Zac Bears
Zac Bears is Executive Director at PHENOM (Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts) Lives in Medford, Massachusetts.
He is also the secretary of the Massachusetts Education Justice Alliance and represents PHENOM on the executive board of Massachusetts Jobs with Justice. Zac served as PHENOM's interim organizing director from November 2016 to January 2017 and as a board member from July 2016 to January 2017. He graduated from UMass Amherst in 2015 with degrees in political science and economics, has worked as an economist for the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and served as the digital communications director for AFSCME Council 93, one of the largest public employee unions in New England. At UMass, Zac helped to lead a campaign against tuition and fee hikes and supported student activists as the opinion editor of the Massachusetts Daily Collegian.[1]
Okinawa letter
October 31, 2022 more than 40 US elected officials, apparently all members of Democratic Socialists of America signed a letter to Jack Reed, Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate/
- We, the undersigned civil society groups, write to make urgent requests regarding the Japanese and U.S. governments' plan to construct a U.S. military base at Henoko-Oura Bay in Okinawa, promoted as a replacement facility for the U.S. Marine Corps Futenma Air Station located in the middle of Ginowan City on Okinawa Island (FRF project)...We ask the U.S. Congress to review the FRF construction plan with the same integrity and determination that it has shown in protecting the coastal and ocean environments of the United States.
Signatories included Zac Bears, Medford City Council Member (MA), as well as Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, World BEYOND War, The Red Nation, Nodutdol, Center for Biological Diversity, Worker Communist Party of Iraq, CODEPINK, New York Peace Council, Democratic Socialists of America International Committee. and many others.[2]
Medford City Council
Boston Democratic Socialists of America.
Congratulations to Boston DSA member Zac Bears for winning a seat on the Medford City Council! From city to city, we will build working-class power!
Nov 5 2019.
We won 5,201 votes for 5th Place and a seat on the Medford City Council! We are the 5th of 7 Our Revolution Medford candidates who won, including: Nicole Morell on City Council, and Mea Mustone, Paul Ruseau and Jenny Graham on School Committee! So proud of our team!
Boston DSA member Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler placed fifth out of 22 candidates, winning a seat on Cambridge City Council by a comfortable margin. (The election used ranked-choice voting, and the top nine vote getters won.) A tenant organizer and renter, he ran on a platform of tenants’ rights, rent control, fare-free public transit, municipal broadband, and free, in-state higher ed tuition for public school graduates, financed by contributions from MIT and Harvard. Fellow Boston DSA member Zac Bears also won election—to city council in nearby Medford, Massachusetts, placing fifth in a 14-way race for seven seats.[3]
Solidarity Project with the People of Mexico
Mary Jo Connelly September 6 2019·
Don't miss the chance to join us next Sunday Sept. 15 from 4-6pm for food and conversation with Prof. Javier Bravo, a representative of Mexico's MORENA Party (the party that elected AMLO, a left-progressive President of Mexico).
The event will be held at 50 Maverick Square, 2nd floor. The event is co-sponsored by Liberation Road, Mijente Latin American Solidarity Circle and the Solidarity Project with the People of Mexico.
It's a great opportunity to hear what's happening in Mexico with the astounding election of progressive Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), and to talk about what we can do on both sides of the border. For fellow left-electoral geeks, there's a lot to learn from AMLO and MORENA experience. See the attached flier for more information. — with Mike Connelly, Ben Echevarria, Shana Berger, Amanda Achin, Andre Green, Rae Axner, Matt Taylor, Will Mbah, Gabriel Mireles, Garret Virchick, Matthew Miller, Pennie Taylor, Vicki Jane, Lily Huang, Becca Tumposky, Ben Bradlow, Payton Corbett, John Fitzgerald, Greg Hill, Rene E. Mardones, Juan Pablo Blanco, Joe Teixeira, Genevieve Leigh, Camilo Viveiros, Brian Connelly, Thomas Estabrook, Joe Ramsey, Colleen Fitzpatrick, Donald Cronin, Linda Liu, Consuelo Perez, Van Hardy, Mary Regan, Amy Colwell Todd, Zac Bears and Gillian Mason.
Toward Radical Democracy
Toward Radical Democracy was a 2018 "Proposal for Internal Voting Reform in Boston DSA".
- If you would like to sign on in support of this proposal, please click here. To date, over 100 members of Boston DSA have endorsed it. We also welcome support from DSA comrades in other chapters.
Signatories included Zac Bears.
Our Revolution - Somerville
Our Revolution - Somerville January 28, 2017 ·
OR Somerville contingent at state Our Revolution meeting in Worcester. Ready to fight back and win! — with Jared Abbott, Adam Friedman, Matthew McLaughlin, David Sloane, Noel Sanders, Zac Bears, Keith Farrell, Ben Bradlow, Ken Geiser, Anosha Siripala, Alexander Place and Neal Lesh at Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester.
Pioneer Valley DSA Facebook group
Members of the Pioneer Valley Democratic Socialists of America public Facebook group, as of June 6, 2018 included Zac Bears;[4]
DSA Boston Public Facebook Group
Members of Boston Democratic Socialists of America Public Facebook Group, in October 30 2017 included Zac Bears.[5]
"Westeros Dank Meme Stash"
Members of the Democratic Socialists of Westeros Dank Meme Stash, accessed November 11,2017 included Zac Bears.
Gay Space Communism Caucus
Members of the Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism Caucus, DSA, members, as of June 4, 2017 included Zac Bears;[6]
Democratic Socialists of America Electoral Committee
In March 2018 Zac Bears was involved with the Democratic Socialists of America Electoral Committee.