00~15:00 利用不可 - バラの見ごろ(開花状況)は、 ホームページ をご覧ください
- 上記以外の期間及び、秋のバラシーズンは、全日使用可能です
- 花壇に入らないでください
- 他のお客様のご迷惑にならない様、ご注意ください
Terms of use
Cautionary notes
- Playground materials
- Pets *service dogs are allowed
- Dangerous goods and materials
- Tents, and photographic equipment (flash, board reflector, stepladder etc) *Except paid photo shoot
- Radios and players that make sounds.
- Smoking
- Picking plants and takig animals from the park.
- Unaccompanied chidren (under junior high school students)
- Cosplay costume *Except during the cosplay events.
- Tripod, monopod, simple chair, easel during spring rose season.
*For limited times, check here. For autumn, using these are allowed everyday. - Any commercial purpose photography without an application.
- Visits wearing wedding dress.
*About photo shoot, check here.
Other things to beware of
- You cannot bring food or drink except pet bottles and food from the bakery in the park and kitchen cars.
- Do not leave litter.
- In emergencies, please follow staff members instruction.
- Please be careful of the rose thorns.
- Do not enter the flowerbed because this will harm the roses.
- Please do not put tripods, stepladders or easels in the flowerbeds.
*During the spring rose season, there wil be limits to use. For detailed information, check here. - You cannot put up a tent or put down a picnic sheet.
- We do not rent prams, sunshades or coin lockers.
- You cannot re-enter.
Times that you cannot use tripods, stepladders, easel and simple chairs etc
Spring fair is on 10:00~15:00 - About rose season (flowering situation), check our Website or Facebook.
- During periods other than the above and during the fall rose season, it can be used on all days.
- Do not go in to the flower bed.
- Do not disturb other customers.