What is a Proving Ground?
An effort to improve NOAA services through optimizing the use of satellite data along with other sources of data and information. The initiatives comprise a team of developers and users working together to improve an application in a testbed environment, providing assessments of utility from the users and feedback to the developers.
Hurricanes & Tropical Storms Initiative
Safeguarding Coastal Communities
Hurricanes can ravage coastal communities, causing billions of dollars in damage and many lives lost each year. Using weather data, meteorologists can help recommend evacuations and inform the work of first responders.
Fire & Smoke Initiative
Where There's Smoke
Recent wildfires have devastated communities on America's West Coast. Globally, large fires can impact larger Earth systems like weather and climate. Satellite data can improve detection and prevention of fires, as well as map the damage they cause.
Soundings Applications Initiative
Sound It Out: At-Mos-Phere
Atmospheric soundings measure conditions like wind speed, temperature, and pressure. Weather balloons and ground stations can take these measurements, but soundings from space can help meteorologists better forecast local weather.
Numerical Weather Prediction Impact Studies & Critical Weather Applications Initiative
Beyond the Seventh Day
Climate scientists use mathematical models based on weather satellite data to predict the near-term forecast and project those predictions far into the future. Improving these models can help meteorologists better understand climate change.
Aviation Weather Initiative
With You When You Fly
Accurate weather predictions greatly improve aviation safety, preventing more than just turbulence or encounters with inclement weather. Satellite data can identify areas where ice may form on a plane's fuselage, endangering passengers and pilots.
Ocean & Coastal Initiative
Fathoming Our Oceans
Water covers about 71 percent of Earth. Human tampering in marine ecosystems can have disastrous effects on ocean life. Weather satellite data can help scientists understand and mitigate this damage.
Arctic Initiative
Preserving Life, Pole to Pole
Climate change is stressing arctic communities and ecosystems. Weather satellite data can help scientists understand these changes, advancing our understanding of the arctic environment.
Volcanic Hazards Initiative
Water covers about 71 percent of Earth. Human tampering in marine ecosystems can have disastrous effects on ocean life. Weather satellite data can help scientists understand and mitigate this damage.
River Ice & Flooding Initiative
Alert! Ice Jam Ahead
When frozen rivers thaw, ice can flow downstream, obstructing the flow of water. These ice jams can result in hazardous conditions for local communities. Satellite data can give residents early warning of these events, saving lives and property.
Hydrology Initiative
Water, Water Everywhere
The science of hydrology concerns the characteristics of Earth's water systems. Development of better hydrology data products can aid the Earth sciences, leading to a better understanding of the water lifecycle.
Training Initiative
The Data Dilemma
Weather satellites like JPSS gather extensive amounts of data, but users need proper training to best utilize these data products. By improving access to weather satellite data, NASA and NOAA can better equip users to take advantage of this resource.