One of the ways SCAHIP addresses the occupational health and safety of its region is through continuous needs assessment of and development of programming for workers in the agriculture, forestry, and fishing sectors across the southeast. Below is a list of programs we are currently offering. Those with an asterisk denote that they are being offered face-to-face.
Our program line-up changes day by day. Be sure to check back for program offering updates.
If there is a program you would like to see us develop, please complete the Continuing Education Request form on the lefthand navigation bar.
Agritourism Safety and Liability Considerations
Open to everyone
Monday, November 7th
4pm-5pm EST
Dr. Brian Schilling, Rutgers University
Trauma-Informed Care and Self-Care for ANR Agents
Open to everyone
Monday, November 28th
10-12 EST
Hosted by EKU Psychology Clinic, A FarmHand Program
Vector Mitigation, Illness and Identification
Open to everyone
Wednesday, November 30th
4pm-5pm EST
Anna Pasternak, University of Kentucky
Trauma-Informed Care and Self-Care for ANR Agents
Open to everyone
Wednesday, December 7th
10-12 EST
Hosted by EKU Psychology Clinic, A FarmHand Program
Grain & Confined Space Safety
Open to everyone
Wednesday, December 7th
4pm-5pm EST
Dr. Sam McNeill, University of Kentucky
Letcher County QPR
Open to everyone
Monday, December 12, 2022
5:30pm - 6:30pm EST
Dr. Carolyn Oldham & Nick Roy, Adair County ANR agent.
Ag Classroom Site Safety Assessments
Open to everyone
Wednesday, December 14th
4pm-5pm EST
Dr. Carolyn Oldham & Katie Clontz, University of Kentucky
ANR/Hort Agent QPR Zoom
Open to everyone
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
10:00am to 11:00am EST
Dr. Carolyn Oldham, Nick Roy, and Chelsey Anderson.
QPR for Fleming County
Open to Fleming County, KY residents and workers
Wednesday, January 18th
11:00-12:30am EST
Dr. Carolyn Oldham & Katie Clontz, University of Kentucky
Safe Pesticide Handling Practices
Open to everyone
Monday, January 23rd
4pm-5pm EST
Dr. Wayne Sanderson, University of Kentucky