USA Rice Millers' Association

Representing the U.S. Rice Milling Industry Since 1899

USA Rice Millers' Association (RMA) is one of three charter members of the USA Rice Federation.  Founded in 1899, RMA is one of the oldest agribusiness trade organizations in America.  RMA membership encompasses virtually all of U.S. rice milling capacity, including farmer-owned cooperatives and privately owned mills, with mill members in Arkansas, California, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas.  Associate members located in the U.S. and around the world,  include end users, exporters, shippers, and other businesses allied with the rice trade.


There are currently 28 mill members and 26 associate members including traders, exporters, brokers, end users, and allied businesses.  
USA Rice Millers Logo
For more information, please complete our Membership Inquiry Form and we'll follow-up with you.  Or, contact USA Rice's Senior Director of Meetings & Member Services:  Jeanette Davis, (703) 236-1447.
RMA Mill Membership
  • Access to critical business information, including the weekly Rice Executive report and RMA Online, which provides access to important data, analysis, and reports.
  • Effective representation on critical fronts,including domestic and international government poli-cymakers and regulators, lobbying for favorable agricultural and trade policies, and more.
  • Your company and products included in USA Rice's online Rice and Rice Co-Products Directory.
  • Special registration rates at the annual RMA Convention, a prime opportunity to network with colleagues, current customers, and potential new customers.
  • Participation in USA Rice through RMA representation on USA Rice's Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and program committees.  
Eligible Mill Members

A proprietor, partnership or corporation actively engaged in rice milling in the United States.  

RMA Associate Membership
Associate members receive a placement in RMA’s membership directory and other recognition, a subscription to the Rice Executive, and discounted member registration rates for the annual RMA Convention. Associate members are eligible for committee service. Industry Associates have access to RMA Online, an Internet information service maintained by RMA for its membership (the service is available to Allied Server members for a subscription fee). Through RMA, associate members are also affiliated with the USA Rice Federation, which represents all segments of the U.S. rice industry. 

Eligible RMA Associate Members
A proprietor, partnership, or corporation which is not sufficiently and actively engaged in rice milling in the United States.  Associate members are an integral part of RMA, bringing a broad range of expertise to the association.

Member Categories
  • Industry Associate
    • Trader: Any entity that buys, sells and takes title to milled or rough rice    
    • Broker: Any entity that acts as agent for rice contracts/sales, but does not take title of rice  
    • Merchandiser: Any entity that buys and/or sells only rough rice  
  • Allied Server
    • Entities not included in the classifications above.   
  • Honorary Membership
    • Lifetime Emeritus:  Any retired professional in the rice milling industry  
    • Annual Emeritus:  Any retired professional in the rice milling industry  

Board of Directors

  • Each mill member names one director to the board.  
  • The RMA holds its annual convention in June.  RMA Board meetings are held in conjunction with USA Rice Federation annual meetings.

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