Graphical Tropical Weather Outlook
- Overview
- Changes for 2009
- Explanation of the Graphical TWO
- Probabilistic Genesis Forecasts
- Methodology
- Availability
- Examples
- Potential Benefits of a Graphical TWO
- References
1. Overview
Note: This product has become operational beginning with the 2009 hurricane season.
The Graphical Tropical Weather Outlook (GTWO) is a product issued by the National Hurricane Center (NHC) that will become operational at the start of the 2009 hurricane season. A GTWO is issued for both the Atlantic and eastern North Pacific Ocean basins. The GTWO products began as experimental products during the 2007 hurricane season and are intended to be a visual companion product to the text Tropical Weather Outlook (TWO). The GTWOs are issued four times daily for each basin and will be available shortly after the issuance of the text TWO.
Next: Changes for 2009