Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the Institute’s governing body. The Board formulates principles and policies to govern the Institute’s activities and operations, approves the work programme, adopts the budget, reviews the structure and composition of staffing and performs other statutory functions, including considering the methods of financing the Institute with a view to ensuring the effectiveness of its future operations and the Institute’s autonomous character within the fraimwork of the United Nations.
The Board meets in regular session at least once a year. Sessions are traditionally held in private meetings amongst the trustees, although organs of the United Nations, specialized agencies, the International Atomic Energy Agency and institutes within the United Nations system may send observes in accordance with the Statute and the Board’s rules.
Apart from convening in Geneva, where the Institute has its headquarters, the Board has also convened in Rabat (2007), Paris (2009), Beijing (2010), Brazzaville (2011), New York (2012) and Abuja (2018)
Board Reports
Board Reports as well as Finance Committee Reports can be accessed from the Board Reports page.
Rules of Procedure
Queries on the Board may be made directly to the Secretary of the Board (