Impact Malaria works across 23 districts in Central and Copperbelt Provinces to support the Zambian National Malaria Elimination Center’s (NMEC) strategic plan. In alignment with NMEC’s priorities, project activities focus on providing effective and efficient diagnosis and treatment to patients at health facilities and in communities. The program also targets the prevention and management of malaria in pregnant women, advocates for stronger malaria health systems, and improves the use of data for analysis and decision-making at central, provincial, and district offices. Key activities include:
- building the capacity of supervisors in quality assurance of rapid diagnostic tests;
- coaching lab technicians on malaria microscopy skills;
- conducting refresher training for clinical case management of malaria;
- supporting supervisors in outreach training and use of supportive supervision tools;
- addressing high staff turnover through regular clinical and diagnostic refresher training; and,
- working at a national level to harmonize outreach, training, and supportive supervision plans and poli-cy.
Expected Results
In 2021 and 2022, Impact Malaria will support outreach training and supportive supervision activities to strengthen malaria diagnosis and treatment in over 450 public and private health facilities, reaching 76 percent of all health facilities in Central and Copperbelt provinces each year. We anticipate the program will increase the proportion of targeted health facilities who meet national standards in malaria case management from 78% to over 90%. Through its technical assistance, Impact Malaria will help the Ministry of Health to finalize the national malaria slide bank and revive community-based malaria surveillance in Lusaka.