This is a bibliography of papers published on Argo floats and their data. While this is an extensive list, papers in which Argo is a secondary source of data are not all included here. Secondary sources of Argo data include model outputs and reanalyses, profile collection products, gridded products, etc.
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indicates BGC-Argo papers
indicates Deep Argo papers
2024 |2023 |2022 |2021 |2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1992 | 1991
2007 (93)
AchutaRao, K. M., M. Ishii, B. D. Santer, P. J. Gleckler, K. E. Taylor, T. P. Barnett, D. W. Pierce, R. J. Stouffer, and T. M. L. Wigley (2007), Simulated and observed variability in ocean temperature and heat content, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 104(26), 10768-10773, doi:, D. M., and C. D. Jeffery (2007), The use of Argo for validation and tuning of mixed layer models, Ocean Model., 19(1-2), 53-69, doi:
Agarwal, N., R. Sharma, S. Basu, and V. K. Agarwal (2007), Derivation of Salinity Profiles in the Indian Ocean from Satellite Surface Observations, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 4(2), 322-325, doi:
Aoki, S., M. Hariyama, H. Mitsudera, H. Sasaki, and Y. Sasai (2007), Formation regions of Subantarctic Mode Water detected by OFES and Argo profiling floats, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34(10), 5, doi:
Balmaseda, M., D. Anderson, and A. Vidard (2007), Impact of Argo on analyses of the global ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34(16), 6, doi:
Baringer, M., and S. L. Garzoll (2007), Meridional heat transport determined with expendable bathythermographs – Part 1: Error estimates from model and hydrographic data, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 54(8), 1390-1401, doi:
Batten, S. D., and H. J. Freeland (2007), Plankton populations at the bifurcation of the North Pacific Current, Fish Oceanogr., 16(6), 536-546, doi:
Bhaskar, T. V. S. U., D. Swain, and M. Ravichandran (2007), Mixed layer variability in Northern Arabian Sea as detected by an Argo float, Ocean Science Journal, 42(4), 241-246, doi:
Carmack, E. C. (2007), The alpha/beta ocean distinction: A perspective on freshwater fluxes, convection, nutrients and productivity in high-latitude seas, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 54(23-26), 2578-2598, doi:
Chassignet, E. P., H. E. Hurlburt, O. M. Smedstad, G. R. Halliwell, P. J. Hogan, A. J. Wallcraft, R. Baraille, and R. Bleck (2007), The HYCOM (HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model) data assimilative system, J. Mar. Syst., 65(1-4), 60-83, doi:
Chen, S. M., B. Qiu, and P. Hacker (2007), Profiling float measurements of the recirculation gyre south of the Kuroshio Extension in May to November 2004, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C5), 10, doi:
Chinn, B. S., and S. T. Gille (2007), Estimating eddy heat flux from float data in the North Atlantic: The impact of temporal sampling interval, J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 24(5), 923-934, doi:
Chu, P. C., L. M. Ivanov, O. V. Melnichenko, and N. C. Wells (2007), On long baroclinic Rossby waves in the tropical North Atlantic observed from profiling floats, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C5), 24, doi:
Crawford, W., P. J. Brickley, and A. C. Thomas (2007), Mesoscale eddies dominate surface phytoplankton in northern Gulf of Alaska, Prog. Oceanogr., 75(2), 287-303, doi:
Crawford, W., J. Galbraith, and N. Bolingbroke (2007), Line P ocean temperature and salinity, 1956-2005, Prog. Oceanogr., 75(2), 161-178, doi:
Crosnier, L., and C. Le Provost (2007), Inter-comparing five forecast operational systems in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean basins: The MERSEA-strand1 methodology, J. Mar. Syst., 65(1-4), 354-375, doi:
Cummins, P. F., and H. J. Freeland (2007), Variability of the North Pacific current and its bifurcation, Prog. Oceanogr., 75(2), 253-265, doi:
de Boyer Montegut, C., J. Mignot, A. Lazar, and S. Cravatte (2007), Control of salinity on the mixed layer depth in the world ocean. 1. General description, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1-12, doi:
de Boyer Montegut, C., J. Vialard, S. S. C. Shenoi, D. Shankar, F. Durand, C. Ethe, and G. Madec (2007), Simulated Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Mixed Layer Heat Budget in the Northern Indian Ocean, J. Clim., 20(13), 3249-3268, doi:
Dobricic, S., N. Pinardi, M. Adani, M. Tonani, C. Fratianni, A. Bonazzi, and V. Fernandez (2007), Daily oceanographic analyses by Mediterranean Forecasting System at the basin scale, Ocean Sci., 3(1), 149-157, doi:
Dong, S., S. T. Gille, and J. Sprintall (2007), An assessment of the Southern Ocean mixed layer heat budget, J. Clim., 4425-4442, doi:
Durand, F., D. Shankar, C. D. B. Montegut, S. S. C. Shenoi, B. Blanke, and G. Madec (2007), Modeling the barrier-layer formation in the southeastern Arabian Sea, J. Clim., 20(10), 2109-2120, doi:
Forget, G., and C. Wunsch (2007), Estimated global hydrographic variability, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 37(8), 1997-2008, doi:
Freeland, H. J., D. Roemmich, W. J. Gould, and M. Belbeoch (2007), Argo – a global ocean observing system for the 21st century, The Full Picture, Group on Earth Observations (GEO), 67-71, doi:
Garzoli, S. L., and M. O. Baringer (2007), Meridional heat transport determined with expandable bathythermographs – Part II: South Atlantic transport, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 54(8), 1402-1420, doi:
Hackert, E., J. Ballabrera-Poy, A. J. Busalacchi, R. H. Zhang, and R. Murtugudde (2007), Comparison between 1997 and 2002 El Nino events: Role of initial state versus forcing, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C1), 20, doi:
Hadfield, R. E., N. C. Wells, S. A. Josey, and J. J. M. Hirschi (2007), On the accuracy of North Atlantic temperature and heat storage fields from Argo, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C1), 17, doi:
Hu, H., Q. Liu, X. Lin, and W. Liu (2007), The South Pacific Subtropical Mode Water in the Tasman Sea, Journal of Ocean University of China, 6(2), 107-116, doi:
Huang, Y. P., L. J. Kao, and F. E. Sandnes (2007), Predicting ocean salinity and temperature variations using data mining and fuzzy inference, Int. J. Fuzzy Syst., 9(3), 143-151, doi:
Hyrenbach, K. D., R. R. Veit, H. Weimerskirch, N. Metzl, and G. L. Hunt Jr (2007), Community structure across a large-scale ocean productivity gradient: Marine bird assemblages of the Southern Indian Ocean, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 54(7), 1129-1145, doi:
Ingleby, B., and M. Huddleston (2007), Quality control of ocean temperature and salinity profiles – Historical and real-time data, J. Mar. Syst., 65(1-4), 158-175, doi:
Iudicone, D., K. B. Rodgers, R. Schopp, and G. Madec (2007), An exchange window for the injection of Antarctic Intermediate Water into the South Pacific, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 37(1), 31-49, doi:
Ivchenko, V. O., S. D. Danilov, D. V. Sidorenko, J. Schroter, M. Wenzel, and D. L. Aleynik (2007), Comparing the steric height in the Northern Atlantic with satellite altimetry, Ocean Sci., 3(4), 485-490, doi:
Johnson, G. C., and J. M. Lyman (2007), Global Oceans: Sea Surface Salinity, Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 88, S34-S35, doi:
Johnson, G. C., J. M. Lyman, and J. K. Willis (2007), Global Oceans: Heat Content, Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 88, S31-S33, doi:
Johnson, G. C., J. M. Toole, and N. G. Larson (2007), Sensor corrections for sea-bird SBE-41CP and SBE-41 CTDs, J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 24(6), 1117-1130, doi:
Kako, S., and M. Kubota (2007), Variability of mixed layer depth in Kuroshio/Oyashio Extension region: 2005-2006, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34(11), 4, doi:
Kikuchi, T., J. Inoue, and D. Langevin (2007), Argo-type profiling float observations under the Arctic multiyear ice, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 54(9), 1675-1686, doi:
Klatt, O., O. Boebel, and E. Fahrbach (2007), A profiling float’s sense of ice, J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 24(7), 1301-1308, doi:
Kohl, A., D. Stammer, and B. Cornuelle (2007), Interannual to decadal changes in the ECCO global synthesis, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 37(2), 313-337, doi:
Krishnamurti, T. N., A. Chakraborty, R. Krishnamurti, W. K. Dewar, and C. A. Clayson (2007), Passage of intraseasonal waves in the subsurface oceans, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34(14), 5, doi:
Lebedev, K. V., H. Yoshinari, N. A. Maximenko, and P. Hacker (2007), YoMaHa’07: Velocity data assessed from trajectories of Argo floats at parking level and at the sea surface, IPRC Technical Note, 4(2), doi:
Liu, Z., J. Xu, B. Zhu, C. Sun, and L. Zhang (2007), The upper ocean response to tropical cyclones in the northwestern Pacific analyzed with Argo data, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 25(2), 123-131, doi:
Mackas, D. L., S. Batten, and M. Trudel (2007), Effects on zooplankton of a warmer ocean: Recent evidence from the Northeast Pacific, Prog. Oceanogr., 75(2), 223-252, doi:
Maes, C., L. Gourdeau, X. Couvelard, and A. Ganachaud (2007), What are the origens of the Antarctic intermediate waters transported by the North Caledonian Jet?, Geophys. Res. Lett., L21608-21601-21605, doi:
Martin, A. J., A. Hines, and M. J. Bell (2007), Data assimilation in the FOAM operational short-range ocean forecasting system: A description of the scheme and its impact, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 133(625), 981-995, doi:
Marullo, S., B. Buongiorno Nardelli, M. Guarracino, and R. Santoleri (2007), Observing the Mediterranean Sea from space: 21 years of Pathfinder-AVHRR sea surface temperatures (1985 to 2005): re-analysis and validation, Ocean Sci., 3(2), 299-310, doi:
Matthews, A. J., P. Singhruck, and K. J. Heywood (2007), Deep ocean impact of a Madden-Julian Oscillation observed by Argo floats, Science, 318(5857), 1765-1769, doi:
Mignot, J., C. D. Montegut, A. Lazar, and S. Cravatte (2007), Control of salinity on the mixed layer depth in the world ocean: 2. Tropical areas, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C10), doi:
Muraleedharan, K. R., P. Jasmine, C. T. Achuthankutty, C. Revichandran, P. K. Dinesh Kumar, P. Anand, and G. Rejomon (2007), Influence of basin-scale and mesoscale physical processes on biological productivity in the Bay of Bengal during the summer monsoon, Prog. Oceanogr., 72(4), 364-383, doi:
Nanjundiah, R. S., and T. N. Krishnamurti (2007), Intraseasonal oscillation of tropical convergence zones: Theory and prediction, Curr. Sci., 93(2), 173-181, doi:
Nittis, K., C. Tziavos, R. Bozzano, V. Cardin, Y. Thanos, G. Petihakis, M. E. Schiano, and F. Zanon (2007), The M3A multi-sensor buoy network of the Mediterranean Sea, Ocean Sci., 3(2), 229-243, doi:
Oka, E., L. D. Talley, and T. Suga (2007), Temporal variability of winter mixed layer in the mid- to high-latitude North Pacific, J. Oceanogr., 63(2), 293-307, doi:
Oke, P. R., and A. Schiller (2007), Impact of Argo, SST, and altimeter data on an eddy-resolving ocean reanalysis, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34(19), doi:
Oke, P. R., and A. Schiller (2007), A model-based assessment and design of a tropical Indian Ocean mooring array, J. Clim., 20(13), 3269-3283, doi:
Palmer, M. D., K. Haines, S. F. B. Tett, and T. J. Ansell (2007), Isolating the signal of ocean global warming, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:
Park, J. J., and K. Kim (2007), Evaluation of calibrated salinity from profiling floats with high resolution conductivity-temperature-depth data in the East/Japan Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C5), 9, doi:
Pizzigalli, C., and V. Rupolo (2007), Simulations of ARGO profilers and of surface floating objects: applications in MFSTEP, Ocean Sci., 3(2), 205-222, doi:
Pollard, R. T., H. J. Venables, J. F. Read, and J. T. Allen (2007), Large-scale circulation around the Crozet Plateau controls an annual phytoplankton bloom in the Crozet Basin, Deep Sea Research Part Ii: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 54(18-20), 1915-1929, doi:
Poulain, P. M., et al. (2007), MedArgo: a drifting profiler program in the Mediterranean Sea, Ocean Sci., 3(3), 379-395, doi:
Power, S. B., N. Plummer, and P. Alford (2007), Making climate model forecasts more useful, Aust. J. Agric. Res., 58(10), 945-951, doi:
Pun, I.-F., Lin, II, C. R. Wu, D. H. Ko, and W. T. Liu (2007), Validation and application of altimetry-derived upper ocean thermal structure in the western North Pacific Ocean for typhoon-intensity forecast, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 45(6), 1616-1630, doi:
Qiu, B., S. M. Chen, and P. Hacker (2007), Effect of mesoscale eddies on subtropical mode water variability from the Kuroshio Extension System Study (KESS), J. Phys. Oceanogr., 37(4), 982-1000, doi:
Reverdin, G., P. Blouch, J. Boutin, P. P. Niiler, J. Rolland, W. Scuba, A. Lourenco, and A. F. Rios (2007), Surface salinity measurements – COSMOS 2005 experiment in the Bay of Biscay, J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 24(9), 1643-1654, doi:
Roemmich, D. (2007), Physical oceanography – Super spin in the southern seas, Nature, 449(7158), 34-35, doi:
Roemmich, D., J. Gilson, R. Davis, P. Sutton, S. Wijffels, and S. Riser (2007), Decadal spinup of the South Pacific subtropical gyre, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 37(2), 162-173, doi:
Rogachev, K., N. Shlyk, and E. Carmack (2007), The shedding of mesoscale anticyclonic eddies from the Alaskan Stream and westward transport of warm water, Deep Sea Research Part Ii: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 54(23-26), 2643-2656, doi:
Rong, Z., Y. Liu, H. Zong, and Y. Cheng (2007), Interannual sea level variability in the South China Sea and its response to ENSO, Glob. Planet. Change, 55(4), 257-272, doi:
Ruiz, S., D. Gomis, and J. Font (2007), Recovery of North-East Atlantic temperature fields from profiling floats: Determination of the optimal float number from sampling and instrumental error analysis, J. Mar. Syst., 65(1-4), 212-223, doi:
Schiermeier, Q. (2007), Earth monitoring: Observing the ocean from within, Nature, 450, 780-781, doi:
Schmid, C., R. L. Molinari, R. Sabina, Y. H. Daneshzadeh, X. D. Xia, E. Forteza, and H. Q. Yang (2007), The real-time data management system for argo profiling float observations, J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 24(9), 1608-1628, doi:
Schneider, W., M. Fukasawa, J. Garces-Vargas, L. Bravo, H. Uchida, T. Kawano, and R. Fuenzalida (2007), Spin-up of South Pacific subtropical gyre freshens and cools the upper layer of the eastern South Pacific Ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34(24), doi:
Sloyan, B. M., and I. V. Kamenkovich (2007), Simulation of Subantarctic Mode and Antarctic Intermediate Waters in climate models, J. Clim., 20(20), 5061-5080, doi:
Smith, D. M., and J. M. Murphy (2007), An objective ocean temperature and salinity analysis using covariances from a global climate model, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C2), 19, doi:
Stammer, D., A. Kohl, and C. Wunsch (2007), Impact of accurate geoid fields on estimates of the ocean circulation, J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 24(8), 1464-1478, doi:
Sugimoto, S., and K. Hanawa (2007), Further evidence for non-reemergence of winter SST anomalies in the North Pacific eastern subtropical mode water area, J. Oceanogr., 63(4), 625-635, doi:
Thadathil, P., P. M. Muraleedharan, R. R. Rao, Y. K. Somayajulu, G. V. Reddy, and C. Revichandran (2007), Observed seasonal variability of barrier layer in the Bay of Bengal, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C2), 18, doi:
Tomczak, M. (2007), Variability of antarctic intermediate water properties in the south pacific ocean, Ocean Sci., 3(3), 363-377, doi:
Ueno, H., E. Oka, T. Suga, H. Onishi, and D. Roemmich (2007), Formation and variation of temperature inversions in the eastern subarctic North Pacific, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34(5), 4, doi:
Uz, B. M. (2007), What causes the sporadic phytoplankton bloom southeast of Madagascar?, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112(C9), doi:
Vecchi, G. A., and M. J. Harrison (2007), An observing system simulation experiment for the Indian Ocean, J. Clim., 20(13), 3300-3319, doi:
Venables, H., R. T. Pollard, and E. E. Popova (2007), Physical conditions controlling the development of a regular phytoplankton bloom north of the Crozet Plateau, Southern Ocean, Deep Sea Research Part Ii: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 54(18-20), 1949-1965, doi:
Vidard, A., D. L. T. Anderson, and M. Balmaseda (2007), Impact of ocean observation systems on ocean analysis and seasonal forecasts, Mon. Weather Rev., 135(2), 409-429, doi:
Wajsowicz, R. C. (2007), Seasonal-to-interannual forecasting of tropical Indian Ocean sea surface temperature anomalies: Potential predictability and barriers, J. Clim., 20(13), 3320-3343, doi:
Whitney, F. A., H. J. Freeland, and M. Robert (2007), Persistently declining oxygen levels in the interior waters of the eastern subarctic Pacific, Prog. Oceanogr., 75(2), 179-199, doi:
Willis, J. K., J. M. Lyman, G. C. Johnson, and J. Gilson (2007), Correction to Recent cooling of the upper ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, doi:
Wunsch, C., and P. Heimbach (2007), Practical global oceanic state estimation, Physica D, 230(1-2), 197-208, doi:
Wunsch, C., R. M. Ponte, and P. Heimbach (2007), Decadal trends in sea level patterns: 1993-2004, J. Clim., 20(24), 5889-5911, doi:
Yan, C. X., J. Zhu, and G. Q. Zhou (2007), Impacts of XBT, TAO, altimetry and ARGO observations on the tropical Pacific Ocean data assimilation, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 24(3), 383-398, doi:
Yasuda, I., and T. Watanabe (2007), Chlorophyll a variation in the Kuroshio Extension revealed with a mixed-layer tracking float: implication on the long-term change of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira), Fish Oceanogr., 16(5), 482-488, doi:
Yeager, S. G., and W. G. Large (2007), Observational evidence of winter spice injection, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 37(12), 2895-2919, doi:
Zhang, S., M. J. Harrison, A. Rosati, and A. Wittenberg (2007), System design and evaluation of coupled ensemble data assimilation for global oceanic climate studies, Mon. Weather Rev., 135(10), 3541-3564, doi:
Zhou, H., P. F. Guo, J. P. Xu, and M. C. Shi (2007), Direct measurements of surface and mid-depth circulation in the Shikoku Basin by Argo profiling floats, Acta Oceanol. Sin., 26(2), 1-11, doi:
2006 (82)
Aagaard, K., T. J. Weingartner, S. L. Danielson, R. A. Woodgate, G. C. Johnson, and T. E. Whitledge (2006), Some controls on flow and salinity in Bering Strait, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, doi:
Agarwal, N., R. Sharma, S. Basu, and V. K. Agarwal (2006), Impact of Argo data assimilation in an Ocean General Circulation Model – art. no. 64040Z, Remote Sensing and Modeling of the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Interactions, 6404, Z4040-Z4040, doi:
Alverson, K., and D. J. Baker (2006), Taking the pulse of the oceans, Science, 314(5806), 1657-1657, doi:
Avsic, T., J. Karstensen, U. Send, and J. Fischer (2006), Internal variability of newly formed Labrador Sea Water from 1994-2005, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, 1-6, doi:
Batten, S. D., K. David Hyrenbach, W. J. Sydeman, K. H. Morgan, M. F. Henry, P. P. Y. Yen, and D. W. Welch (2006), Characterising meso-marine ecosystems of the North Pacific, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 53(3), 270-290, doi:
Bhaskar, T. V. S. U., D. Swain, and M. Ravichandran (2006), Inferring mixed-layer depth variability from Argo observations in the western Indian Ocean, J. Mar. Res., 64(3), 393-406, doi:
Bingham, F. M., and T. Suga (2006), Distributions of mixed layer properties in North Pacific water mass formation areas: comparison of Argo floats and World Ocean Atlas 2001, Ocean Sci., 2(1), 61-70, doi:
Boutin, J., and N. Martin (2006), ARGO upper salinity measurements: perspectives for L-band radiometers calibration and retrieved sea surface salinity validation, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 3(2), 202-206, doi:
Che, Y., R. Zheng, G. R. Jiang, and e. al (2006), The type judge and characteristic analyses of the thermocline in the Pacific Ocean. Collection of Argo Application Papers, China Ocean Press, 204-214, doi:
Chen, Y., R. Zheng, and G. R. Jiang (2006), A diagnostic analyses on the mid-depth currents of the equatorial Pacific. Collection of Argo Application Papers, China Ocean Press, 128-138, doi:
Chen, Y., R. Zheng, and G. R. Jiang (2006), Evaluation and analysis of Mid-Depth currents of the equatorial Pacific using Argo float position information, Marine Forecasts, 23(4), 37-46, doi:
Emelianov, M., J. Font, A. Turiel, C. Millot, J. Sole, P. M. Poulain, A. Julia, and M. R. Vitria (2006), Transformation of Levantine Intermediate Water tracked by MEDARGO floats in the Western Mediterranean, Ocean Sci., 2(2), 281-290, doi:
Emery, W. J., P. Brandt, A. Funk, and C. Boning (2006), A comparison of sea surface temperatures from microwave remote sensing of the Labrador Sea with in situ measurements and model simulations, J. Geophys. Res., 111, doi:
Fengying, J., and F. Wang (2006), A calibration method of Argo floats based on multiple regression analysis, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 24(2), 118-124, doi:
Fraile-Nuez, E., and A. Hernandez-Guerra (2006), Wind-driven circulation for the eastern North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre from Argo data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33(3), 4, doi:
Freeland, H. J. (2006), What proportion of the North Pacific Current finds its way into the Gulf of Alaska?, Atmos.-Ocean, 44(4), 321-330, doi:
Gould, W. J. (2006), Argo – a revolution in observing the oceans’ interior, paper presented at World Maritime Technology Conference, Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre, London, 8 March 2006 doi:
Gould, W. J., and J. Turton (2006), Argo -Sounding the oceans, Weather, 61(1), 17-21, doi:
Griffa, A., A. Molcard, F. Raicich, and V. Rupolo (2006), Assessment of the impact of TS assimilation from ARGO floats in the Mediterranean Sea, Ocean Sci., 2(2), 237-248, doi:
Guinehut, S., P.-Y. Le Traon, and G. Larnicol (2006), What can we learn from Global Altimetry/Hydrography comparisons?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, doi:
Guo, J., J. P. Xie, and J. Zhu (2006), Estimation of the surface and mid-depth currents of the equatorial Pacific. Collection of Argo Application Papers, China Ocean Press, 111-127, doi:
Haines, K., J. D. Blower, J.-P. Drecourt, C. Liu, A. Vidard, I. Astin, and X. Zhou (2006), Salinity Assimilation Using S(T): Covariance Relationships, Mon. Weather Rev., 134(3), 759-771, doi:
He, Z. J., Y. F. Xie, and W. Li (2006), Application of sequential 3 dimensional variation on assimilating Argo in a global ocean model. Collection of Argo Application papers, China Ocean Press, doi:
Hosoda, S., S. Minato, and N. Shikama (2006), Seasonal temperature variation below the thermocline detected by Argo floats, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33(13), 5, doi:
Isoguchi, O., H. Kawamura, and E. Oka (2006), Quasi-stationary jets transporting surface warm waters across the transition zone between the subtropical and the subarctic gyres in the North Pacific, J. Geophys. Res., 111, doi:
Ivchenko, V. O., N. C. Wells, and D. L. Aleynik (2006), Anomaly of heat content in the northern Atlantic in the last 7 years: Is the ocean warming or cooling?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33(22), 6, doi:
Iwasaka, N., F. Kobashi, Y. Kinoshita, and Y. Ohno (2006), Seasonal variations of the upper ocean in the western North Pacific observed by an Argo float, J. Oceanogr., 62(4), 481-492, doi:
Jackson, J. M., P. G. Myers, and D. Ianson (2006), An examination of advection in the northeast Pacific Ocean, 2001-2005, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33(15), 5, doi:
Jayne, S. R. (2006), Circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean from altimetry and the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment geoid, J. Geophys. Res., 111, doi:
Johns, T. C., et al. (2006), The New Hadley Centre Climate Model (HadGEM1): Evaluation of Coupled Simulations, J. Clim., 19(7), 1327-1353, doi:
Johnson, G. C. (2006), Generation and initial evolution of a mode water theta-S anomaly, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36(4), 739-751, doi:
Johnson, G. C., J. M. Lyman, and J. K. Willis (2006), Global Oceans: Heat Content, Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 87(6), s23-s24, doi:
Jordi, A., G. Basterretxea, A. Orfila, and J. Tintore (2006), Analysis of the circulation and shelf-slope exchanges in the continental margin of the northwestern Mediterranean, Ocean Sci., 2(2), 173-181, doi:
Karstensen, J., T. Avsic, J. Fischer, and U. Send (2006), Subsurface temperature maxima in the Labrador Sea and the subpolar North Atlantic, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, 1-6, doi:
Kieke, D., M. Rhein, L. Stramma, W. M. Smethie, D. A. LeBel, and W. Zenk (2006), Changes in the CFC inventories and formation rates of Upper Labrador Sea Water, 1997-2001, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36(1), 64-86, doi:
Kim, E., Y. J. Ro, and Y. H. Youn (2006), Structure of the Temperature and Salinity in 2003-2005 Profiled by the Argo Floats around the Ulleung-do area in the East Sea, Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography, 11(1), 21-30, doi:
Kington, J. A., and F. Selinger (2006), The development and use of weather buoys 1940-2005, Weather, 61(6), 164-166, doi:
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